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Production History




Records before 1930 are incomplete; productions, many of them one-acts or skits, were produced by Theta Alpha Phi, The College of Hawaii Dramatic Club, or the College of Hawaii.

This legend is used to identify play premieres and original plays.
*Original Play
**First Production in English
+World Premiere
++First Production Outside New York


The Revolving Wedge


The Mysterious Dr. Burton


The Glory of Their Years (Froome)


The Man on the Box
Office 666 (MacHugh)


Alice-Sit-by-the Fire (Barrie)
Under Cover (Megrue)


The Flower Shop (Hawkridge?)
A Welsh Honeymoon (Marks)


Adam and Eva
Milestones (Bennett-Knoblock)
Arms and the Man (Shaw)


Come Out of the Kitchen (Thomas)
A Cup of Tea
The Flower of Yedda
Lady Anne
Manikin and Minikin (Kreymbourg)
Mr. Pim Passes By (Milne)
The Silly Ass
The Trimplet (Walker)


The Faithful (Masefield)
Fancy Free (Houghton)
Fourteen (Gerstenberg)
Helena’s Husband (Moeller)
Illumanata in Drama Libre
Nevertheless (Walker)
On the Shelf
Only 38 (Thomas)
Cyortones (Gerstenberg)
Question of Morality (Wilde)
Rehearsals (Morley?)
Two Slaps in the Face
The Wooden Leg


Anger (Hughes)
Behind a Watteau Picture (Rogers)
Cherry Blossom Time (Clements)
A Dear Little Wife
Evening Dress Indispensable
Ever Young (Gerstenberg)
Getting Off (Delano)
Her Father’s Will (Lee)
The Faithful (Masefield)
The Ghost Story (Tarkington)
The House of Rimmon (Van Dyke)
Lima Beans (Kreymbourg)
The Maker of Dreams (Down)
Miss Peabody’s Salad
Neighbors (Gale)
Photographer’s Troubles
Sham (Tompkins)
Sweet and Twenty (Dell)
Told in a Chinese Garden (Wilcox)
Two Slatterns and a King (Millay)
You and I (Barry)


Bargain Day
The Best Man
Little Columbine (Clements?)
Overtones (Gerstenberg)
Rosalie (Maurey)
So This Is London (Goodrich)
Thursday Night (Morley?)


The Admirable Crichton (Barrie)
As You Like It (Shakespeare)
Eiffel Tower Wedding
The Four-Flushers (Kinkead)
A Night at the Inn (Dunsany)
Society Notes
Suppressed Desires (Glaspell-Cook)
Icebound (Davis)
The Man on the Kerb (Sutro)
Matintata (Langner)
Finders Keepers (Kelly)
The Trysting Place (Tarkington)
The Lights of Happy Land
A Dear Little Wife
Bedroom Suite
Six Cups of Chocolate


Icebound (Davis)
How the Story Grew
A Marriage Proposal (Chekhov)
Green Chartreuse
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)


Polly With a Past (Middleton-Bolton)
The Broken Butterfly (Young-Tung)*
Trifles (Glaspell)
The Thrice Promised Bride Barbara
Tickless Time (Glaspell-Cook)

(Farrington Hall, at first called University Hall or Lecture Hall, opened in 1930; from May 1931 on the Theatre Guild was the campus producing organization–until it changed its name to Theatre Group in 1950. Regular seasonal production schedules, then, began in 1930-31, and records since then are virtually complete.)


Holiday (Barry)
Queen Lei (Frear)*
The Faithful (Masefield)


Uncle Vanya (Chekhov)
Right You Are (Pirandello)
Pi Pa Ki (Kao-Tong-Kia)
Namu Amida Butsu (Kurata)
Queen Lei (Frear)


Sakazaki, Lord of Dewa (Yamamoto)**
Where the Blue Begins (Morley)+
Blue Butterfly (Heitland)
Na Lei (Andrew)*
Brief Moment (Behrman)


He Who Gets Slapped (Andreyev)
The Son of Chao (Stiehl)**
Scrambled Scandals of 1934*
Hizakurige (Kimura)
Queen Lei (Frear)


Yellow Jack (Howard-DeKruif)++
Tadanao (Hayashi)+
Scrambled Scandals of 1935*
Veil of Happiness (Clemenceau)**
Ke Kuapuu Alii (Shephardson)


The Darkness of the Dawn (Tsubouchi)**
Lady Precious Stream (Hsiung)**
Richard of Bordeaux (Daviot)
Coronation of Queen Lei (Gay-Kahananui)*
The Play’s the Thing (Molnar)


Royal Koko (Stiehl)+
Winterset (Anderson)
Lei Pageant*


A Thousand Years Ago (MacKaye)
The Quest of Shimosaka (Chikamatsu)
High Tor (Anderson)
Tovarich (Deval)
The Second Man (Behrman)


The First Legion (Lavery)
The Idol Shaokung (Davis)
Izu No Ito (Wyman)
Bird Without Feather (Stiehl)


Brother Rat (Monks-Finklehoffe)
It Can’t Happen Here (Lewis)
Androcles and the Lion (Shaw)
Marco Millions (O’Neill)


Missouri Legend
Namu Amida Butsu (Kurata)
Margin for Error (Boothe)
The Delightful Perfidy of Yen Ming (Catto)


(Announced but cancelled:)
The Far-Off Hills (Robinson)
Scrambled Scandals
Fair Ladies at a Game of Poem Cards (Chikamatsu)
The Yellow Jacket

(During the war years Maurice Evans and the Theatre Section of the Army Special Services prepared in Farrington Hall about l00 productions, including Macbeth and Hamlet; Farrington Hall was returned to the University in March 1946.)


El (Atlas)
The Medicine Show (Walker)
I Can’t Make Up My Mind (Clements-Ryerson)
Progressive Education (Bro)


The Beautiful People (Saroyan)
The Carnival Theatre*
Ladies in Retirement (Percy-Denham)
R.U.R. (Capek)
Ke Kula Nui (Wilson-Nary)*
A Sunny Morning (Quinteros)
Hello Out There (Saroyan)
Reunion (Toishigawa)*
Agatha’s April (Maney)*


Hay Fever (Coward)
Night Must Fall (Williams)
The Defeated (Miyata)**
The Swan (Molnar)
Soo Yong program of monodramas
The Beggar’s Opera (Gay)
Cherish the Thought (Reeves)*
Mama-san and the Russian Toast (Brown)*
The Burial (Erickson)*
The Lonely Rock (Morris)*
The Glass Menagerie (Williams)


The Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde)
The Three Sisters (Chekhov)
Lysistrata (Aristophanes)
Angna Enters program
The Good Woman of Setzuan (Brecht) (2nd American production)
The Return (Suyeoka)*
Al Modo Americano (Simpson)*
The River Sai (Kashiwamura)*
The Tolerant (Brown)*
Blithe Spirit (Coward)


The Male Animal (Thurber-Nugent)
Street Scene (Rice-Weill)
Six Characters in Search of an Author (Pirandello)
Rosmersholm (Ibsen)
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)
Fill the Grave (Steed)*
Operation Sharkbait (Langhans)*
The Netherworld vs. Hitler and Laycox (Steed)*
The Cat (Huntsberry)
First Lady (Dayton-Kaufman)


Pursuit of Happiness (Langner)
Major Barbara (Shaw)
The House of Sugawara (Izumo)**
The Country Wife (Wycherley)
The Sign (Morris)*
The Vanguard (Pare)*
Brothers (Caldeira)*
Who Picks a Pretty Plum (Huntsberry)*
Private Lives (Coward)
Darkness at Noon (Kingsley)

(During the 1950-51 season Speech and Theatre were separated and the Department of Drama and Theatre established, offering BA and MA degrees; courses which had since the 1930s been offered under Speech or English came under the new Department’s official control.)


A Phoenix Too Frequent (Fry)
The Medicine Show (Walker)
Juno and the Paycock (O’Casey)
There Are Burglars and Burglars (Ashby)*
Kimo (Morris)*
Brek (Linn)*
The Contrast (Tyler)
Arsenic and Old Lace (Kesselring)
I Am a Camera (Van Druten)
(Richard Moody was Visiting Professor during the season.)


