Excellent Uses of Assessment Results: A UH Manoa Showcase

This poster presents examples of academic programs in higher education using learning assessment results for program improvement. The poster defines excellent-use-of-assessment at a large research intensive higher education institution, summarizes ways of using assessment through the content analysis of 238 academic programs assessment reports, provides low-hanging fruit examples in of ways to use results, maps excellent example programs on campus, and illustrates excellence with nine concrete program examples. Not only does the poster show possible ways for programs to use results, it also serves as a showcase of excellence in using assessment results on campus, thus promoting the assessment-for-improvement concept and culture.

This poster presents examples of academic programs in higher education using learning assessment results for program improvement. The poster defines excellent-use-of-assessment at a large research intensive higher education institution, summarizes ways of using assessment through the content analysis of 238 academic programs assessment reports, provides low-hanging fruit examples in of ways to use results, maps excellent example programs on campus, and illustrates excellence with nine concrete program examples. Not only does the poster show possible ways for programs to use results, it also serves as a showcase of excellence in using assessment results on campus, thus promoting the assessment-for-improvement concept and culture. by Yao Z. Hill

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Recommended Citation:
Hill, Y. (2017, March). Excellent uses of assessment results: a UH Mānoa showcase. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.