Electrical engineering subjects in a skill acquisition context at the freshman level. Learning, creative problem solving, brainstorming, technical information assimilation, and presentation skills development. Repeatable two times. A-F only.
Engineering problem solving using MATLAB. Basic programming concepts include input/output, branching, looping, functions, file input/output, and data structures such as arrays and structures. Matrix operations for solving linear equations. Engineering computations and visualization. EE and CENG majors only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 241 (or concurrent) or MATH 251A (or concurrent) or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introductory course on computer programming and modern computing environments in C with an emphasis on algorithm and program design, implementation, and debugging. Includes a hands-on laboratory to develop and practice programming skills. A-F only. Pre: MATH 241 (or concurrent) or MATH 251A (or concurrent) or consent.
Freshman level individual or team project under EE faculty direction and guidance. This project provides early student entry into EE hands-on project activity providing practical skills, EE subject exposure and experience. Second semester freshman standing required. Repeatable unlimited times. CENG, EE, and PREN majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Second-level programming for computer engineers. Object oriented programming paradigm, definition and use of classes, fundamentals of object-oriented design in modern object-oriented languages such as C++. Common data structures, simple searching and sorting techniques. CEE, EE, ME, PREN majors only. A-F only. Pre: 160 or consent. (Once a year)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Linear passive circuits, time domain analysis, transient and steady-state responses, phasors, impedance and admittance; power and energy, frequency responses, resonance. A-F only. Pre: MATH 243 (or concurrent) or MATH 252A (or concurrent), and PHYS 272 (or concurrent); or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Laplace transforms and their application to circuits, Fourier transforms and their applications to circuits, frequency selective circuits, introduction to and design of active filters, convolution, and state space analysis of circuits. A-F only. Pre: 211, and MATH 244 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent); or consent
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to the design of digital systems with an emphasis on design methods and the implementation and use of fundamental digital components. Pre: 160 or 110 or ICS 111 or consent.
Sophomore level individual or team project under EE faculty direction and guidance. The project provides design experience and develops practical skills. Repeatable unlimited times. CENG, EE, and PREN majors only. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. (cross-listed as ENGR 296)
Discrete time and continuous time signals and systems, linear systems, convolution, Fourier series, Fourier transform, sampling. Pre: 213 and either MATH 244 or MATH 253A; or consent.
Semiconductor structures, operating principles and characteristics of diodes and amplifying devices. Their application as circuit elements in building basic digital, analog, and integrated circuit subsystems. Pre: 213.
(1 3-hr Lab) Experiments on linear and logic properties of diodes and transistor networks. Pre: 213. Co-requisite: 323.
Review of quantum mechanics fundamentals, H-atom, and chemical bonding. Introduction to band structure models and materials. Semiconductor doping, charge carrier statistics and charge transport, including ambipolar transport. Metal-semiconductor and PN junctions. Pre: MATH 243 or MATH 253A, and PHYS 274; or consent.
Principles and design of linear electronic circuits including differential, operational, feedback, and tuned amplifiers; integrated circuits, current mirrors, signal generators, filters, and stability. Pre: 323.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory for 326, experiments on linear and analog electronics. Pre: 323L. Co-requisite: 326.
Band structure models and carrier transport physics review. Theory and design of semiconductor IC devices: Schottky diodes, bipolar devices (PN junction diodes, BJTs), FETs (MOSFETs, JFETs, and MESFETs). Pre: 324 and either MATH 243 or MATH 253A; or consent.
Technology principles, materials, and methods for the design and fabrication of semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, and microelectromechanical systems. Pre: 327 or consent. Co-requisite: 328L.
(1 3-hr Lab) Hands-on laboratory where students make various electronic and electromechanical micro-devices using IC technology. Devices are also tested and analyzed. Pre: 324 or consent. Co-requisite: 328.
Probability, statistics, random variables, distributions, densities, expectations, limit theorems, and applications to electrical engineering. Pre: 315 (or concurrent) and either MATH 244 or MATH 253A; or consent.
