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Anahulu Hoʻēmi 5/28 – 6/6/24

UHM NH Updates: Anahulu Hoʻēmi May and June 2024 Tuesday 5/28 - Thursday 6/6

A pua kalo that bloomed in the loʻi named Puʻepuʻeʻīlio during Cohort Kumukahi’s May visit to Ka Papa Loʻi ʻo Kānewai.

Aloha mai nō kākou, 

The long rains and Lāʻau moons have brought deep greenery to our islands as the summer sun intensifies, and so I hope that you all have been finding some opportunities for rest and joy. As for myself (and many others), my joy has been in experiencing the many pua kalo blooming and sweetening the wind that blows through the rows of kalo. Above is a photograph of a flower blooming in the same loʻi that Cohort Kumukahi worked in during both of our visits to Kānewai. 

There are many reasons why a pua might be significant, yet this one in particular is special because this variety of kalo is a favorite of both myself and my coworker Nick. In each of our (re)turnings to specific places, we might begin to notice more and appreciate the beauty surrounding us. And sometimes, when the flowers are hidden beneath the shade of leaves, you just gotta know where to look! 

Anahulu Reflection:

During this most recent anahulu poepoe beneath the full moons, where might you have noticed moments of beauty or joy or rest? Do you find these moments in the vivid moonrises, perhaps in between the pages of your favorite book, or in sharing a meal with members of your ʻohana? As we again transition towards the new moon, spend a little more time in these moments; lean into your curiosity at what you might find. And always return.

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