Mānoa Works

Mānoa Works is designed to increase the college retention and success of need-based students through part-time work experience with campus employers. Students in the Federal Work Study program are provided with additional support to secure a campus-based job in positions that promote student success, recruitment, campus engagement and outreach. In support of students’ development and learning, career and professional development training was designed to increase their awareness and preparedness with the use of Peer Trainers from our MCC student assistant pool.

Mānoa Works is designed to increase the college retention and success of need-based students through part-time work experience with campus employers. Students in the Federal Work Study program are provided with additional support to secure a campus-based job in positions that promote student success, recruitment, campus engagement and outreach. In support of students’ development and learning, career and professional development training was designed to increase their awareness and preparedness with the use of Peer Trainers from our MCC student assistant pool. by Kay Jernigan and Wendy Sora

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Recommended Citation:
Jernigan, K., Sora, W. (2015, April). Manoa Works. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.