Signal representation, Fourier analysis; amplitude and angle modulated systems; sampling theorems, pulse and digital modulation systems; carrier modulation by digital signals. Pre: 342 (or concurrent) and 315.
(1 3-hr Lab) Experiments illustrating the basic principles of communication systems. Pre: 315. Co-requisite: 343.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Covers 4 semesters from the Cisco Networking Academy plus supplementary material; hands-on experience with routers and switches; prepares students for the CCNA. Topics include TCP/IP, LANs, WANs, routing protocols, network security; PPP; ISDN, frame relay. A-F only. Pre: 160 or consent.
Analysis/design of feedback systems. Compensator design via root locus and Bode analysis. Routh/ Nyquist stability. State space representation and introduction to MIMO formulation. Controllability/ observability. Application to physical dynamic systems such as industrial robots. Pre: 315 or ME 375 or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Provides experience in applying theoretical tools to analyze linear systems. Extensive use is made of computer-aided analysis and design packages study system performance. Pre: 315. Co-requisite: 351.
Design methodology, processor design, control design, memory organization, system organization. Pre: 160 and 260, or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory for 361, experiments on digital systems and interfacing. Co-requisite: 361.
Logic, sets, number theory, properties of functions, properties of relations, methods of proofs, recursion, counting, probability, trees, graphs, analysis of algorithms, finite state autonoma. Pre: 160 and 260 and MATH 242.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to the design of very large scale integrated (VLSI) systems and use of CAD tools and design languages. Lab includes hands-on use of CAD tools and experiments with field programmable logic devices. Pre: 260.
Design and analysis of data structures and algorithms, including correctness and performance. Topics include time complexity, hash tables, sorting, search trees, self-balancing trees, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, and graph algorithms. Pre: (205 or ICS 212) and (362 or ICS 241) with a minimum grade of C-.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory for 367. Pre: 367 (or concurrent).
Topics include General Purpose Input/ Output (GPIO), serial communications, sensors, actuators, low-power wireless communications. TCP/IP networking, dynamic service discovery, distributed network messaging, machine-to-machine communication and cloud-computing interaction. A-F only. Engineering majors only. Pre: 205.
Transient and steady-state waves on transmission lines. Plane wave solutions of Maxwell’s equations. Application of Maxwell’s equations under static and time-varying conditions. Pre: 213.
Solution of Maxwell’s equations under various boundary conditions. Introduction to radiation, guided waves, and principles of optics. Pre: 371 and PHYS 274 (or concurrent); or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Experiments illustrating the basic principles of electromagnetics and optics. Pre: 371 and PHYS 274 (or concurrent), or consent. Co-requisite: 372.
Junior level individual or team project under EE faculty direction and guidance. The project provides design experience and develops practical skills. It may be a continuation of EE 296 or a new project. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: 296 and junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ENGR 396)
Review basic network mechanisms, introduce basic cryptography concepts, and study algorithms and protocols used in computer and network security. Discuss practical security mechanisms. A-F only. Pre: 361 or ICS 312 or ICS 331 or instructor consent. (Once a year)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Discrete-time signals and systems, sampling, Z-transform, transform, transform analysis of linear time-invariant systems, filter design, discrete Fourier transform, and computation of discrete Fourier transform. Pre: 315 and 342 (or concurrent), or consent.
Digital image representation, intensity transformations, spatial filtering, filtering in the frequency domain, image restoration, color spaces and transformations, the fast wavelet transform, image compression. Pre: 315 (or equivalent) or consent.
Application of linear, nonlinear and integer optimization models and algorithms to communications, control, signal processing, computer networking, financial engineering, manufacturing, production and distribution systems. CE, EE, ME, or CBA majors only. Pre: MATH 307 or consent. (Alt. years)
Design course focused on fundamentals of electronic interfacing, control and automation, including biological processes. Topics include sensor physics, basic instrumentation, digital communication, and programming of microcontrollers and other portable computer systems. Pre: 160, 211, and BE 350 or MATH 302 or MATH 307 or EE 326; or consent. (Cross-listed as BE 420 and FSHN 420)
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory for 422. Co-requisite: 422.
