2025 Assessment Leadership Institute:
- November 2025: Call for applications
- April 2025: Application deadline & notification of acceptance
- August 4th-11th, 2025 (excluding weekend days): Assessment Leadership Institute, online via Zoom
General Information
Student learning is a campus-wide responsibility, and assessment is a way of enacting that responsibility. We consider program learning assessment as a set of tools for faculty to collaboratively reflect on program quality and coherence and to act on learning evidence for program improvement.
The Assessment Leadership Institute (ALI) provides an excellent opportunity for faculty and staff in higher education to develop assessment expertise and collaborative leadership skills. The institute’s goal is to cultivate assessment leaders capable of using a collaborative and facilitative approach that fosters trust, reflective practice, and an improvement-oriented mindset toward the program (or institution) and student learning.
In the ALI, participants learn program assessment techniques with ample opportunities to practice assessment project facilitation, reflect on ways to advance their program assessment, and receive individualized consultations and peer feedback. Participants prepare an assessment project during the institute and receive 6 months to 1 year follow-up support in implementing their project, provided by the workshop facilitators, ALI alumni, and fellow participants. All participants are expected to present their projects in Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit organized by University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa or at other scholarly/professional venues.
![This graphic of the Assessment Leadership-Building Model shows how the initial Multi-day Training (ALI) is sustained through Semester-Long Support Groups. Participants' Assessment Scholarship is then shared and promoted to the rest of the university through the Poster Exhibit.](https://manoa.hawaii.edu/assessment/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/assessment-leadership-model-300x175.png)
The learning outcomes for the Institute are
- identify applicable learning assessment principles and practices;
- develop learning assessment plans to implement after the Institute;
- utilize learning assessment tools to implement assessment plans;
- conduct research on teaching and learning using student learning outcome assessment;
- employ facilitation techniques to guide faculty discussions and collaborative projects.