Creating a Successful Assessment Plan in the Fine Arts: Assessment Trials, Tribulations, and Successes of a Music Department

The task of creating an assessment plan in a fine arts department that focuses largely on studio work can be a daunting one. This poster will provide a sketch of how the music department is successfully embarking on their assessment journey.

The task of creating an assessment plan in a fine arts department that focuses largely on studio work can be a daunting one. This poster will provide a sketch of how the music department is successfully embarking on their assessment journey. By Maya Hoover

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Recommended Citation:
Hoover, M. (2008, November). Creating a Successful Assessment Plan in the Fine Arts: Assessment Trials, Tribulations, and Successes of a Music Department. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.