Program Completion and Mentor Surveys as Indirect Evidence of Learning: From Development to Use

The development and implementation of surveys to assess learning within the College of Education (COE) for students in the final semester of their programs and for mentor teachers who supervise teacher candidates in their final semester of student teaching are detailed in this poster. Outlined through the use of text and data visualization are: (a) the utilization of surveys as indirect evidence of student learning, (b) key considerations and principles when developing new survey instruments and survey scales, (c) recommendations for successful administration of surveys, (d) methods for interpreting survey results, and (e) suggested ways of using survey results for program improvement and assessment reporting.

The development and implementation of surveys to assess learning within the College of Education (COE) for students in the final semester of their programs and for mentor teachers who supervise teacher candidates in their final semester of student teaching are detailed in this poster. Outlined through the use of text and data visualization are: (a) the utilization of surveys as indirect evidence of student learning, (b) key considerations and principles when developing new survey instruments and survey scales, (c) recommendations for successful administration of surveys, (d) methods for interpreting survey results, and (e) suggested ways of using survey results for program improvement and assessment reporting. by Jessica L. Miranda

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Recommended Citation:
Miranda, J. L. (2017, March). Program completion and mentor surveys as indirect evidence of learning: from development to use. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.