Focuses on disability as a category of diversity and identity, as well as diversity within disability. Different strategies used to increase the freedom or liberty of people with disabilities are critically examined. A-F only.
Focuses on creating accessible technology and instructional media, developing long-term resources, advancing accessible social interaction between students and students with instructors, and using case studies as examples of good practices. A-F only.
How have people over many centuries, and from broad geographical perspectives perceived and treated individuals with disabilities? An overview of the history of the conditions in which people with disabilities lived. A-F only.
Classroom-based research covers the fundamentals of qualitative, quantitative, Action Research, mixed methods, and Curriculum Based Assessment. Exploratory, explanatory, and confirmatory research will be highlighted culminating in an outline for Plan B/Thesis proposal. (Cross-listed as EDCS 606)
Strategies for identifying and adopting best practices that support all students in inclusive learning environments with an emphasis on STEM curriculum for English Language Learners; (B) science; (C) technology; (D) math. A-F only.
Supervised field experience in applied behavior analysis. The format is a combination of fieldwork and seminar meetings. Repeatable four times or up to 15 credits. A-F only.
A historical overview of disability that visits diverse perspectives, attitudes, and treatment toward individuals with disabilities through many centuries, societies, and cultures throughout the world; and how people with disabilities perceived themselves. A-F only.
Provide background and understanding of various Pacific Rim cultural issues in the conceptualization and treatment of individuals with disabilities and their families. A-F only.
Explores disability and diversity across time to gain an understanding and context of issues such as difference, culture, identity, community, privilege, and oppression and how the past affects the present and future. Repeatable two times. A-F only.
Develop understanding of current issues faced by individuals with disabilities and their families within the disability paradigm and across cultures.
Develop knowledge and skills to participate effectively on interdisciplinary teams for the common goal of promoting service integration and coordination of education, social, health, mental health, and other services with individuals with disabilities and their families. A-F only.
Assessment methods and techniques to instructional research-based practices and supports across disciplines, cultures and PK-12 that address barriers to learning for all students with the context of the Comprehensive Student Support System (CSSS). A-F only.
Assessment methods and techniques to instructional research-based practices and supports across disciplines, cultures and PK-12 that address barriers to learning for all students with the context of the Comprehensive Student Support System (CSSS). A-F only.
In-depth explorations of current and compelling interdisciplinary topics related to advancing the social, political, educational, and economic integration of individuals with disabilities of all ages. A-F only.
Interdisciplinary community experience and portfolio in disability and diversity studies. Repeatable three times. A-F only.
Directed reading and/or research. Repeatable three times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Mixed methods research is designed for PhD and masters students in education and social sciences considering combining qualitative and quantitative research. Covers philosophical and practical implications culminating in a mixed methods dissertation/thesis proposal. Repeatable one time. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as EDCS 780 and LTEC 780)