Algorithms and techniques used in computer-aided analysis and design of electronic circuits. Circuit simulation with interactive computers. Pre: 326 or consent.
Instrumentation systems and circuits for measurement, control, signal processing, transmission, and detection. Noise and interference, ADC/DAC, modulation demodulation, high-frequency and high-speed techniques, IC applications. Pre: 422 and 422L, or consent.
State of the art Si-based devices including advanced bipolar and MOS devices, heterojunction devices, new device trends. Topics from the most current literature included. Pre: 327 and either MATH 243 or MATH 253A, or consent.
Application of the computer to the analysis, design, simulation, and construction of analog and digital circuits. Pre: 326 and 326L, or consent.
Design/ operation of “the grid.” History of electric power systems, three-phrase power, real and reactive power, transformers, transmission, distribution, circuit analysis, protection, load flow, load frequency control, optimal power flow, and renewable energy integration. Pre: MATH 243 (or concurrent) or MATH 253A (or concurrent). (Fall only)
Fundamentals of power, electric power grid and conventional electricity generation. Wind and solar power systems. Photovoltaic materials and systems. Distributed generation and energy storage. ENG majors only. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 213 or consent. (Spring only)
Baseband transmission, intersymbol interference and pulse shaping, partial response signaling, equalization, bandpass modulation and demodulation, channel coding, synchronization, multiplexing and multiple access, spread spectrum techniques. Pre: 342 and 343, or consent.
Foundation for algorithms, practice, and theory behind common machine-learning applications. Includes projects, statistical programming, and an introduction to the unique challenges of high-dimensional problems. EE, CENG, CEE, ME, MATH, ICS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 342 (or equivalent) and MATH 307 (or equivalent).
Models of communication systems. Channel noise, measurement, and coding of information. Intrinsic limits of performance of communication systems. Pre: 342 and 343, or consent.
ISO Reference Model. Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Network Layer and Transport Layer protocols. Wired and wireless local-area networks. Structure and operation of the Internet including routing, congestion control and flow control. Pre: 315 and one of 342, or MATH 371 or MATH 471; or consent.
Sampling/ reconstruction, Z-transform, DT transfer function. Reachability/observability. State and output feedback, observer design, input-output models, diophantine equations. Implementation procedures. Pre: 315 and 351, or consent.
Analysis and synthesis of nonlinear control systems by means of Lagrange’s equation, state space techniques, maximum principle. Lyapunov’s theorems, the phase plane, and Z-transform techniques. Optimization and adaptation by means of gradient methods, calculus of variations, dynamic programming. Pre: 351.
Study of the design principles of computer-controlled, intelligent robots such as roving vehicles, hand-eye systems. Pre: 351 and 367.
Structure of stored program machines, data flow machines, pipelining, fault-tolerant computing, instruction set design, effects of compilation on architecture, RISC vs. CISC architecture, uses of parallelism. Pre: 361.
Introduction to advanced techniques for designing, implementing, and testing computer software with a particular focus on using object-oriented design, analysis, and programming to produce high-quality computer programs that solve non-trivial problems. A-F only. Pre: 367 or consent.
Computer system organization; multiprocessor systems, memory hierarchies, assemblers, compilers, operating systems, virtual machine, memory management, processor management; information management. Pre: 361 (or concurrent) and 367 or consent.
Mobile agent’s platforms and systems, mobile agent-based service implementation, middleware, and configuration, wireless local area networks, wireless protocols, network architecture supporting wireless applications, routing protocols in mobile and wireless networks, handoff in mobile and wireless networks. Pre: 344 and 367, or consent.
Fundamentals of classical physical optics emphasizing linear systems theory, including optical fields in matter, polarization phenomena, temporal coherence, interference and diffraction (Fourier optics). Specialized applications include Gaussian beams, laser resonators, pulse propagation, and nonlinear optics. Pre: 372 (or concurrent with a minimum grade of C-) or PHYS 450 (or concurrent with a minimum grade of C), or consent. (Cross-listed as PHYS 460)
Introduction to computational methods used to simulate/solve engineering design problems focusing on electromagnetics. Finite difference, method of moments, and finite elements methods will be described; students will write computer programs in each. A-F only. BE, EE, ENGR majors only. Pre: 371 or consent. (Spring only)
Passive and active microwave devices and circuits for RF and wireless applications. Scattering parameters, signal-flow graphs, and computer-aided design. Pre: 371.
