The Intercollege Nutrition PhD Program is a relatively new program, begun in Fall 2007. The Program has recently redoubled efforts to communicate at all levels – in student recruitment, among enrolled students, and among faculty across the participating colleges. This effort includes enhancing student and program monitoring and evaluation at all program and academic milestones. The effort involved revising the program’s student learning outcomes (SLOs) for the program and development of rubrics and other assessment tools that are used monitor and evaluation student completion of SLOs. These rubrics and assessments tools have been implemented and summary of results will be presented to program faculty annually. These results will inform any necessary program changes and the implementation of those changes. Monitoring and evaluation tools serve to enhance program communication and development. by M. Kainoa Fialkowski and Rachel Novotny
Recommended Citation:
Fialkowski, M.K., Novotny, R. (2015, April). Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation in the Intercollege Nutrition PhD Program. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.