My Heart’s in the Highlands (Saroyan)
The Cherry Orchard (Chekhov)
Going Steady (Gibbs)*
Country Pie (Kubojiri)*
Root of Evil (Chang)*
Ripper Revolts (Bell)*
Benten Kozo (Mokuami)**
Man and Superman (Shaw)
The Damask Cheek (Morris-Van Druten)


The Ram (Sparks)*
Situation: Desperate Lazy Man (Bell)*
Where the Love Tree Grows (Ince)*
The Malo-Maker (Bell)*
The Lady’s Not for Burning (Fry)
Ah, Wilderness! (O’Neill)
Amahl and the Night Visitors (Menotti)
Gianni Schicchi (Puccini)
Peking Man (Ts’ao Yu)**
Outward Bound (Vane)


Life’s Little Tragedies (Spencer)*
Asu Wakaru (Nakamura)*
Wharf (Scoville)
The Security Officer (Huggins)*
The Crucible (Miller)
Amahl and the Night Visitors (Menotti)
The Climate of Eden (Hart)
The Miser (Moliere)
The House of Bernarda Alba (Lorca)
The Seven Year Itch (Axelrod)


Give a Man a Book He Can Read (Topham)*
Hoomalimali (Mishima)*
Leaves ad Infinitum (Berrigan)*
Her Bottom Ain’t No Good (Turek)*
Bus Stop (Inge)
Amahl and the Night Visitors (Menotti)
Lady Windermere’s Fan (Wilde)
Diary of a Scoundrel (Ostrovsky)
Love and Lunacy (Philip)
Down in the Valley (Weill-
The Telephone (Menotti)
The Festival (Spewack)
(William Angus was Visiting Professor during the season.)


Teatime (Fleece)*
One Dollar and Fifty Cents (Scoville)*
Moki, My Son (Wichman)*
The First Oyster (Fleece)*
Heartbreak House (Shaw)
Come a-Runnin’ (Masuoka)*
The Iceman Cometh (O’Neill) (50th UH Anniversary Production)
Don Pasquale (Donizetti)


Winter in the Pass (Gurian)*
Under the Clock (Topham)*
Graduation Party (Roffman)*
The Shaming of the True (Fleece)*
The Madwoman of Chaillot (Giraudoux)
Uncle Vanya (Chekhov)
Death of a Salesman (Miller)
Antigone (Sophocles)
Kantan (Zeami)**
Kantan (Mishima)**
The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare)
(Hubert Heffner and Mordecai Gorelik were visiting Professors during the season.)


Kantan (Zeami)
Kantan (Mishima)
A View from the Bridge (Miller)
The Fischbeck Tapestry (Hausmann)
The School for Wives (Moliere)
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)
The Silver Set (Roffman)*
An Act of Assassination (Caldeira)*
Amerika San (Wright)*
Thunder and Rain (Ts’ao Yu)**

(In the fall of 1959 the Department began its Great Plays Cycle–a plan to produce eight plays of special significance over a four-year period, after which the cycle was repeated. The plays in the Cycle were Oedipus Rex, Lysistrata, Everyman, Hamlet, King Lear, Tartuffe, Hedda Gabler, and The Cherry Orchard.)


Hedda Gabler (Ibsen)
The Playboy of the Western World (Synge)
Waiting for Godot (Beckett)
Sidewalk Cafe (Topham-Green)*
Quandary in Space (Fleece)*
Twilight of the Crane (Kinoshita)
Fumed Oak (Coward)
Candida (Shaw)
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Right You Are (Pirandello)


Oedipus Rex (Sophocles)
Odai (Roffman)*
The Door (Donnelly)*
Bedtime Story (O’Casey)
The Cherry Orchard (Chekhov)
Storm (Ts’ao Yu)
The Visit of the Old Lady (Durrenmatt)
Sacrifice (Tagore)
(Howard Cordery was Visiting Professor during the season.)


Shadowed Sabbath (Roffman)*
In the Alley (Sakamoto)*
The Brute (Chekhov)*
The Bald Soprano (Ionesco)
King Lear (Shakespeare)
John Gabriel Borkman (Ibsen)
The Rivals (Sheridan)
Yerma (Lorca)
Jean Erdman Dance Concert
(Donald Swinney and Jean Erdman were Visiting Professors.)


Tartuffe (Moliere)
The Escaped Conflict (Manchego)*
The Devil Who Comes (Odegaard)*
The Puppet Master (Donnelly)*
The Sea Gull (Chekhov)
Endgame (Beckett)
The Mango Tree (Gargi)
Oh, Dad, Poor Dad (Kopit)
Twice a Bride (Peking Opera)
Lysistrata (Aristophanes)

(The Department moved from Farrington Hall to the new East-West Theatre–later named Kennedy Theatre, in the summer of 1963; Lysistrata was revived for invited audiences as a test production.)



Benten the Thief (Mokuami)
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
The Man Who Came to Dinner (Kaufman-Hart)
(Of Thee I Sing had originally been scheduled, with Hamlet and Benten, in repertory, to open the new theatre; the musical was cancelled on the death of President Kennedy and the Kaufman-Hart comedy substituted.)
The Way of the World (Congreve)
The Typists and The Tiger (Schisgal)
Hedda Gabler (Ibsen; with Viveca Lindfors)
The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Brecht)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Williams)
The Coach with the Six Insides by the Jean Erdman troupe


The Underprivileged Planet (Brown)*
The Man Who Cut Off His Nose (Roffman)*
Spirit Island (Charlot)*
Variations in Pink and Blue (Jovinelli)*
Nomura Kyogen troupe
Kimio Eto and Suzushi Hanayagi
Shanta Rao and company
Kabuki performance demonstration by Onoe Kuroemon
Sahm-Chun-Li Korean performance



Of Thee I Sing (Gershwin et al)
Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonnus (Sophocles)
Volpone (Jonson)
The Cherry Orchard (Chekhov)
The Knack (Jellicoe)
The Threepenny Opera (Brecht-Weill)
The Glass Menagerie (Williams- Summer)
Charley’s Aunt (Thomas- Summer)
The Time of Your Life (Saroyan- Summer)


Antigone (Anouilh)
The Children’s Crusade (Brown)*
General Wings Incorporated (Jovinelli)*
Whither Thou Goest (King)*
A Small Song at Sawtooth (Berrigan)*
Manohra (Thai dance-drama)



King Lear (Shakespeare; with Arnold Moss)
A Taste of Honey (Delany)
The Flies (Sartre)
Susannah (Floyd)
The School for Scandal (Sheridan)
The Caretaker (Pinter)
White Tennis Shoes (Longo)
An Education (Tanaka)
Ghost, North Wind, and Man (Chao)
Rain (Colton-Randolph- Summer)
A Doctor in Spite of Himself (Moliere- Summer)
110 in the Shade (Schmidt-Jones- Summer)
The Gimmick (Abel)


The Sound of Night (Kitani)
Three Cheers for Man!
She Stoops to Conquer (Goldsmith)
Four Plays for Dancers (Yeats)
Juno and the Paycock (O’Casey)
Ubu Roi (Jarry)
Ruth Currier dance concert



Arsenic and Old Lace (Kesselring- Summer)
Look Back in Anger (Osborne- Summer)
Stop the World (Bricusse-Newley- Summer)
Lysistrata (Aristophanes)
Camelot (Lerner-Loewe)
Tartuffe (Moliere)
The Three Sisters (Chekhov)
In White America (Duberman)
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)
Dance concert


The House of Bernarda Alba (Lorca)
A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino (Joaquin)
Finian’s Rainbow (Lane et al)
The Bacchae (Euripides)
Sotoba Komachi (Mishima)
Mekar Berduri (Hamidi)
The Damask Drum (Mishima)
Becket (Anouilh)
University Dance Theatre program of ballet and modern dance; first appearance by the group.
Rita Streich lieder recital
Hosho No troupe performances
Al Huang and Suzanne Pierce dance concert



I Hear Ya Knocking But Ya Can’t Come In (Longo- Summer)*
Don Juan in Hell (Shaw)
Six Characters in Search of an Author (Pirandello; guest director Jon Jory)
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)
The Marriage of Figaro (Mozart)
Dance concert with Hazel Chung Hood
The Good Woman of Setzuan (Brecht)