Electromagnetic wave propagation in free space and ionized media. Geomagnetic and solar effects on the ionosphere. Absorption and dispersion. Antenna arrays, apertures, horns, impedance. Design of antenna systems. Pre: 371.
Principles and applications of optical fibers and waveguides. Fundamentals of optical communication systems (optical links, high-speed systems, wavelengthdivision-multiplexing networks, and network elements) and optical components (guided-wave circuits, lasers, detectors, and optical amplifiers). System and network integration issues. A-F only. Pre: 372 or consent.
Discussion of basic radar detection and position- and velocity-measurement principles. Applications to various types of radar and sonar systems. Modern navigation aids. Pre: 371 (or equivalent), and familiarity with waveguides or waveguide theory.
Application of engineering principles and technology to biological and medical problems. Introduction to human anatomy, physiology, medical terminology, clinical measurements. Systems modeling, physiological control systems, computer applications, health-related problems. Pre: 213 and either MATH 244 or MATH 253A.
(1 3-hr Lab) Measurement of bioelectrical signals, computer and electronic simulation of biological systems, design and evaluation of electronic circuits for biomedical measurements, evaluation of instruments for patient safety. Pre: 323 and 323L. Co-requisite: 480.
Study of electrical phenomena in living systems. Mechanisms underlying bioelectric activity. Membrane and transepithelial potentials, skin impedance, electrocardiography, neuroelectric signals, diagnostic considerations, laboratory demonstrations. Pre: 480 or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles, applications, and design of biomedical instrumentation. Transducers, IC and microcomputer applications, patient safety. Pre: 326, 480; or consent.
Content will reflect special interests of visiting/permanent faculty; to be oriented toward juniors and seniors. (B) artificial intelligence; (C) circuits; (D) communications; (E) computer hardware; (F) computer software; (G) computer vision; (H) control; (I) devices; (J) fields; (K) power. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Upper division course with subject matter to be announced.
Equip electrical engineers with the necessary background for ethical reasoning, as it pertains to technology, society, workplace issues, and the environment. EE majors only. A-F only. Pre: senior standing or consent. (Once a year)
Significant project integrating the design content of previous courses and incorporating engineering standards and realistic constraints. Written report must document all aspects of the design process: reliability, safety, economics, ethics. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: 396 or consent.
Investigation of advanced engineering problems. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: senior standing and consent.
Graphs and subgraphs, trees and treelike graphs, planar graphs, connectivity and edge-connectivity, applications. Pre: MATH 311 or consent.
Design and evaluation of machine representations, techniques and algorithms for sorting, pattern processing, computational geometry, mathematical computations, and engineering applications. Introduction to computational issues of time, space, communication, and program correctness. Pre: 367 or consent.
LISP for machine intelligence applications, or related constraint object and logic-oriented languages. Pre: 467 or knowledge of LISP/PROLOG.
Theory, methods and practical applications of autonomous agent systems, including common applications of both software and hardware (robotic) agents. In-depth practical experience with autonomous agents through programming assignments and projects. Pre: 467 or ICS 313 (or equivalent), graduate standing; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ICS 606)
Network algorithms, protocols, and packet switching systems for the internet including TCP/IP, routing algorithms, transmission scheduling, link management, buffer management, and simple network management. Pre: 367 or consent.
Propagation of signals in fibers, components, modulation and demodulation, transmission system engineering, network systems and architectures, network design, control and management and packet switching. Pre: 342, 367, and 371; or consent.
Basic security theory, current practices, and emerging research issues. First covering the fundamentals of computer and network security, then will work on research projects on computer and network security
An advanced course in digital processing. Topics include fast DFT algorithms, multirate systems and filter banks, power spectrum estimation, linear prediction, optimum linear filters, and adaptive filtering. A-F only. Open to nonmajors for CR/NC only. Pre: 415 or 640, or consent.
