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{ news to be proud of }

$1.25-million grant from the Mellon Foundation

The Departments of Asian Studies and Pacific Island Studies are set to pioneer a venture into environmental justice within Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities. This funding will propel the establishment of a cutting-edge interdisciplinary initiative, complete with two new faculty positions, a humanities lab to develop new teaching materials, and a dynamic forum for professional development and the exchange of ideas. MORE



Ocean Currents, voices of Oceania

A new bi-weekly podcast has set sail to showcase the voices of Oceania’s people, artists and scholars. Launched this spring from the University ofCenter for Pacific Islands Studies (CPIS), the debut episode of Oceania Currents, aired on February 27 and attracted hundreds of listeners. MORE



Benten Kozō commemorates the centennial milestone of English-language Kabuki productions at UH Mānoa

A popular kabuki play, The Maiden Benten and the Bandits of the White Waves, commonly known as Benten Kozō, features five distinctive thieves with a mastery of masquerade, and a command of language from the gutter to the poetically sublime. Together with a full array of colorful kabuki characters, their schemes and backstories lead to shocking revelations, surprising reunions, and startling twists and ultimately result in the realization that one cannot escape karma—though in meeting it, one need not abandon spectacle or beauty. MORE



2024 Teaching Award Winners

Kristiana Kahakauwila (ENG, Associate Professor), BOR Medal for Excellence in Teaching

Elina Hamilton (MUS, Assistant Professor), Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching

Jonathan Fine (PHIL, Assistant Professor), Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching

Shelece Easterday (LING, Assistant Professor), Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching

Louis Bousquet (LLEA, Associate Professor/French), Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching

Imelda Gasmen, (IPLL, Instructor/Filipino) Frances Davis Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award

Cathy Clayton (ASAN, Associate Professor), CALL Excellence in Teaching Award

Hye Seung Lee (EALL, Instructor/Korean), CALL Excellence in Teaching Award



Elizabeth Spann Award Spring 2024 Recipients

This award fund was established in memory of Elizabeth Spann who dearly valued education. The Spann Awards support activities that enhance academic experiences. These 11 Spring 2024 awards amounted to $27,060.


Nathan Buendia (Cinematic Arts), Angel Sanchez (Second Language Studies/Cinematic Arts)

Nikhil Stewart (Religious Traditions and Ancient Civilizations)


Jessica Ackerley (Music)

Eugenio Huke Ainsa (Pacific Island Studies)

Yen Tzu Liew (Asian Studies)

Emmanuele Jones V. Mante (Theatre & Dance)

Tyler Miyashiro (East Asian Languages & Literatures)

Tess Schwalger (History)

Kimberly Serratos (Philosophy)

Carolyn Siegman (Linguistics)



Urasenke Grand Master Genshitsu Sen presented Talk

Japanese tea ceremony (chadō) courses have been offered on campus by the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa since the 1970s. 15th generation Urasenke Grand Master Genshitsu Sen recognized around the world and nearing his 101st birthday in April, introduced this practice, also known as the “Way of Tea” to UH Mānoa in the early 1950s. At that time, Sen was studying at the university and shared his chadō expertise during evening classes for adult education. Although the initial number of students was small, more enrolled over time as Sen returned through the decades to teach and share his insights. MORE



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