Fortune and Men’s Eyes (Herbert)
The Pilot (Miyamoto)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (Shevelove- Gelbert)
Honeymoon (Hufana)
Inside-Out (Sriranga)
The Memorial (Yoo)
Biedermann and the Firebugs (Frisch)
Joan Kelly dance concert
University Dance Theatre concert
The Homecoming (Pinter)
Gladys Bailin dance concert
Kaisahan Filipino dance company
Halla Huhm Korean dance company
Kinshi Japanese dance company, debut performance



The Homecoming (Pinter)
The Crucible (Miller)
Mary Stuart (Schiller)
The Marriage (Gogol)
Philadelphia, Here I Come! (Friel)
Under Milk Wood (Thomas)
University Dance Theatre concert


Journey to Bakuhl (Stout)*
Caligula (Camus)
Halfway Up the Tree (Ustinov)
Serjeant Musgrave’s Dance (Arden)
The First Chamber Dance Quartet
University Dance Theatre ballet concert
Luv (Schisgal- Summer)
Dear Liar (Kilt- Summer)
Jean Erdman Theatre of Dance, with Byron Wheeler
Black Over Black (Bradshaw- Summer)*



Sukeroku (Jihei; Matagoro Nakamura, artistic advisor)
The Miser (Moliere)
Long Day’s Journey Into Night (O’Neill)
The Birds (Aristophanes)
Arms and the Man (Shaw)
The Rose Tattoo (Williams)
University Dance Theatre concert


Worth Martin dance concert
The Birthday Party (Pinter)
Saved (Bond- Summer)
Loot (Orten)
Betty Jones and Fritz Ludin dance concert
The Sandbox (Albee- Summer)
The American Dream (Albee- Summer)



Oh What a Lovely War (Littlewood)
Swan Lake (Tchaikovsky-Sasa; with Bruce Marks and Toni Lander)
Loot (Orten)
Hay Fever (Coward)
Macbeth (Shakespeare; with Timothy Dalton)
The Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde)
Coriolanus (Shakespeare; with Paul Winfield and Cyril Cusack)


Saral and Shampa
Die at Dawn
Young Choreographers’ Concert


Karala Kalamandalam Kathakali troupe
The Cage (Barbwire Theatre Production)
Valentina Oumansky Dramatic Dance Ensemble
Noh/Kyogen Company
Nikolais Dance Theatre
Shakespeare Birthday Show
Famous Are the Flowers (Holt)*
Ethel Winter Dance concert
A View from the Bridge (Miller)



Dido and Aeneas (Tate-Purcell)
Sganarelle (Moliere)
Betty Jones and Fritz Ludin dance concert
The Chalk Garden (Bagnold)
Indians (Kopit)
Black Dragon Residence (Peking Opera; directed by Visiting Professor Daniel Yang; regional winner college competition; went to Washington, D.C.)
The Peloponnesian War (Nagrin; performed by him)
The Trojan Women (Euripides)
Desire Under the Elms (O’Neill)
The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail (Lawrence-Lee)


The Trial of Mang Serapio (Dumol)
The Match Girl (Minoru Betsuyaku)
Phaedra (Racine)
Young Choreographers concert
The Maids (Genet)
After the Rain (Bowen)


Edo Festival Company
P’ansori Korean Company
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
Paul Taylor Dance Company
Shakespeare Birthday Show
Estrella (Filipino Zarzuela)**
The Roar of the Greasepaint–the Smell of the Crowd (Bricusse- Newley)
Onoe Kikunobu dance concert
The Lucifer File (Herman)*
The Song of Roland (Baer)*
Gambit for a Broken King (Cobb)*
Birthnight (Saylor)*
The Memory Book (Via)*
Munger (Priebe)*
Take It As It Is (Chuck-Chuck)*
Dr. Bad and His Magic Time Machine (Cobb)*
Listen to Mr. Wizard
(Kenneth Graham was Visiting Professor during the season)



A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare)
Coppelia (Delibes; guest dancers Noriko and Ko Kobayashi)
The Threepenny Opera (Brecht-Weill)
The Madman and the Nun (Witkiewicz)
Narukami (Kabuki; Matagoro Nakamura Guest Choreographer- Director)
The Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel (Rabe)
Little Red Riding Hood (Children’s opera)
The House of Blue Leaves (Guare)


Young Choreographers Concert
And Things That Go Bump in the Night (McNally)
The Trickster of Seville (DeMolina)


Bella Lewitzky Dance Company
Topeng Dancers of Bali
Hiken & Richards: A Performance Face to Face
Da Kine Kyogen (Adapted from traditional Kyogen by Heacox)*
Pigeons (Rohrbach)*
Death of a Salesman (Miller- Summer)
Ethel Winter & Bill Ross Dance Concert
The Spell of the Giantess (Sarwar)*
Shakespeare Birthday Show
Aphrodite’s Finger (Priebe)*
Ashes (Amano)*
A Crack in the Poi Pot (Doi)*
On the Tuesday Side of a Sunday (Ursic)*
The Strange Black Mass of Queen Cybelle (Larsen)*
Evelyn (Dubin)*
Birth of a Turkey (Saylor)*
Excerpts from a Non-Existent Play (Chuck-Chuck)
Damien (Morris)* (First version)



A Streetcar Named Desire (Williams)
The Country Wife (Wycherley)
A Dream Play (Strindberg; guest director Edward Payson Call)
Ulysses in Nighttown (Joyce)
The Vision of Vasavadatta (Sanskrit play; guest director Shanta Gandhi)
Metaphysical Circus (modern dance concert created by Carl Wolz)
Androcles and the Lion (play for Children)
Kyogen and Komai program, directed by Visiting Professor Mansaku Nomura


The Tooth of Crime (Shepard)
God Bless (Feiffer)
The Reluctant Princess (Thai legend for children)
Concert of Ballet and Modern Dance
No Exit (Sartre)
Kantan (Mishima) and Two Kyogen Plays


Soul of Japan Dance Concert
Nell Fuson and Ko Yukihiro Dance Concert
Awaji Japanese Puppet Company
Susan Boxx Dance Concert
The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare; in pidgin- Summer)
The Shakespeare Birthday Show
Play; Act Without Words I; All That Fall (Beckett- Summer)
Takako Asakawa and David Hatch Walker Dance Concert
Peter and the Wolf (Prokofiev; dance concert for children by Patti Been)
And They Had Time for Tea (Baer)*
Commonroom (Saylor)*
Mother Eve’s Astounding Apple Seeds (Herman)*
Halfway Road, Penang (Sarwar)*
Let’s Go See the World (Bond)*
In the Alley (Sakamoto)*
Reunion (Toishigawa)*



A Gown for His Mistress (Feydeau)
The Mystery and the Passion (Scenes from Medieval drama)
Les Sylphides; Divertissements from Napoli; Can-Can (Ballet Concert)
The Beelzebub Sonata (Witkiewicz)**
The Scarlet Princess of Edo (Namboku; ACTF winner)**
Measure for Measure (Shakespeare)
Reynard the Fox (Farquez; play for children)


Young Choreographers Concert
W*O*M*A*N (scenes from Lysistrata, Madwoman of Chaillot, The Women, Calm Down Mother)


The Promised Man (Ursic)*
Waiting For To Go (Catalano)*
Death of a Turkey (Saylor- Rohrbach)*
Magic Afternoon (Bauer)
Passion (Bond)
Mysteries and Smaller Pieces (Living Theatre)
Twelf Nite or Wateva! (Shakespeare & Benton; in pidgin)*
Lana’s Party! B.Y.O.B.S(Terrell)**
Shakespeare Birthday Show
The Mask Drama of India
Birthnight (Saylor; revised)*
Kapakahi (Edlin; adapted from legend)*
Onoe Kikunobu Dance Concert
Modern Dance Concert
Da Buggah Scapin (pidgin adaptation of Moliere)*
Four Alone (Hunter)*
Five Pinter Plays: A Slight Ache, The Room, The Collection, The Dumb Waiter, The Lover)



