The college offers the bachelor of education (BEd) degree in elementary education (with early childhood, multi-lingual learner, and exceptional students dual preparation available), in secondary education by academic major, and the bachelor of science (BS) degree in kinesiology and rehabilitation science (KRS) with tracks in health and exercise science, and in health and physical education. Specific degree requirements for these undergraduate programs and General Education Requirements are available in the Office of Student Academic Services (OSAS), Everly Hall 126 or on the web. For program requirements for the BEd, see the Institute for Teacher Education section of the Catalog. For program requirements for the BS in KRS, see the Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science section of the Catalog. The BEd in Elementary Education is offered on campus at UH Manoa and statewide through distance education.
Admissions Requirements for Undergraduate Majors
Students applying for admission to the bachelor of education (BEd) and the bachelor of science (BS) programs must meet all UH Manoa admission requirements and complete the COE Makalei Online Application. Majors should follow specific General Education Requirements listed on their program sheets. Please consult an academic advisor. During the admission process, applicants will be interviewed by appropriate faculty members regarding their qualifications and potential as educators. The behavior of applicants should reflect high ethical and professional standards at all times. Behavior may be evaluated on the basis of past experience and current interaction with college personnel.
To declare a major, see Admission requirements are subject to change. Call OSAS for updated information.
Additional Requirements for Licensure Track/State Approved Teacher Education Programs (SATEPs)
The college offers licensure track/State Approved Teacher Education Programs (SATEPs) that qualify program completers to apply for licensure with the Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board (HTSB). The college also offers a prelicensure track for students who wish to declare an education major. However, participation in the prelicensure track does not guarantee admission to a SATEP. Students pursuing a teaching license also must meet the following criteria or those in effect due to HTSB actions at the time of application:
- Complete a minimum of 55 credit hours from an accredited college.
- Cumulative GPA of 2.75 for all postsecondary institutions attended.
- For secondary education majors, GPA of 2.75 in the content major. Students pursuing a secondary major in mathematics, physical education, or science may be considered for admission to the baccalaureate level SATEP with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 and a major cumulative GPA of at least 2.50.
- Demonstrate oral and non-verbal communication competencies through the successful completion of a Personal Admissions Interview(s). The purpose of the interview is to assess fluency of oral communication, interest in teaching, student motivation and suitability to the teaching profession, including appropriate professional dispositions. Qualified students who are off-island during the semester of SATEP application may be granted a telephone or web-based interview.
- Certain General Education and College of Education program requirements may be met per established Memorandum of Agreements with the following UH Community Colleges and programs: AS in Early Childhood Education from Hawai‘i CC, AS in Early Childhood Education-Preschool Option from Honolulu CC, AA in Liberal Arts with Concentrations in Elementary or Secondary Education from Kapiolani CC, AS in Teaching from Leeward CC, AS in Early Childhood Education from Kauai CC, and AS in Human Services with Early Childhood Specialization from Maui CC. Contact an OSAS academic advisor for more details.
- A minimum of 40 hours of documented group leadership experience, paid or volunteer, with a group of school-age children at the grade level(s) of most interest in future teaching.
Admission requirements are subject to change. Call OSAS for updated information.
Applicants should be aware that admission to a SATEP does not guarantee admission to clinical placements, including practicum, student teaching, internship, or teaching residency. Students’ progress in state approved teacher education programs will be evaluated at transition points throughout the program.
Also required for clinical placement:
- Original TB certificate clearance as required by Hawai‘i Department of Education school regulations. Contact the Department of Health for more information.
- Liability insurance.
- Hawai‘i Department of Education fingerprinting and background check.
- Transportation to and from the school sites is the student’s responsibility.
The HTSB requires passage of the appropriate content test or other options approved by the Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board ( prior to student teaching, internship, or teaching residency.
Requests for Reconsideration of Negative Admissions Decisions
Students who are denied admission to a College of Education degree program or SATEP may request reconsideration of their application from the Director of OSAS. See an OSAS academic advisor for more information.
In addition, students must show strong evidence of future potential in the field and a strong record of recent scholarship.
Application Procedures and Deadlines
- Applicants for the BEd and BS degrees should follow all appropriate UH Mânoa procedures.
- All SATEP applicants must submit a current College of Education application form to OSAS and submit additional application materials outlined at this website:
- SATEP applicants are responsible for making arrangements for the interviews and for submitting documentation of field experience hours.
Application for degree programs follows UH Manoa deadlines. For SATEP application, priority deadline is February 1, and final deadline is March 1 for fall admission; priority deadline is September 1, and final deadline is October 1 for spring admission. Be aware that not every program admits every semester. Deadlines are subject to change. Call OSAS for updated information.
All students in the BEd and BS programs should complete the online Student Teaching Application in Makalei and make an appointment for a graduation check with an academic advisor by the September 15 graduation deadline for Spring graduation, and by the February 15 deadline for Fall graduation. No late applications will be accepted.
SATEP participants should check with an advisor to ensure compliance with all completion requirements. OSAS will not recommend candidates to the HTSB for licensure until all requirements are satisfied.
Field and Clinical Experiences
The College of Education plans, arranges, and supervises all required field and clinical experiences, including student teaching, at the elementary and secondary levels in public and private schools. Since student teaching is a full-time experience, students may not register concurrently for other courses and are strongly advised not to undertake employment during any required student teaching. Check with the advisors for additional prerequisites related to classified status, course completion, grade requirements, GPA requirements, content knowledge verification, and required forms before registering for student teaching. Please be aware of deadlines, particularly those after which no late applications will be accepted.
Those undertaking field and clinical experiences, including student teaching or teaching residency as part of a SATEP, must have met the following prerequisites:
- Enrollment in the College of Education as a classified student and completion of all course work necessary;
- A cumulative GPA of not less than that required for admission to the SATEP;
- Completion of the online Student Teaching Application in COE Makalei;
- Liability insurance;
- Hawai‘i Department of Education fingerprinting and background check.
There is typically no student teaching or teaching residency during the summer session.
The HTSB requires passage of the content examination or other options approved by the Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board ( for demonstrating content knowledge prior to student teaching.
Minor in Education
The College of Education offers a Minor in Education (MIE) to non-education majors. The MIE will provide undergraduate students with a unique learning opportunity to examine and participate in the field of education, without the need to be enrolled in a College of Education program. The MIE is tailored to all classified students who are interested in education as a second discipline of specialization that will complement their major studies as well as those who want to explore education as a viable career option as they work to complete their bachelor’s degree.
Requirements for the MIE are as follows. Applicants must:
- Be a classified student in good academic standing with the University and their respective major;
- Complete a core of 3 required courses (9 credits): ITE/EDEF 360; ITE 403C; ITE 399 (MIE)
- Complete 2 additional elective courses (6 credits) from the MIE approved list
- Earn a minimum grade of “C” (not C-) or better in all individual MIE courses and maintain a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA for the MIE courses.
Courses taken for the MIE are not permitted to double count for credits towards General Education and Major requirements. For more information, please contact the Office of Student Academic Services in Everly 126; (808) 956-7915;;