Summer 2024 Tutoring Schedule

ARC is providing Tutoring by Appointment as well as on call tutoring sessions for the summer. Make an appt. via STAR or send us an email with your availability and whether you would like in person or online tutoring, and we will connect you with the tutor! Click below to find tutoring times for specific courses.(subject to change)


 IN-PERSON Tutoring @AEI

Meet your tutor at the ARC tutoring rooms in AEI #101 & 103. ARC is located at 3131 Maile Way, right by the Hamilton Library.

ONLINE Tutoring


Online tutoring is offered via Discord. Join ARC server and meet your tutor at #front desk.

IN-PERSON Walk-in 6-9pm @HSC (Fall & Spring only)

The Housing Success Center (HSC) is the room to the right of Hale Aloha Cafeteria. Sun- Thurs, 6-9pm. Open to all UHM students.


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