Hippolytus (Euripides)
The White Snake (Peking Opera)
Oklahoma! (Rodgers & Hammerstein)
The Glass Menagerie (Williams)
The Rivalry (Corwin)
Shirley Moeng Dance Concert
Patchwork (Children’s Theatre)*


AC/DC (Williams)
The Breasts of Tiresias (Apollinaire)
The Chairs (Ionesco)
The Lesson (Ionesco)
Ceilbert’s Christmas
Chopsticks (Children’s Theatre)*


The Dispossessed (scenes from O’Neill)
Damien (Morris)*
Shakespeare Birthday Show
Hawaii Dance Theatre
Fenesta Che Lucive (Catalano)*
No Laff My Pilikia, Eh! (Heacox)*
Pro Patria Mori (Brown)*
The Dragon of the Six Resemblances (Morris)*
Dancers & Musicians of the Burmese Theatre
Royal Shakespeare Company
Sharing Dance and Theatre
Margo Sancken Dance Concert
To Find the Root (Fordham)*
Festival Dance Concert
The Ugly Duckling (Children’s Theatre)
Yass Hakoshima Mime Concert



The Legend of King O’Malley (Boddy & Ellis)
An Evening of Ballet (Firebird et al)
Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck)
Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare)
Die Fledermaus (Strauss)
The Puppet Man Steve Hansen
The Road to Kyoto! (Brandon & Foley)**
Adventures in the Garden (The Little Seed & Itsy Bitsy Spider)


The Player Queen (Yeats)
Young Choreographers
Deathwatch (Genet)


Hawaii Dance Theatre
Why Must I Be a Teenager in Love (Hunter)*
On Finding Freakdom (Freen)*
Three By Chekhov (Marriage Proposal, Boor, Harmfulness of Smoking Tobacco)
Grandfather’s Chair (Kermit Love)
Onoe Kikunobu Dance Company
Commonroom (Saylor)
The Travels of Heikiki (Kates)*
Hapa Hauole (Terrell)*
Paradise Tours (R.J. Morris)*
The Importance of Breasts (H. Brown)*
Adventures of Stud (Carroll)*
Reflections of the Mind’s Eye (Adams, Kates, Babineau, Copi)*
As Time Goes By (Heacox)*
I Am a Curious Puppet*
Korean Shamanist Dances
Damien (A. Morris)
Martial Arts of Japan
Two Asian Theatre Organization productions



As You Like It (Shakespeare)
Dance Concert (ballet and modern)
Uncle Vanya (Chekhov)
Patchwork: It’s a Great Day
The Animal Hunter (Abe/Brandon)**
Pygmalion (Shaw)


Asian Shadow Puppet Scenes
You and Me (MFA Clemetts & Adams)
Shadow of a Gunman (O’Casey)
The Last Unicorn (Olsen)*
Young Choreographers


Hannah’s Place (Patten)*
All Brand New Classical Chinese Theatre (Aw)*
Vanities (Heifner)
Captain Cook (A. Morris)*
Penca and Topeng Babakan
Have a Grumpish Holiday (Jones & Varga)
Butterflies Are Free (Gershe)
Korean National Dance Company
The Fishermen’s Revenge (Peking Opera)
War Baby*
Two Asian Theatre Organization Productions



In the Boom Boom Room (Rabe)
Miss Julie (Strindberg)
The Man of Mode (Etherege)
The Forty Seven Samurai (Takeda et al)**
Ballet and Modern Dance Concert
The Playboy of the Western World (Synge)


MFA and Faculty Dance Concert
Fishing (Weller)


Daniel Nagrin Dance Concert
Bugaku troupe from Osaka
Our Lady in Rose Dore (Hansen)*
F and M (Russell; McShane; Cole; Clune)*
American Buffalo (Mamet)
Dan Wagoner Dance Concert
Quest of the Almost Knight (Tilroe)
Hawaii Dance Theatre Concert
Antigone (Sophocles)
Symphony Canada
What Is Today’s Name (Murch)*
Now I Learn My ABC’s (Russell)*
Mo’olelo Ki’i Lima (Nakamura)
Donna Pelle and Bryant Young Dance Concert



The Mother (Gorki-Brecht-Carroll)
Jim Gamble & His Puppets
Ballet & Modern Dance Concert
Medea (Sorgenfrei)
School for Wives (Moliere)
Dracula’s Treasure (Saunders)
Winter’s Tale (Shakespeare)
American Buffalo (Mamet)


Patricia Clements Dance Concert for Children
Uncommon Women
Jacques Brel… (Ohana Room) (Blau- Shuman-Brel)
Old Times (Pinter)
Young Choreographers Dance Concert


Bali Gugur shadow puppet play (Hon. Academy)
A Kennedy (Shapiro)*
The Waters of Kane (Pourchot)*
Famous Are the Flowers (Holt)
Dr. Faustus (Marlowe)
Onoe Kikunobu Dance Company
Modern Dance Concert
Wayang Kulit production
Nomura Kyogen troupe
University Dance Theatre Concert
Tandy Beal Dance Concert
Kyoto Noh show
Javanese Dance troupe
Symphony Canada
Richard Koob Dance Concert
Linda Jahnke Dance Concert



A Doll House (Ibsen)
Kennedy’s Children (Patrick)
Jim Gamble & His Puppets
The Imaginary Invalid (Moliere)
Dance Concert
The Rivals (Sheridan)
The Subscription List (Namiki)


The Bandit Princess (Tashiro)
And the Soul Shall Dance (Yamauchi)
Young Choreographers Dance Concert
Angel City (Shepard)
Taradiddle Tales & Travels (Atkins)
Progressions (Karen Masaki Dance Concert)


Night and Day (Stoppard; ACT production)
The Little Foxes (Hellman; ACT production)
Private Lives (Coward)
Daniel Nagrin Jazz Show & Cakewalk Contest
Man of La Mancha (Wasserman, Leigh, Darion)
Shelter (Shapiro)*
First Annual Nuclear Weapons Beauty Pageant (Cohen)*
Changing Voices (Look)*
Murray Louis Dance Company
Kathakali Dance Drama (Clifford & Betty Jones)
Echo II (Shapiro)*



Dance Concert
Jim Gamble & His Puppets
Women in Parliament (Aristophanes)
Manoa Valley (Sakamoto)*
Whose Life Is It Anyway? (Clark)
Hoichi: Dark Tales of the Heike (Brandon)*
The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare)
Theatre Magic (Hunt et al)*


Modern Dance Concert (Small, White, Haskell)
Richard III (Shakespeare)
MFA Dance Concert (Lai, Ma’ake, Yadao)
Evening of Improvisations (Mimi Wisnosky)*
Young Choreographers Dance Concert


Carnival (Merrill & Stewart)
Dear Liar (Kilty)
Another Part of the Forest (Hellman)
Private Lives (Coward)
And The Soul Shall Dance (Yamauchi)*
Onoe Kikunobu Dance Company
Ashes (Amano)*
Oranges Are Lucky (Lum)*
All Brand New Classical Chinese Theatre (Aw)*
Vanishing Shadows (Grant)*
Yoshitsune (Muriyama)*



Cordelia Victorious (Sorgenfrei)*
The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare)
Wiley and the Hairy Man (Zeder)
Kapai-Kapai (Noer)**
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (Allen)
Jim Gamble & His Puppets


Special Class (Kral)
The Ice Wolf (Kraus)
Dance Concert (Ahsing, Ronquillio, Leone)
The White Snake (Tian Han)
Young Choreographers Dance Concert
Wadizit? (Kuroda et al)
Bingo (Bond)


Bunraku of Japan
Dance Concert (Sokolow)
The Servant of Two Masters (Goldoni)
Mornings at Seven (Osborn)
The Chalk Garden (Bagnold)
The Most Happy Fella (Loesser)
A Class “C” Trial in Yokohama (Cornish)*
18’s & On the Wall (Wilkins)*
Strangers in Paradise*



True West (Shepard)
Dance Concert (Moses Pendleton et al)
Take the Step (Haskell & Gaither)*
Jim Gamble & His Puppets
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)
The Fantasticks (Schmidt & Jones)
Kabuki Twin-bill:
Fishing for a Wife (Mokuami-Pronko)
The Demon’s Hand (Mokuami-Pronko)
Blithe Spirit (Coward)


