This poster presents an in-process plan for assessing student learning outcomes (SLOs) in ELI 83, the English Language Institute’s (ELI’s) advanced writing course for graduate students who have English as a second language. This plan is an initial effort to develop and assess SLOs for a single course, which will then lead to similar evaluation processes in other ELI courses. Guiding principles in this effort include (1) involving local assessment users (ELI teachers, administrators, and staff) and incorporating their input throughout the process, (2) providing multiple kinds of useful information to these same users to guide discussion and decisions related to evolution of the course, and (3) maximizing the validity of the assessment through use of a step-by-step piloting process. The poster shows how these guiding principles were built into SLO assessment, describes our progress up to this point, and shares practical insights from our experiences so far. By Larry Davis and Kenton Harsch
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Recommended Citation:
Davis, L., Harsch, K. (2008, November). Outcomes Assessment of, by, and for the People: SLOs in the English Language Institute. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.