Using Windows computers browsers, Microsoft Office (or equivalent) and other applications. A-F only.
Project management application and techniques such as planning methods; PERT/CPM forecasting; risk analysis; application in information technology projects and other areas. Pre: BUS 310 and 311.
Improving organization productivity with an emphasis on analyzing supply chain processes and principles in terms of scheduling, inventory, quality control techniques, through most current practices. Pre: BUS 310 and 311.
Introduction to applications programming. Fundamentals, essential logic, file handling, report writing. Emphasis on systems development and disciplined programming. A-F only. Pre: ICS 101, or LTEC 112 and 113, (or equivalent), or consent.
Analysis and design of systems in organizations. Includes role of general systems concepts, systems development life cycle, identifying systems requirements, logical and physical design. A-F only. Pre: 352 and BUS 311.
Introduction to database management and data structures, including database planning and design, normalization, relational and network data models, and physical organization and implementation. A-F only. Pre: 353.
Repeatable three times with permission of department chair. Pre: varies with topic.
Practice of information systems in organizations. Capstone course for MIS majors. A-F only. Pre: 353 and 354 (or concurrent), and BUS 311.
Survey of electronic commerce technologies and business strategies, with an emphasis on technology and application development. The development of web-based and multimedia applications; the impacts of EC on business strategy; legal and ethical issues. A-F only. Pre: BUS 311 or consent.
Computerized management information systems, operations research or business statistics: (B) software systems economics; (C) advanced topics in programming; (D) web-based application development; (E) advanced technology in MIS; (F) systems development; (G) database systems; (H) advanced business applications; (J) ethics of technology; (K) business intelligence. Repeatable with permission of department chair. Pre: varies with topic.
Reading and research in special area of major under direction of faculty member(s). Project must include statement of objectives, outline of activities planned, results expected, and how they are to be reported and evaluated. Must be approved in advance by the department chair and the faculty advisor.
Basic concepts in networking and security. Network standards and technologies. Network planning and design. LANs and WANS, wireless networking. Security threats and countermeasures. Security planning and policies. A-F only.
Designed around the plan-protect-respond cycle. Security threats, cryptographic security, access control, identity management, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, host hardening, and application security. Repeatable one time. Pre: 431 or consent. (Once a year)
Selected current practices and trends in decision sciences and MIS. Repeatable three times. ACC, CIS, and BUS majors only.
Lectures and discussions to contextualize knowledge and techniques of project management in organizational change, globalization and outsourcing, global teamwork, intercultural awareness, negotiation and leadership. Semester long group project. Open to all graduate students. (Once a year)
Framework of policies, people, processes, and technologies to control, protect, deliver, and enhance the organizational data assets; best practices and technologies for database management, data warehousing, and data curation; support of enterprise data governance. MIS, ICS, MIS-BBA majors only. Senior standing or higher. A-F only.
Addresses business intelligence and data analytics at operational, tactical, and strategic levels using basic data science techniques, including visual, descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics methods and hands-on learning using current software tools. A-F only. Pre: 619 or consent.
Foundations of enterprise information systems design and architecture to support business strategy, processes, data, and IT/IS services; integrating cloud-based and loT infrastructure; management and maintenance of organizational IS/IT infrastructure and operations. MIS, ICS, MIS-BBA majors only. Senior standing or higher. A-F only.
Business process analysis, design, and implementation of new business processes enabled by digital platforms. Concepts, methods, and techniques to support prototyping and user interface design are considered. A-F only. (Once a year)
Covers latest trends/innovations in HIT designed to reduce costs, improve quality/access, and reduce outcome disparity through population health management. Includes management of financial, organizational, and professional barriers to effective HIT. A-F only. Graduate students only. (Alt. years)
Individual- or team-based project with a client organization, conducted under faculty supervision, as capstone project to complete masters level work in the Masters of Science in Information Systems. Repeatable one time, up to six credits. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: students must complete 15 semester hours and core masters courses before capstone.
Reading and research in ITM under the direction of a faculty member. A-F only.
Extensive and critical review of the IS research literature. Can be retaken for credit. Repeatable three times. A-F only. Pre: CIS 703 (or concurrent) or consent.
Overview of the current research issues in e-business with focus on the Asia Pacific region. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Overview of current survey methodology and analysis in global information systems research. A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.
Reading and research in an area of information technology management under the direction of faculty member(s). A-F only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.