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Supplementary Facilities

Reservations are only for faculty, staff, lecturers, and students currently active in the Department of Theatre & Dance to satisfy T&D coursework or rehearsal for T&D productions.
If eligible, click on individual rooms to see the room schedules and submit a room request.

Supplementary Spaces are only available during the fall & spring semesters.
Reservations for these supplementary rehearsal spaces must be made by 5pm the Thursday before the week of use.

Example: for the week of 11/27/23-12/3/23, request would have to be submitted by 5pm on Thursday 11/23/23.

Exceptions to this rule will only be considered as follows:

  1. Dance Studio – If there is time available and the requestor already has a key/keycard
  2. Athletics Studio – Times that are between 8am-4pm on weekdays only
  3. Music Building – Between 5:30-9:30pm on weekdays and between 12-5pm on Saturdays and Sundays

Any other days/times or considerations outside of these will not be considered for exception.

UHM Theatre & Dance Supplementary Spaces

Music Building

Room 116

Empty room with wood floors and mirror on one wall.
Empty room with wood floors and mirror on one wall.

Music Building

Room 118

University of Hawai'i Seal. In Hawaiian: Mālamalama, 1907, Ua mau ke ea o ka 'āina i ka pono.
University of Hawai'i Seal. In Hawaiian: Mālamalama, 1907, Ua mau ke ea o ka 'āina i ka pono.
University of Hawai'i Seal. In Hawaiian: Mālamalama, 1907, Ua mau ke ea o ka 'āina i ka pono.
University of Hawai'i Seal. In Hawaiian: Mālamalama, 1907, Ua mau ke ea o ka 'āina i ka pono.
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