Survey of contemporary conflict management and resolution: negotiation, mediation, conciliation, ombuds, fact-finding, facilitation techniques, arbitration, and litigation. Pre: any social science 100- or 200-level course or consent.
Exploration of ethical questions related to the many facets of war–e.g., patriotism, tribalism, holy war, self-sacrifice, cowardice, media coverage, propaganda, torture, genocide, pillage, suicide tactics, battlefield immunity. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as PHIL 280)
Survey of basic concepts, relationships, methods, and debates in modern peace research and conflict resolution studies. Pre: any social science 100- or 200-level course or consent.
Interviewing, writing, and publishing stories of those who have overcome great difficulties to find personal peace. Pre: grade of B or better in ENG 100 or consent.
Biocultural, evolutionary, and cross-cultural perspectives on the conditions, patterns, and processes of violence, war, nonviolence, and peace. Pre: ANTH 152. (Cross-listed as ANTH 345)
Exploration of scientific and cultural resources for nonviolent alternatives in politics. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 396)
Directed reading in peace and conflict resolution. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.
History of Philippine Islam and the Moro struggle, the peace process in Mindanao and sovereignty movement for Hawaiian nation. 75 min. Lec, 75-min. joint online discussion with Philippine students. Junior standing only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ASAN 407)
Examination of two centuries of U.S., European, Australian, and Hawaiian peace, thought, and action. Also surveys early Christian and secular attitudes to war. Open to nonmajors. Pre: any DS course, or consent.
Life and thought of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. Pre: any Social Science 100 or 200 level course, or consent.
Multidisciplinary approach to the origins, dynamics, and consequences of international terrorism, including the psychological, legal, ethical and operational concerns of counterterrorism. Pre: any 200-level DS course, or consent.
Introduction to international, regional, and domestic human rights law; comparative perspectives on the theoretical origins of human rights and policy debates on the protection of human rights, dispute resolution, and enforcement mechanisms. Pre: any 100 or 200 level social sciences course, or consent.
Negotiation theory, negotiation skills and application of negotiation in conflict prevention, conflict management and conflict resolution. Pre: any Social Science 100 or 200 level course, or consent.
In-depth study of current models and emerging theories of ethical leadership in community service; development of tangible leadership skills, including communication, conflict resolution, team-building, and management skills. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Geographical factors underlying conflict in the world. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEOG 436)
Learn the core components of the mediation process and the tools for empowering mediation participants to reach customized resolutions. Emphasis on learning and applying the skills through exercises and mock mediation sessions.
Explore nonviolent protests when one Independent State controls the territory of another Independent State (or international organization, such as the United Nations), without the transfer of sovereign title. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Study of nonviolent methods (i.e., United Nations structures, international law, boycotts, and peaceful protest) used to gain political goals and examines their successes, failures, and the prospects for those that remain ongoing. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Explores the characteristics of organizations from different perspectives including structural, political, ethical, and cultural frames from organizational theory and practice. Focuses on how to design organizational change strategies and facilitate their implementation. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 200-level DS course (with a minimum grade of C+).
Multi-disciplinary advocacy for children’s rights and welfare in various social and political systems; the role of families, justice, economics, media, race, culture, environment on policy-making for children. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Conflict resolution techniques for major world culture. Emphasis on cultures of the Pacific Basin, Pacific Islands, and Asia. Pre: any DS course, or consent.
Management, prevention, resolution of international disputes and the role of international law. Pre: any Social Science 100 or 200 level course, or consent.
Introduction into the field of conflict analysis and resolution through the examination of theory and role-play. Major theories of conflict studies are considered and the forms of conflict resolution, such as negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Recent issues, practices in peace and conflict resolution. Repeatable one time. Pre: any DS course, or consent.
10-day intensive course at Hiroshima City University, Japan, in the 2-weeks before the annual August 6 commemoration of the atomic bombing. Home-stay with Japanese family. Sophomore standing. A-F only. Pre: any 200 level social science course, or consent.
The practicum and internship in Peace and Conflict Resolution provides an opportunity for students to apply the skills and concepts learned in earlier courses. Pre: any two other PACE courses or consent. (Cross-listed as PUBA 495)
Explore how environmental conflicts emerge and the efforts to find common ground for resolution. Examine the issues, debates, and theoretical aspects that help to explain and frame environmental conflict. Graduate students only. (Cross-listed as PLAN 621)
Negotiation as a foundational skill of conflict resolution; mastery of negotiation skills for strategic dispute resolution; non-routine problem-solving, creating partnerships and alliances; crafting optimal agreements. Students participate in simulations and acquire vital leadership skills. Graduate standing only. Pre: one of the following courses: 429, 447, 477, 647, 652, or 668; or PLAN 627; or COMG 455 or SOC 730; or LAW 508; or MGT 660. (Cross-listed as PLAN 629)
Examines how international law and domestic legal systems address and resolve conflicts regarding women’s rights, gender roles, and gender identity. Takes a comparative approach with emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region. (Cross-listed as LAW 547 and WS 647)
Study in trends, research, and problems of implementation in teaching field. Repeatable two times. Pre: teaching experience or consent.(Cross-listed as EDCS 640K)
Combined lecture, discussion, and mediation simulations. Theory of ADR field. Theory of major different models of mediation, both in the U.S. and internationally. Application of mediation process to categories of disputes, family, workplace, and international. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing, or departmental approval. (Once a year)
Conflict prevention, management and resolution in the workplace. Design and implementation of effective systems integrating ADR and recent advances in dispute resolution methodology to government, health, nonprofit, educational, private sector and other institutions. Pre: graduate standing, or departmental approval.
Conflict resolution theory and practice for administrators, faculty and staff in educational organizations. K-12, community colleges and universities. Application and theory of negotiation, mediation, facilitation and hybrid ADR processes. Pre: EDEA 601 or EDEA 650, or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEA 652)
Theory and skills for practicing divorce and custody mediation. Negotiation and conflict intervention skills used by social workers, lawyers, and other intervenors in family conflict. Focus on Hawai‘i’s divorce and custody laws and practices. Repeatable one time. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Advanced conflict resolution course. Covers key issues in the prevention, management and resolution of multiparty conflicts. Combined lecture, discussion, and simulations. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing, or departmental approval. (Once a year)
Recent issues of policy and practice in peace and conflict management theory. Repeatable up to 12 credits. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Practice in conflict resolution skills. Open to candidates for Certificate in Conflict Resolution. Repeatable one time or up to three credits. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Repeatable up to 9 credits. A-F only. Pre: departmental approval or consent.
Advanced seminar covering issues of policy and practice in peace and conflict management theory. Repeatable one time. Graduate standing only. Pre: consent.