This project establishes a programmatic assessment plan for the Bachelors of Science program in Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB) at UH Mānoa to ensure permanent status after the next University review and to support quality and cohesiveness of the MCB curriculum. We have updated the program’s Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) to highlight the critical expected outcomes for students progressing through their 4-year path and to better align them with the other School of Life Sciences undergraduate programs. These refined SLOs form the basis of our restructured MCB BS Curriculum Map that identifies key points for the collection of assessment data and provides students a clear picture of course options to help plan their semesters. These changes are the first steps in building a strong programmatic assessment platform that will determine the metrics for measuring significant learning gains of students in the MCB BS program. By Howard C. Shen, Edward McAssey & Michael G. Muszynski
Recommended Citation:
Shen, H.C., McAssey, E. & Muszynski, M.G. (2021, April). Establishing an assessment plan for the undergraduate Molecular and Cell Biology curriculum to achieve program permanence at UHM. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.