Love Suicide at Schofield Barracks (Linney)
Sin Cha Hong Modern Dance
Kyogen O Hawaii (de Costa)*
Young Choreographers
MFA Dance Concert (Taluban & Lee)


No Smile for Strangers (Heifer)*
Aala Park (Sakamoto)*
A Song for a Nisei Fisherman (Gotanda)*
Construction Unlimited (Russell)*
Chinese Magic Circus
Snoopy!!! (Schulz et al- Summer)


(KT renovation during Fall semester)


UH Dance Faculty Informal Concert
Jim Gamble & His Puppets
The Phoenix Returns to Its Nest (Chinese Opera)**
Spring Dance Concert
Ah, Wilderness! (O’Neill)
What the Butler Saw (Orton)
Right You Are! If You Think You Are (Pirandello)


Movement Signatures (Menczkowski)
The Arkansaw Bear (Harris)
Ain’t I A Woman? (Maltby)


Bunraku Puppet Theatre of Japan (Summer)
The Pearl Harbor Plays (A String of Pearls and Purple Hearts) (Clark)*
Foursome (Freen)*
Life of the Land (Sakamoto)*
Shakespeare Birthday Show
Onoe Kikunobu Dance Company (Summer)
The Fisher King (Algie)*



The Cross and the Sword (Brandon)*
Trudi and the Minstrel (Cullen)
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (Shakespeare)
The Learned Ladies (Moliere)
Spring Dance Concert
Quartermaine’s Terms (Gray)
Jim Gamble & His Puppets


MFA Dance Concert (Cook & Parker)
Young Choreographers Dance Concert
The Marriage of Heaven & Hell (Blake)
Godspell (Tabelak & Schwartz)


An Evening of American Theatre: Buried Child (Shepard) Our Town (Wilder) The Glass Menagerie (Williams) Prisoner of Second Avenue (Simon) The Sandbox (Albee) Dirty Works at the Cross Roads
A “Happening” at Kennedy Theatre by Friends of Kennedy Theatre
The White Death (Therriault)*
Summer’s War (Clark)*
Emmalehua (Kneubuhl)*
Twelf Nite O Wateva! (Benton)*
The Phoenix Returns to Its Nest (Chinese Opera) (revival- Summer)
Conversation with a Tramp (Stetson)
Beijing Acrobats (PRC)
Jackie Torrence, the Storyteller
The Woods (Mamet)



Streamers (Rabe)
The Cherry Orchard (Chekhov)
Jasma (Indian folk play by Shanta Gandhi; guest director M.K. Raina)**
Othello (Shakespeare)
Narukami, the Thundergod (Namboku/Brandon)
Spring Dance Concert
Many Moons (Thurber)
Jim Gamble & His Puppets


Young Choreographers
BFA/MFA Dance Concert (Shiroma, O’Connor, Ahsing, Sarsona)
Tingalary Bird (Melwood)
Shakespeare Birthday Show
My Home Is Down the Street (Lum)*
Dead Ends (Clark-Kenton)*
Kaiulani (based on a poem by Robert Nelson)*
Stew Rice (Sakamoto)*


The Dream of Kitamura
Austin on Tap
Sholom Aleichem (Summer)
SPEBE (Summer)
Ghost Sonata
Comedy of Errors
Shanghai Kunju Opera Troupe (Summer)
Coad Canada Puppets (Summer)
Nikolais Dance Theatre



Talking Story (Laird, Jossem, Clark-Kenton)
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare)
Oath to Freedom
Top Girls (Churchill)
Jim Gamble and His Puppets
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (Sondheim, Shevelove, (Gelbart)
Spring Dance Concert


Aunt Dan and Lemon (Shawn)
House of Bernarba Alba
Young Choreographers
MFA/BFA Dance Concert (Tani, Palombo, Chew)
Home in the Islands (Talisman, Kapono)
Lucky Come Hawaii (Shirota)
Paradise Bound (Hagino)
Chikamatsu’s Forest (Sakamoto)
Ka’iulani (Nelson, Kneubuhl, Carroll, Page)


The Seattle Repertory Theatre
Hogan’s Goat (Alfred)
Tartuffe (Moliere)
Jim Gamble and His Puppets in “The Greatest Little Show on Earth!” (Summer)
Onoe Kikunobu Dance Company (Summer)
The Grand Kabuki — A Messenger of Love in Yamato (Koi Bikyaku Yamato Orai) with Nakamura Senjaku (Chikamatsu- Summer)
SPEBE (Summer)
The World of Yeats
Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare)
Cosi Fan Tutti (SFO Opera)
Kanazawa Noh Company
Pro Musica Nipponia


(25th Anniversary Season at Kennedy Theatre)


Mother Hicks (Zeder)
The Blood Knot (Fugard)
The Miser (Moliere)
Jim Gamble and His Puppets
Anniversary Dance Concert
The Complete Oresteia (Aeschylus)
Noh/Kyogen (The Pining Wind, Buaku The Bold, Tricked By A Rhythm) with guests Nomura Mansaku and Nomura Shiro) **


Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Albee)
When You Comin’ Back, Red Ryder? (Medoff)
MFA/BFA Dance Concert (Tani, Ramos)
Men Dancing (Lizenbery)
Young Choreographers
Young Man on a Rock (Brady) *+


Waiting for Godot (Beckett- Summer)
The Conversion (Kneubuhl)
Overtones (Lee)
O’O: Hawaii (Charlot)
Lucky Come Hawaii (Shirota)
Pilipinas Circa 1907 (Summer)
Prometheus Bound (Aeschylus)
Guangdong Puppet Troupe (Summer)



Monkey Magic (Aurand Harris)*+
The Tempest (Shakespeare)
Islands *+
Jim Gamble & His Puppets in “Peter & the Wolf”
Yu Tangchun–The Jade Hall of Spring (Beijing Opera) **
The Good Woman of Setzuan (Brecht)
Spring Dance Concert


Ghosts (Ibsen)
Young Choreographers
Six Characters in Search of an Author (Pirandello)
Fool for Love (Shepard)
Elizabeth I
MFA/BFA Dance Concert (Carter, Rowe, Fry)


20th Annual Shakespeare Birthday Celebration
Na Kulaiwi (Hawaiian Music concert- Summer)
Men Dancing (Lizenbery – Summer)
Uzbek Puppet Theatre of the USSR (Summer)
Ethnosummer ’90 Fest. of Music and Dance (Summer)
Little Women The Tragedy, performed by the Split Britches Company from New York (Summer)



Bye Bye, Hana Buttah Days*+
The Two Gentlemen of Verona (Shakespeare)
Sexual Perversity in Chicago & The Duck Variations (Mamet)
The Road To Tokyo! (Brandon, Shaughnessy)*+
Jim Gamble & His Puppets in “The Greatest Little Show on Earth!”
Blood Relations (Pollock)
Spring Dance Concert


The Whaler*+
Dr. Faustus (Marlowe)
Young Choreographers
American Child*+
BFA Dance Concert (Allen, Blair, Chun, Erquiza, Joaquin, Shimabuku, Smith-Leonardson, Williams)


Potato People (Summer)
Yu Tangchun–The Jade Hall of Spring (Revival- Summer)
Miyagi Koto Performing Company (Summer)
Onoe Kikunobu Dance Concert (Summer)



Once Upon One Time (Matsumoto)*+
The Blind Giant is Dancing (Sewell)
The Slaying of Gavaka! (Doyle)*+
Jim Gamble and His Puppets in the Wonderful World of Puppets
West Side Story (Bernstein, Sondheim, Robbins)
The Love Suicides at Sonezaki (Members of the National Bunraku Theatre of Japan)
Spring Dance Concert

Prime Time Series (Lab Theatre)

Man To Man (Karge)
Young Choreographers
Creative Contamination
The Tales of The Lost Formicans (Congdon)


A Monster Has Stolen the Sun (Malpepe)
Li K’uei Tightens His Belt (Doyle)*+
Children of War (Adapted from Time magazine article by Roger Rosenblatt)


Once Upon One Time (Revival- Summer)
Passages (Summer)
Masters of Asian Dance (Summer)
Lhamo Folk Opera of Tibet


