The Learning Assistance Center can play an active role in helping students meet their academic goals. Besides offering tutoring in a variety of subjects and study skills, we also conduct Supplemental Instruction study groups for traditionally challenging courses. SI leaders work with you to help students learn the course material by conducting a weekly SI sessions for interested students.
Consultations and Workshops
Don't want to cancel a class meeting because you'll be away at a professional conference, but still want your students to attend and learn something?
Upon request, we can conduct:
- workshops in collaborative learning techniques for your staff, mentors, and student assistants
- Successful College Student Workshops
- A LearnAbility session for students in your class to develop effective study strategies in relation to reading course materials, take notes for classes, prepare for exams, manage time and many other aspects of learning
LearnAbility Sessions
Are your students studying a lot and still not getting the grade they want?
- Earning the grade you want includes understanding how you learn, reading for comprehension and retention, taking functional lecture notes, using time effectively and taking tests well. Moreover, different courses require different strategies and skills. The more students understand about the courses they're taking and their requirements, the better equipped they are to succeed.
- LearnAbility sessions are workshops designed to assist students with adjusting to the college academic environment. This environment often means studying with different approaches to fit a particular course. The more they understand which study strategies work best for them and is best suited for the course, the more likely they are to achieve at desired levels.
- To schedule a LearnAbility session or for more information email us at
Know someone who needs tutoring?
Know a student who is having difficulty learning the course material?
Got a student who may benefit from tutoring?
Encourage them to make an appointment with the Learning Assistance Center.
Know someone who would be a good tutor?
We need help in finding students who earn a B or better in a course in order to maintain a pool of good tutors. We would appreciate your referring these students who might be interested in becoming a tutor to us.
Job Number: 51394-A4
Email with your recommendation.