The Academic Resource Center (ARC)

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) at UH Mānoa provides services to enhance the student experience in supporting the development of success-oriented strategies to achieve academic goals. A holistic approach is used to facilitate growth and forward movement with academic coaching, tutoring and wellness programs.

Our Services

Our Vision

Recognizing that learning encompasses all aspects of life experiences, ARC services nurture
holistic student growth and development toward self-actualization, generating stewards
contributing to the health and well-being of society and the environment.

Our Mission

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) serves students with a holistic lens that focuses on
individual differences to generate growth and forward movement with clarity of purpose,
values, and goals to create a foundation for successfully crossing the multiple bridges on
the academic journey. ARC develops independent, effective learners in a collaborative
learning environment incorporating the Native Hawaiian concept of Pilina Circles to
identify association, connection and relationships as key to both being an effective tutor as
well functioning as an effective ‘ohana. ARC actively partners with other campus programs
in responding to the needs of our student population to enhance the student
experience in supporting the development of success-oriented strategies to achieve
academic goals. ARC facilitates learning to provide the groundwork for generating a future
path for students to contribute to the broader community, both locally and globally.


As a result of utilizing ARC services, students will:

1. Use appropriate study skills to achieve academic goals.
2. Learn how to adjust learning approaches to fit their individual learning needs.
3. Learn how to study effectively with others.
4. Use effective learning practices.
5. Use self-reliant learning behaviors.
6. Have a functional understanding of course content.

If you have questions or need help, don't hesitate to contact us!