(Late Night Theatre debuted this season using the LAB theatre in late night time slots)


Once Upon One Noddah Time(Matsumoto)*+
Hedda Gabler (Ibsen)
The Legend of Prince Lanling (Xuehua Hu)
Jim Gamble and His Puppets in Peter and the Wolf
Annual Dance Concert
Laundry & Bourbon and Lonestar (McLure)
Valley of the Doll’s House (Split Britches Company)

Prime Time Series (Lab Theatre)

Fall Footholds
Kvetch (Berkoff)
The Singular Life of Albert Nobbs (Benmussa)
The Tempest: Island Bound (Shakespeare adaptation)
Spring Footholds

Late Night

The Conduct of Life (Fornes)
Politicians, Elections, and Other Obscenities
The Raven (Poe adaptation)
The Mystery of Irma Vep (Ludlam)
Backstage (Shimizu Kunio)
Beirut (Bowne)


A Tribute to Halla Pai Huhm: Korean Dance in Hawaii
The Bard and I (Shakespeare)
Fowl Play
Serendipity: a Non-Traditional Dance Concert
Lesbians Who Kill (Split Britches Company)



Noodle Doodle Box (Maar)
The Merry Wives of Windsor (Shakespeare)
On the Verge (Overmyer)
Jim Gamble & His Puppets in ___
Shajiabang: Spark Amid the Reeds (Model Revolutionary Beijing Opera) **
Speed the Plow (Mamet)
Spring Dance Concert

Prime Time Series (Lab Theatre)

The Baltimore Waltz (Vogel)
Woyzeck (Buchner)
Fall Footholds
Spring Footholds
The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Brecht)
Sir Gawain and Lady Ragnell *

Late Night

8×10 Glossy (Dreher)
Forget Him (Fierstein) and The Well of Horniness (Hughes)
The Colored Museum (Wolfe)
Jacques and His Master (Kundera)
Voices (Rame and Fo)
Acts to Grind *


Uncle Willy Wants You! – Shakespeare’s Birthday Party



D-Force (Schmiedl) *+
Our Hearts Were Touched With Fire (Sakamoto) *+
Jim Gamble & His Puppets in “Carnival of the Animals”
Annual Dance Concert
Sukeroku: Flower of Edo (Tsuuchi Jihei II)
Einstein Talks Like a Regular Guy (Russell Dowd) *+

Prime Time Series (Lab Theatre)

Rashomon (Akutagawa)
Betrayal (Printer)
Fall Footholds
Youth Theatre Rep.
Wanderings (Schmeidl) *+
When the Wild Smiled (McCarthy) *+
Arkansaw Bear (Harris)
Dream Play (Strindberg)
The Night of the Amazons (Saraos/Nobori) *+
Spring Footholds

Late Night Theatre

Bent (Sherman)
Ubu (Jarry)
Write Before Your Eyes (improv)
Conquest of the South Pole (Karge)
Suitcase and Man/Stick (Kobo Abe)
Dark is the Night (Popovic)


Shakespeare’s Birthday Party
Macbeth (Shakespeare)
The Heydrich Covenant (Moore) +
Love Letter from the Licensed Quarter (Chikamatsu)
Life is a Dream (de la Barca)



Das How Come (Matsumoto)*+
Marriage (Gogol)
Balinese Gamelan, Topeng, Kecak
Let’s Dance! (Annual Dance Concert)
Omanju (Houston) *+
Jim Gamble and His Puppets in the Greatest Little Show on Earth
Dragon Quest (Schmiedl) *+
Performed at Andrews Amphitheatre

Earle Ernst Lab Theatre

In August 1995 the Kennedy LAB Theatre was renamed the Earle Ernst Lab Theatre in honor of Dr. Earle Ernst, founder of the Department and former chair, who passed away in the summer of 1994.

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Oleanna (Mamet)
Fall Footholds
Dragonsong (McCaffrey, adapted by Elliot)
Malady of Death (Duras)
Waiting for Godot (Beckett)
Spring Footholds

Late Night Theatre

I Stand Before You Naked (Oates)
Queer Cabaret (DeBlieck)*
El Cepillo de Dientes – The Toothbrush (Diaz)
Reckless (Lucas)
Silk Girl in Blue Deserted (Gilbert/Luhrmann)
The Phoenix Lovers Fireshow (Thelin and company)


Shakespeare’s Birthday Party
Sakura–The Bandit Princess (Tashiro)
Rakugo in English!
Fortinbras (Blessing)
Alms for Oblivion
The Comedy of Errors (Shakespeare)



Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)
Kabuki Mikado (Brandon and Company) *
Jim Gamble and His Puppets presents The Nutcracker
Goodnight Desdemona [Good Morning Juliet] MacDonald
Impulse! Dance and the Drum
The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck/Galati)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Baal (Brecht)
eMotion.s–German Lineage in Modern Dance
Fall Footholds
Twilight Crane (Kinoshita)
The Art of Dining (Howe)
Spring Footholds

Late Night Theatre

Barefoot Fugue (Shogo) **
Canticles of Salvation (DeBlieck) *
Dionysus 96 (Euripides)
The Misadventures of Paka and Lolo *
Welcome to the Moon (Shanley)
Border (Wray)


Shakespeare’s Birthday Party



Bye Bye, Hana Buttah Days *+
Da Taming of Da Shrew (adapted from Shakespeare)*+
Jim Gamble and His Puppets in Peter and the Wolf
Silang Tan Mu–Love and Loyalty (Jingju)**
Annual Dance Concert–Creature Feature

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Blue Bird Rhapsody *+
Fall Footholds
Spring Footholds
The Waiting Room (Loomer)
The Maids (Genet)
Kaspar (Handke)

Late Night Theatre

The Devil and Billy Markham (Silverstein)
Mohala Ka Lehua (Baker)*+
Late Night Science Fiction Theatre (Bradbury/Pisculli)
Relative Gravity *+


Shakespeare’s Birthday Party
School 4 Scandal (SPEBE production)
Antigone (Anouilh – SPEBE production)



Heavenly Chanting – Amis Artists from Taiwan
The Arkansaw Bear (Harris)
The Story of Susanna (Kneubuhl) *+
Jim Gamble and His Puppets in Hansel and Gretel
Celebration (Schmidt, Jones)
Annual Dance Concert – Dancing on the Edge
Nikimalika (Millado) *+

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Acting is Believing (de Vega)
Fall Footholds
Guano Dell’Amore (Pisculli) *+
A Lie of the Mind (Shepard)
Spring Footholds

Late Night Theatre

Death (Allen)
Ghost Stories: Believe it or Not!
Shoes (Maneerat)
Late Night Science Fiction Double Feature II


Shakespeare’s Birthday Party



Onoe Kikunobu Dance Concert
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare)
The Snow Queen and the Goblin (King)
Jim Gamble and His Puppets in the Wonderful World of Puppets
Korean Dance and Music: Tradition and Adaptation
The Fantastic Normal Gentlemen (Dr. Schaffer and Mr. Stern Dance Ensemble)
Annual Dance Concert: Dance 2000
The Summer Festival: A Mirror of Osaka (Sosuke/translation Iezzi)**

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (Stoppard)
Crow and Weasel (Leonard)
Fall Footholds
Strindberg in Repertory: Easter/The Ghost Sonata (Strindberg)
A Flight of Dragons*+
Spring Footholds

Late Night Theatre

Universal Wolf (Schenkar)
Private Eyes (Dietz)
Pangaean Dreams: A Shamanic Journey (Rosenthal)
Christie in Love (Brenton)


The Summer Festival: A Mirror of Osaka (Sosuke/translation Iezzi)** Revival
In the Clear Blue Sea (Ohia Productions Touring show)



No One Will Marry A Princess With A Tree Growing Out of Her Head (Brill/Jackson)
La Bête (Hirson)
Umbuik Mudo and the Magic Flute (Traditional Randai)**
Annual Dance Concert: Alumni Fest!
Faust I & II (Goethe, translation MacDonald)
Jim Gamble and His Puppets presents Peter and the Wolf
The African Tragedian (Peters/Touring Show)
Doug Varone and Dancers (Touring Show)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Blood Wedding (Lorca)
Fall Footholds
Machinal (Treadwell)
Pharaoh’s Daughters (Shofner)*+
Spring Footholds
Buddhist Ritual Song & Dance (Touring Show)

