Advanced study of human anatomy by dissection and individual observation of surgical procedures. (C) topics in reproductive biology. Repeatable two times. CR/NC only. Pre: FMCH, MED, OBGN, PED, PSTY, SURG 531 or 532; or consent.
Elective course for advanced medical students. (B) human gross anatomy; (C) histology; (D) research in anatomy and developmental biology. CR/NC only. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent for (B) and (C); MDED 551 for (D).
Human gross anatomy dissection of the lower extremity, thorax, and abdomen. Emphasis is placed on muscles, function, innervation, and vascular supply. Repeatable one time. Enrolled in DRB or KRS graduate programs (including Biomed Sci-Anat/ RepoBiol & Phys majors) only or consent. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as KRS 603)
Human gross anatomy dissection of the upper extremity, head, neck, and spine. Emphasis is placed on muscles, function, innervation, and vascular supply. Repeatable one time. Enrolled in DRB or KRS graduate programs (including Biomed Sci-Anat/ RepoBiol & Phys majors) only or consent. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as KRS 604)
Systematic study of human development, including implantation, placentation, basics of development of each organ system with reference to pertinent congenital anomalies and their surgical repair. Pre: 603 or 604. Recommended: gross anatomy course.
Effective teaching methods, organization of courses in anatomical sciences, development and evaluation of exams, experience in teaching with audiovisual/ computer aids. Open to graduate students in physiology or KRS. CR/NC only. Repeatable eight times, up to 32 credits. Pre: 603 and 604.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times. (V) Pre: admission to candidacy (master’s program).
Repeatable unlimited times.