In early 2019, ACCJC reaffirmed Kapi‘olani Community College’s accreditation status, but mandated a follow-up report and provided an 18-month window to focus on two continuous improvement and assessment recommendations before a peer review follow-up visit would re-evaluate the institution. The College embraced this opportunity to re-imagine assessment and related processes through integrated planning. Program review cycles were aligned with course SLO assessment cycles; an archaic platform was replaced with a custom-tailored approach to scheduling and tracking SLO assessment, a continuous improvement system for programs, units, and campus governance organizations was implemented, and the Kapi‘olani CC Integrated Planning for Student Success model was developed and adopted. The process and its components focus on inclusivity, transparency, and accountability. This session will introduce the timeline, processes, tools, and takeaways as well as our current status and plans for continued improvement. By Jamie Sickel & Kara Plamann Wagoner
Recommended Citation:
Sickel, J. & Plamann Wagoner, K. (2021, April). Integrated planning for student success: Kapi‘olani Community College’s continuous improvement journey. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.