Late Night Theatre

Flipsides of Desire (Evans)*+
A Way Home (Carr)*+
Dream-Tease (Kharms)
Zanni Got His Gun (Pisculli)*+


The Rabbit Who Wanted Red Wings (McCaslins adaptation)



Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare)
Annual Dance Concert: Bigger Than Life!
Judge Bao and the Case of Qin Xianglian (Jingju)**
Crimes of the Heart (Henley)
Eco-Circus (Yamamoto Hackler & P Hunt)*+
Jim Gamble and His Puppets in Circus
A Concert of Beijing Opera Highlights

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

The Clown of God (Adaptation by Branner)*+
Master and Margarita (van Itallie from Bulgakov novel)
The Little Prince (Saint-Exupéry, adapted by Rick Cummins and John Scoullar)
Winter Footholds
Spring Footholds
Kneeling Deeply to Rise*+

Late Night Theatre

Edmond (Mamet)
Karmic Slave: Trapped on the Wheel of Reincarnation (Morinaka)*+
What Keeps Me Here (Mamet, Pelfrey, Rivera, Silner, Brown)
The Yellow Wallpaper (Akiyama & Wormer, adapted from Charlotte Perkins Gilman novel)*+


The Paper Bag Princess (Watts)



The Boy Who Stole the Stars (Wiles)
Lysistrata (Aristophanes/McLeish translation)
Kyogen: Laughter for All Time
Jim Gamble and His Puppets “Celebrate America!”
Dance Korea!
The Robbers (Schiller, MacDonald translation)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Fine Dancing (Hereniko)
Footholds I: Dancing Voices
Darkweed (Poage)*+
Waiting for Godot (Beckett)
Footholds II: Young Choreographers on Stage
Footholds III: Fly High Fall Silently

Late Night Theatre

Hysterical: A Short History of the Vibrator (Wright)*+
Crave (Kane)
Tongues/Savage Love (Shepard and Chaikin)
Chase (Ellauri)*+


Theatre closed for ADA renovations: addition of chairlift, relocation of wheelchair seating, bathroom renovations



The Paper Bag Princess and Other Stories (Munsch, Adapted by Watts)
‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore (Ford)
Jim Gamble and His Puppets: The Wonderful World of Puppets
Betty’s Summer Vacation (Durang)
Annual Dance Concert: Music, Art, and Dance Fest
Nozaki Village (Chikamatsu)**

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Moral (Kisaragi)
Fall Footholds
Masked Balls (Wright)*+
Ghost Sonata (Strindberg)
Ashes to Ashes (Pinter) and Far Away (Churchill)
Spring Footholds

Late Night Theatre

Agamemnon (Berkoff)
The Successful Life of 3 (Fornes)
The Most Massive Woman Wins (George)
Fair Rosamund and Her Murderer (Nigro) and Necropolis (Nigro)


Onoe Kikunobu Dance Company: A Legacy in Hawaiʻi for 45 Years



How da B52 Cockroach Learned to Fly (Matsumoto)
Manoa Valley (Sakamoto)
Jim Gamble and His Puppets: Circus!
Luck and Loss: Manandin’s Gamble – Indonesian Randai**
Annual Dance Concert: Swoop, Tumble, Fly: The Art of Motion
twelf nite o’ WATEVA (Benton)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Philemon (Jones and Schmidt)
Fall Footholds I
Fall Footholds II: You Are the Mirror
Jaguar Priests: Our Culture is a Myth (Ellauri)*+
The Odyssey (Falls and Beattie)
Pandora & the Seven Deadly Sins (Wormser)*+
Spring Footholds: Moving Images

Late Night Theatre

The Cyclops (Euripides, translation Roche)
This Is My House (Covalt and Bolieu)*+
The Captive (Lewis)
Arabian Night (Schimmelpfennig)


Hawaii Shakespeare Festival (Ernst Lab Theatre):
Winter’s Tale
Midsummer Night’s Dream
Romeo and Juliet



Boy Who Tricked the Moon (Grauer) Cancelled due to Mold Cleaning in the Theatre
Battle of Will (Gaudé)
Jim Gamble and His Puppets: The Wonderful World of Puppets
Women Generals of the Yang Family (Jingju)**
Annual Dance Concert: Dance Connection and Extension
Rhinoceros (Ionesco)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Vinegar Tom (Churchill)
Fall Footholds
Little Shop of Horrors (Ashman and Menken)
The Ravanayana (Richard)+
Spring Footholds

Late Night Theatre

No Exit (Sartre)
Hamletism (Wong)+
A Letter to My Mother at the End of the World (DeMoville)


Hawaii Shakespeare Festival (Ernst Lab Theatre):
Much Ado About Nothing
Antony and Cleopatra
Comedy of Errors



Skupper Duppers (Atkin)
A Streetcar Named Desire (Williams)
Jim Gamble & His Puppets in Circus!
Hakama for Two (Futari Bakama)
The Six Jizô Statues (Roku Jizô)
Three Pillars (Sanbonbashira)
A Measure of Courage (Chigiriki)
Dances from the Heart/Land
As You Like It (Shakespeare)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Fall Footholds
Fish Head Soup (Gotanda)
In the Heart of America (Wallace)
Spring Footholds

Late Night Theatre

Share a Secret*+
Thom Pain (Eno)/Conviction (Ruocco)
A Matter of Life and Death: An evening of original theatre
Performing Your Life: Cross Cultural (Shepard)
Death Row 1, Seats 2 and 3 (Klapatauskas)*+
In Cahoots!: Explorations in Collaboration
Volplane/In Cahoots/Text



Kraken Ka the Komodo Dragon and other Pacific Rim Dragon Tales (DeMoville)*+
Man of La Mancha (Wasserman, Leigh, Darion)
Jim Gamble & His Puppets in “Peter and the Wolf”
A (Balinese) Tempest (Reed)
Atamira Dance Collective
Annual Dance Concert
The Servant of Many Masters (adapted from Goldoni)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Wild Man (Xingjian)
Fall Footholds
Rejoice in the Lamb (DeMoville)*+
Antonio Fava in Pucinella’s War
Spring Footholds

Late Night Theatre

Mercury Science Fiction Theatre (Bisson and Patrick-Kelley)
Steve Martin’s Naughty Bits (Martin)
Rumi (Sills and Barks)


Pacific People: An Evening of Telling Lives



The Little Snow Fox (DeMoville)
Macbeth (Shakespeare)
Sumida River (Sumidagawa)
Dance: Roots and Offshoots
Drums and Drama: Mask Dance from Sri Lanka (touring production)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Rakugo (touring production)
Fall Footholds
Snow Day (Pleviak)*+
Translations (Friel)
Winter Footholds
The Good Terrorists (Klapatauskas)*+

Late Night Theatre

Stop the Clocks
What (Hickey) and Learning to Walk (Ionesco)
Seascape with Sharks and Dancer (Nigro)
Wiley and the Hairy Man (Zeder)


Black Box Black Blocks I (Lab Theatre)



When the Cassowary Pooped (Montgomery/Belknap)+
The Sound of Ecstasy and Nectar of Enlightenment (East-West Center production)
The Homecoming (Pinter)
The White Snake (Jingju)
Dancing Green (Annual Dance Concert)
The Judith of Shimoda (Brecht)**
Mahagonny Songspiel (Brecht/Weill)
From the Horse’s Mouth Hawaii (outside production)
Kabu Ni Vanua: Dance and Music from Fiji (East-West Center production)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Fall Footholds
Etta Jenks (Meyer)
Appalachia Hawaiʻi (Madden)*+
Spring Footholds

Late Night Theatre

Nocturnal Wanderer (Xingjian)
Exposed: This is a Play (MacIvor) and The Natalia Gallery
I Have Space Issues (Johnson)
Madge’s Shimmy Shack (Tanner)*+


Faustworks (Outreach College Production)
The 14th Onoe Kikunobu Dance Company (Outreach College production)
Keiko Fujii Dance Company (Outreach College production)
Ballet Hawaii (Outreach College Production)
Black Box Black Blocks II (Lab Theatre)



