Learn to express yourself in Hindi-a language that comes with a beautiful script, ancient philosophy, spicy food, and Bollywood! The course is communicative, creative, flexibly personalized for student interests. No textbook to buy.
Build on your 101 skills. Content includes Bollywood Film Festival at Honolulu Museum of Art. Create your own audiovisual projects–make movie trailers, write children’s books, or perform at South Asian events.
Improve your communicative and cultural proficiency. Make Bollywood your language coach. Talk about cross-cultural values and practices of food, family, and friendship. Project-based course that builds bridges to your majors, minors, and other interests. Pre: 102.
Prepare your proficiency for traveling to India. Create audio-visual presentations, documentaries, movie parodies, poetry, plays, dance, or projects from your majors/minors. Develop critical, cross-cultural, and creative skills. Bollywood built into course content. Pre: 201.
Continuation of 202. Advanced listening, reading, writing, conversation skills, language structure, and culture integrated in a variety of communicative and creative activities based on selected cultural themes. Pre: 202 or consent.
Continuation of 202. Advanced listening, reading, writing, conversation skills, language structure, and culture integrated in a variety of communicative and creative activities based on selected Hindi-Urdu films. Pre: 202 or consent.