Two years ago, the staff of the Office of Student Life and Development (SLD) began the process of identifying the learning outcomes that guide and inform our in- and out-of-classroom instruction of students. The SLD staff provides advising to UHM’s six Chartered Student Organizations and their programs and teaches introductory and upper division college credit leadership courses, offered through the College of Engineering, Interdisciplinary Studies, and the College of Education.
The focus of this poster presentation is two activity sheets designed by the presenters to enable SLD staff to introduce their students, in the organizations which they advise and the classes they teach, to three foundational learning outcomes to be assessed this academic year: self awareness, building relationships, and empowerment of others. The first sheet asks students to rate their leadership knowledge and skill development – emerging, developing, and advanced – in the three learning outcome areas. The second sheet, Strategies for Growth, asks students to select one or more learning outcomes, articulate specific, action-oriented, and time-framed goals, and to consider how the leadership opportunities offered through their organizations and courses could assist them in progressing to the advanced leadership skill level. Recommended processes for staff implementation include individual advising and group discussion and problem-solving activities. By Bob Duesterhaus, Chris Kirk-Kuwaye
Recommended Citation:
Duesterhaus, B., Kirk-Kuwaye, C. (2009, December). LEVELS OF LEADERSHIP: Developing Strategies for Improving Competency in Three Core Learning Outcomes. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.