Human visual perception, image formation, sampling and quantization, enhancement and restoration, color image processing, wavelets and multiresolution representations, image and video compression. Pre: 415 or equivalent.
Algorithms for linear, nonlinear, and convex optimization. Emphasis is on methodology and the underlying mathematical structures. Topics include simplex method, network flow methods, optimality conditions, duality, Newton’s method and interior point methods. EE, ME, MIS and MATH majors only. Pre: MATH 311 or consent. (Alt. years)
Sequential decision-making via dynamic programming. Optimal control of stochastic dynamic systems. Applications in linear-quadratic control, inventory control, resource allocation, scheduling, and control of queues. Rollout and other suboptimal methods. Value and policy iteration. Pre: 342 or MATH 371 or MATH 471, or consent.
Electronic circuits for precision measurement, computation, and signal processing. Low noise and interference reduction techniques. High-frequency and high-speed techniques. Micro-processor and biomedical applications. Pre: 422.
Advanced physical principles and design of modern solid-state electronic devices. Heterostructures, photodetectors, LED, junction lasers, and other devices of current importance identified from the current literature. A-F only. Pre: 327.
Fundamentals of optical radiation, including stimulated and spontaneous processes. Optical electronics including optical resonators, lasers, optical detectors, lightguiding, and applications. A-F only. Pre: 327 or consent.
Electro-optics, noise detection, light and sound dielectric waveguide phenomena, lasers, optics, phase conjugation. Pre: 622 or consent.
Technology methods and physical principles of microsensors and microactuators. Vacuum technology, thin film deposition and characterization techniques, solid mechanics, micromachining, acoustics, piezoelectricity and principles of current microtransducers. Pre: 327 or consent.
Hands on experience in designing, fabricating, testing, and iterating according to rapid-prototyping principles. Students learn state-of-the-art equipment for making their designs, software for simulating designs, and working in design teams. EE majors only. Graduate students only. (Spring only)
Recent developments in phenomena and devices of physical electronics. Pre: 327.
Fabrication constraints and design guidelines for integrated circuits. Nonlinear model of integrated circuit transistor. Design and analysis of integrated logic circuits and linear circuits. Pre: 323.
Challenges and solutions for integrating intermittent renewable energy sources into the power system, with a focus on “smart grid” approaches and demand-response. Using linear programming and other modeling techniques to answer policy-relevant questions. Graduate students only. Pre: 435. (Spring only)
Random variables, multivariate distributions, random sequences, stochastic convergence, stationary and nonstationary processes, spectral analysis, KarhunenLoeve expansion, Markov processes, mean square estimation, Kalman filters. Pre: 342 or MATH 471 (or equivalent).
Poisson, Markov, and renewal processes, M/G/1 queue, G/M/1 queue, queueing networks, simulation, and performance evaluation of computer systems and communication networks. EE, ICS, MATH majors only. Pre: 342, 640 (or concurrent), or consent.
Fundamentals of signal detection and estimation theory. Hypothesis testing, parametric and nonparametric detection, sequential detection, parametric estimation, linear estimation, robust detection and estimation, and applications to communication systems. Pre: 640.
Fundamental performance limits, signal detection and estimation, modulation, intersymbol interference, equalization adaptive filtering, sequence detection, synchronization, fading multipath channels, spread spectrum. Pre: 640.
Fundamentals of computer communication networks including modeling, performance evaluation, routing, flow control, local area networks, distributed algorithms, and optimization algorithms. Pre: 342, MATH 471; or consent.
Learning theory, pattern recognition and regression; gradient based algorithms and least square algorithms; Kernel methods; Bayesian learning algorithms; ensemble learning and boosting; principal component analysis; independent component analysis, and clustering; reinforcement learning and approximate dynamic programming. EE, ME, ICS, MATH majors only. Pre: 342.
Measure of information, coding for discrete sources, discrete memoryless channels and capacity, the noisy channel coding theorem, source coding with fidelity criterion, rate-distortion theory, multiuser channels. Pre: 640.
