In this workshop, the facilitator will discuss how faculty members can use program-level assessment results for program improvement.
PowerPoint slides with speaker notes and Handouts
Workshop Evaluation Report
Just as students’ performance in and evaluations of a course can help professors improve their individual classes, aggregated information on program-level student performance can be used to improve student learning in the degree program. After listening to a short presentation, attendees will review examples of assessment results and discuss how programs could act upon the results to improve the program. Attendees will leave knowing
- specific ways to use assessment results (e.g., changes to curriculum, assessment procedures, program policies);
- how to interpret results; and
- strategies to help faculty act on results.
Level: Advanced beginner
Format: Interactive with a small group activity
Date/time/location: Friday, March 8, 2013, 1:30 PM – 2:45 PM, KUY106