Conversation, grammar and reading.
Conversation, grammar and reading. Continuation of 101. Pre: 101.
Intensive elementary Portuguese course covers content of 101 and 102 combined. Hybrid format combines 3 credits online and 3 credits face to face. HSL. (Fall only)
Reading, conversation, writing, laboratory drill. Pre: 102.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.
Intensive practice in spoken Portuguese, focusing on the preparation and completion of oral tasks and presentations. 40% or more of the grade is based on 3-4 oral communication presentations. Pre: 202.
Intensive, formal instruction at the third-year level in Portuguese language: reading, writing, pronunciation, grammar, or conversation in a Portuguese-speaking country. Repeatable one time. Pre: 202.
Intensive formal instruction at the fourth-year level in Portuguese language, linguistics, culture, civilization, film, or literature in a Portuguese-speaking country. Repeatable one time. Pre: 360.