Spotlight: Students

Congratulations to the Filipinx students during the FilGrad 2024 Ceremony!

At long last, their efforts were rewarded, making their parents and loved ones very proud. Kudos also to the student organizers, including Jensen Villaflor, an honoree who received a scholarship grant from the Center for Philippine Studies CPS is a major sponsor of this year’s FILGRAD.

The significance of this event, which started only in 2017, is discussed by Jonathan Y. Okamura in an article published by Civil Beat.


Congratulations to Emmanuel Jones Mante and Jensen Villaflor! Both have received scholarship grants from Corky Trinidad Endowment Scholarship in Spring 2024. The scholarships will enable them to conduct research toward their degree programs.

Emmanuel Jones Mante

Degree: MFA in Theatre Arts
Project Title: Kadaugan sa Mactan: Reenacment: Performing History and the April 27, 1521 Memory of Resistance 


Jensen Villaflor

Degrees: BA in American Studies, minor in Filipino Language and Culture. Member of Honors Program
Project Title: Kain na Tayo: Food Memory and the Creation of the Filipino Self