Faculty Puwalu Research Forum

The Faculty Puwalu Research Forum (Puwalu means “to act in concert, to work together”) supports University of Hawai`i at Mānoa researchers and scholars from all disciplines, in launching, sustaining, and growing their research and scholarship efforts. These forums aim to position faculty for success in their research careers by empowering them with tools and techniques that can impact funding success, nurturing the spirit of collegiality and providing diverse opportunities for professional development. Programs for early career faculty include a series that introduces broad topics relevant to launching an independent career, with an emphasis on building faculty-administrator relationships and developing an interdisciplinary peer network on campus. Other programs include sessions on specific funding mechanisms (such as the NSF CAREER award, Foundation funding opportunities, Faculty Awards), or intersecting topics such as research impact, building community relationships, leadership and mentoring in research. Some sessions may be tailored to research in specific disciplines, whereas others will be hosted as shared conversations across all disciplines. Offerings include a mix of panels, workshops, information sessions, and presentations.

Researchers who have comments or ideas for sessions are invited to contact the Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship.


Past Events