Making Institutional Academic Assessment Work for Faculty

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Academic Assessment is required for institutional accreditation, yet may be challenging for individual departments, programs, and faculty to produce due to time constraints, lack of training, or lack of interest. Making academic assessment accessible to faculty with expertise in non-assessment fields can contribute to favorable outcomes for a university’s accreditation reports and to a smoother process for programs. At Old Dominion University, we piloted a new Academic Assessment Report focusing on student learning outcomes, learning improvement pursuits, and the use of results upon implementation of these pursuits. Results of the pilot showed ease of use with constructive comments for improvement. Continued improvements include clarifying assessment language program faculty may find more practical. This presentation reports on the process of drafting the new report, piloting it to faculty, and reporting initial results to apply to an improved product. By Kristy Carlisle & David Shirley.

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Recommended Citation:
Carlisle, K. & Shirley, D. (2023, March). Making Institutional Academic Assessment Work for Faculty [Poster Presentation]. Assessment and Curriculum Support Center at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI, USA.