The Communication Department’s mission is to meet the challenges and opportunities of communication in the emerging technological, multicultural, and global context of the twenty-first century. We offer one of two undergraduate programs in the School of Communications (College of Social Sciences), serving approximately 200 active Communication Department undergraduates, with an average of 80 graduates per year. Our program offers three area tracks with senior capstones. In each of these capstones, students create an e-portfolio that is used for program assessment. This poster reports the process and results of the Communication Department’s 2013 BA assessment. A panel of faculty and Advisory Board members assessed all the e-portfolios in the Communication in Communities track (n=40). A rubric with measurable items associated with our seven SLOs was employed. We present a summary report demonstrating the percentage of graduates at each level of the rubric (unacceptable, marginal, proficient, or exemplary) and report the total percentage meeting our benchmark for each SLO. We describe how the results of our annual assessment were shared with Communication faculty, and we outline the changes we have begun to implement that we anticipate will have the greatest impact on curricular improvement. By Jenifer Sunrise Winter, Wayne Buente, Francis Dalisay, Hanae Kurihara Kramer, and Patricia Amaral Buskirk
Recommended Citation:
Winter, J.S., Buente, W., Dalisay, F., Kramer, H.K., Buskirk, P.A. (2014, April). Communication BA Curriculum Assessment Using e-Portfolios. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.