The Department of Nursing is conducting a needs assessment to answer the following questions: 1) How are assessments used in the four degree programs offered to assess student completion of programmatic milestones/outcomes, 2) How are assessments used in the four degree programs used to effect programmatic changes, 3) How are assessments (e.g., e-café and internal student course evaluations) used to by faculty to determine student completion of student learning outcomes, and 4) How are assessments (e.g., e-café and internal student course evaluations) used to by faculty (instructors/course coordinators) to effect course change? This poster presents the process of internal stakeholder analysis — collecting and analyzing interviews with degree program chairs, course coordinators, undergraduate and graduate committee chairs, graduate chair, department chair and dean. Major themes that emerged from the interviews will be explored, as well as how stakeholders were facilitated to interpret the interview results and use the results for assessment and program improvement discussion, thus effecting change in the program. by Jacqueline Ng-Osorio
Recommended Citation:
Ng-Osorio, J. (2016, April). Beginning Journey of an Assessment Coordinator Affecting Change. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.