Theory and applications of source coding, rate-distortion theory, companding, lattice coding, tree coding, trellis coding, entropy-constrained coding, asymptotic theory, predictive and differential encoding, combined source/channel coding, vector quantization. Pre: 640.
Linear block codes, soft and hard decision decodings, correction of random errors, cyclic codes, BCH codes, ReedSolomon codes, majority logic decodable codes, burst-error correcting codes, concatenated codes. Pre: MATH 311 or consent.
Convolutional codes, Viterbi algorithm, coded modulation, multistage decoding, concatenated coded modulation, probabilistic decoding, turbo codes, low density parity check codes and iterative decoding. Pre: 648.
State space theory of linear systems, controllability, observability, stability, irreducible realizations. Pre: 452.
Digital simulations, phase-plane analysis, limit cycles and amplitude bounds, Lyapunov’s theorem, circle criterion of stability, lure systems, Popov’s stability theorem. Pre: 650.
Optimal controls introduced through parametric optimization, calculus of variations, Euler-Lagrange and Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Pontryagin’s maximum principle, minimum-time and minimum-fuel problems, dynamic programming, applications. Pre: 650 or consent.
Multivariable frequency response design, signals and systems, linear fractional transformations, LQG Control, Full Information H-infinity Controller Synthesis, H-infinity filtering, model reduction, the four-block problem. Pre: 453 and 650.
Models of computation, high-performance processors, pipelined machines, RISC processors, VLIW, superscalar and fine-grain parallel machines. Data-flow architectures. Hardware/software tradeoffs. CEE, EE, and ME majors only. Pre: 461. (Cross-listed as ICS 660)
Modern operating system software, process communication, distributed systems, device drivers. Software development and maintenance, integration of software packages. Projects reflecting special interests of faculty. Pre: 461 and 468.
Telecommunication-network architecture; switching, broadcast, and wireless networks; protocols, interfaces, routing, flow- and congestion-control techniques; intelligent network architecture; service creation capabilities; multimedia, voice, data, and video networks and services. Pre: 468 or consent.
Solutions of Maxwell’s equations and applications to radiation and propagation of electromagnetic waves. Pre: 372 or consent.
Advanced RF and microwave circuit design for wireless applications. Pre: 473 or consent.
Develop comprehensive understanding of computations techniques for solving engineering electromagnetic problems formulated in terms of integral or differential equations. Eigenvalue problems, radiation, and electromagnetics scattering problems will be discussed and computer programming is required. EE, BE, and CENG majors only. A-F only. Pre: 471 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent. (Spring only)
Systems analysis and electronic instrumentation methods in biomedicine. Network and control-loop modeling, computer simulation, biological transducers, and analysis of electronic and physiological systems. Pre: 326, 326L, and 371; or consent.
Advanced topics in the design of biological detection technologies. Topics include fundamentals of electrochemistry, electrochemical biosensors, DNA and protein biochips, and bioelectronics for bio-signal conditioning and processing. Pre: 324 and 326, or consent. (Once a year)
Design and fabrication of micro- and nanodevices for biomedical applications. Topics include micro- and nanoscale physics, microfluidic physics and microfluidic devices, and micro- and nanoscale fabrication techniques. ENG majors only. A-F only. Pre: 324 or consent. (Fall only
Biomedical signals, digital filters and filter banks, spike train analysis, time-scale and time-frequency representations, nonlinear techniques, Lomb’s algorithm and the Hilbert transform, modeling, Volterra series, Wiener series, Poisson-Wiener series, multichannel data, causality. CE, EE, ME, ICS majors only and any graduate student in JABSOM who has a suitable technical background. Pre: 415 or consent. (Spring only)
Content will reflect special interests of visiting/permanent faculty. (B) artificial intelligence; (C) circuits; (D) communications; (E) computer hardware; (F) computer software; (H) control; (I) devices; (J) fields; (K) power. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: graduate standing and consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for MS in electrical engineering.
Student assists in classroom instruction under direction and close supervision of faculty member. CR/NC only. Pre: admission to PhD candidacy.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for PhD in electrical engineering.