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Anahulu Hoʻēmi 7/26 – 8/4

UHM NH Updates: Anahulu Hoʻēmi July & August 2024 Friday 7/26 - Sunday 8/4

Image Description: A low-hanging branch of a kamani tree in bloom with clusters of bright white and yellow flowers.

Aloha mai kākou, 

Aloha Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea! I hope that you all have been enjoying the morning rains as respite from the intensity of the heat this summer; I myself have been enjoying the many scents brought out by the rain and vibrant sun’s rays. My favorite smell of this anahulu is the kamani blooming at Kānewai, where the kalo enjoy the shade and mulch that fall from the kumu lāʻau.

This year, Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea falls upon the Pō Kāloa, and with these heavy-clouded showers passing above, we can imagine how far the wai (perhaps in the forms of rain or cloud) have come to nourish us. By breathing in the smells of our ʻāina, we are continuing cycles of reciprocity. Even by remembering the name of a wind as it passes, we are responding and giving new life.

Anahulu Reflection:

How will you choose to exhale back and release into the Kāloa currents? How else might you choose to extend a cycle of reciprocity? Today as we celebrate ea, will you offer a mele or a moment of gratitude? Will you reach out to a friend or member of your ʻohana who you’ve been meaning to reconnect with?

If you would like to uplift stories from your families or communities, our office’s Hawaiian Calendar Event and Moʻolelo Feature for Iulai invites you to share about a place whose sovereignty and sustainability is important to you!

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