Per Administrative Procedure A8.927, Facilities & Administrative Cost Charges in Contracts and Grants, waiver approval is required for any F&A rate proposed that is less than the full negotiated rate unless:

  1. A sponsor specific rate waiver agreement is listed on the ORS web site:; or
  2. The rate is considered a sponsor cap as described below:
    1. Federal funding – F&A rates are limited or prohibited by statute, regulations, or approved by the Federal awarding agency head and communicated to the Office of Management and Budget.
    2. Non-federal funding – Limitations or prohibitions on F&A rate can be verified through the web or provided via written documentation from the head of the sponsoring organization or the sponsoring agency’s written policy that is consistently applied to all award recipients.

NOTE: Documentation regarding the sponsor cap must be uploaded to the myGRANT proposal record for review.

A waiver request should be submitted as soon as you are aware that an F&A waiver is necessary and at least five business days before the proposal deadline.

The form-fillable waiver request is available for download.

All completed requests with approvals/signatures (electronic signatures are acceptable) should be submitted to the Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship (OVPRS) Fiscal Administrative Office via email to or to Hawaii Hall 103.