Hands Percussion Team (East-West Center production)
Western Theatre Rep:
Waiting for Godot (Beckett)
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Dancing Greener: Recycle, Renew, Recreate
The Vengeful Sword Ise Ondo Koi no Netaba (Chikamatsu Tokusô, Tatsuoka Mansaku, Namiki Shôzô II)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Tarradiddle Tales (Flora B. Atkin)
Fall Footholds
Love2 (Siobhán Ní Dhonacha)*+
Spring Footholds

Late Night Theatre

The Beginning of the Ed (W. M. Balou)
Heaven Below Earth Above (Marcus Lee and cast)*
Increased Difficulty of Concentration (Václav Havel)
The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia? (Edward Albee)


Black Blocks Black Box III (Lab Theatre)
Once Upon One Noddah Time (Matsumoto) (Outreach College Production)
Asia-Pacific Dance Festival (Outreach College Production)



Oklahoma! (Rodgers and Hammerstein)
The Genteel Sabai – Indonesian Randai**
Ocean’s Motion+

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Bug (Letts)
Fall Footholds
Half-Perched Dangerously Baked, Episode XVI (Vandermolen)*+
Winter Footholds
reasons to be pretty (LaBute

Late Night Theatre

Stop Kiss (Son)
Hot ‘n’ Throbbing (Vogel)
Cop-Out (Guare)
Ubu Cocu (Jarry)


Happy Eva Afta (Matsumoto) (Outreach College Production)
Damien (Morris) (Outreach college Production)



The Giver (Lowry/Coble)
Uncle Vanya and Zombies (Chekhov/Wessendorf)*+
Taiko Drum and Dance
Thread Hell (Rio)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Fall Footholds
Handler (Schenkkan)
La Strada (Fellini/Pinelli/Zapponi)**
Spring Footholds

Late Night Theatre

Sonnets for an Old Century (Rivera)
The Raku-come, Rakugo! Show
Danny and the Deep Blue Sea (Shanley)
A Lovely Violent Ghost Haiku with Gun (Yockey)


The Intergalactic Nemesis Live-Action Graphic Novel – Book One


Living the Art of Hula
Samulgwangdae, Dance and Drums of Korea
Journeys: Asia Pacific Dance Festival



Big Love (Mee)
Look Back: Move Forward (Annual Dance Concert)
Lady Mu and the Yang Family Generals (Jingju)
The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip (David O/Doug Cooney)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

The Wild Party (Lippa)
Winter Footholds
very still & hard to see (Yockey)
Spring Footholds

Late Night Theatre

Identity Crisis
Queens of the Night (Hung/Rogals)*+
Puppet Booth (Blok)


Onoe Kikunobu Dance Concert



Blithe Spirit (Coward)
The BFG (Wood)
Lā‘ieikawai [Hana Keaka] (Baker)*+
Dancing Off the Page (Annual Dance Concert)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Ruined (Nottage)
Fall Footholds
Joker (Liu) *+
Winter Footholds
The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare/Shire)

Late Night Theatre

Upside Reverie
30 Neo-Futurist Plays from “Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind (30 Plays in 60 Minutes)”
One Night Stand*+
The Bald Soprano (Ionesco)



Sunday in the Park with George (Sondheim/Lapine)
Gorilla (Browne/Barnett)
Subali-Sugriwa: Battle of the Monkey Kings (I Made Sidia/I Ketut Wirtawan/Pauka/Reynolds)*+**
SHAZAM! Dance + Science (Annual Dance Concert)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

The Butterfly (Fardjam/Mofid/Laffoon)
Fall Footholds: In Sync, Out of Time
One Flea Spare (Wallace)
Spring Footholds: Streams
The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare/Shire)

Late Night Theatre

The Cow is Outside the Fence “(30 Plays in 60 Minutes)”*+
Clowns After Hours*+
Cinematik (Donato)*+
Fire Horse (Yoo)*+


This season was “out of the box” where most performances took place outside of Kennedy Theatre due to renovations. Antigone was performed outside on the makai side of KT. MemoryHouse:Dreams was performed in various areas of Kennedy Theatre. Twelfth Night was performed in the Campus Center Ball Room, Power & Folly was performed at Mid-Pac. Smile, You’re Under Surveillance was performed on the mainstage with seating also on the mainstage space. Most Late Night Theatre performances were held in Studio S.


Antigone (TYA)
MemoryHouse: Dreams
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)
Power & Folly: Japanese Satire for the 21st Century*+**

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

A House Divided (Berg)*+
Winter Footholds
Smile, You’re Under Surveillance (Wessendorf)*+
Spring Footholds

Late Night Theatre

24-Hour Play Festival+
The Thin Man on the Ladder (Neimi)*+
Issue One (Donato)*+
Night, Mother



The Spitfire Grill
Taiko Drum & Dance: Hana Hou!
Fights & Delights: Three Chinese/Xiqu Comedies**
Nora (Bergman from Ibsen A Doll House, Trans./Adapted by Marker)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Special Event (on mainstage) – Art of the Chanter (Keali’i Reichel)
Fa’alavelave: The Interruption (Rivera) +
Spring Footholds: Transitions

Late Night Theatre

Mimes, Masks, and Miracles*+
Almost, Maine (Cariani)
Don’t Be Absurd: An Evening of Existential Drama (Albee/Beckett)
Tony the Fantastic Fireman LIVE! One Night Only (Wessel)*+



Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat (Based on Dr. Seuss’s book, adapt. by Katie Mitchell)
A Midsummer Night’s Bollywood Dream (adapted by Mitri and Bhatawadekar)
Integral Bodies (Kao/Wessendorf)*+

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

The Good Person of Setzuan (Kushner adapt.)
Fall Footholds: Intersections
Spring Footholds: Glimpse
The Country Wife (Wycherley)

Late Night Theatre

It Comes in Threes: An Evening of Quick Comedies (Nottage, Durang, Ives)
Murder at the Victorian Estate: Improvised Murder Mystery (Steward)*+
Baby Shampoo (Houar)*+
Corpus Interruptus (Altman/Poblete)*+
Special Event – War of the Worlds: The 1938 Radio Script (Koch adapt.)


In March of 2020 the Covid-19 Global Pandemic shut down UHM campus. The effected shows are noted below.


‘Au‘a ‘la: Holding On [Hana Keaka] (Baker)*+
The Last King of Bali (I Made Moja/I Ketut Wirtawan/Pauka/Reynolds)*+**
Rise Up! – CANCELLED due to Covid-19

Prime Time Series (Lab Theatre)

Keiki Kalo (Branner/Orozco Vargas)*+
Fall Footholds: Prism
The Maids (Genet)
The Moors (Silverman)
Winter Footholds: Kaleidoscope 
Sueño (Rivera) – CANCELLED due to Covid-19

Late Night Theatre

It’s the Grass that Suffers (Governale)*+
Leviathan (Houar)*+
The New Works Festival – A late night festival of staged readings *+


(This season was performed remotely and streamed virtually to audience members due to Covid-19 and in-person performance restrictions. This was UHM’s first virtual season.)


Getting Ready For Eddie [free video series](Branner)*+
Flowers of Hawai’i (Cataluna)
Dance Gallery 
Remotely Kyōgen: Comedy Under the (virtual) Stars (Iezzi/Shigeyama)*+**

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Virtual Dance Performance I (Miller)
I’m Lot Lane (a solo effort) (Simpson)*+
Ondine (Giradoux/Wigglesworth)**+
Virtual Dance Performance II (Kao)

Late Night Theatre

I’m Leaving You My Feet (Dekker)*+
When We Were Young (Stone)*+
Waiting Game (Santos)*+
Running Out the Clock: a digital festival of student-written shorts *+


(The fall semester shows were performed on stage and streamed to devices due to Covid-19 and in-person performance restrictions. The spring semester shows had limited live audiences.)


He Leo Aloha [Hana Keaka] (Kaipulaumakaniolono)*+
Sphere, Mainstage Dance Concert (Kao/Miller)
Eddie Wen’ Go: the story of the upside-down canoe (Lyman-Mersereau)
Ho’oilina [Hana Keaka] (Kahikina)*+

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Interstellar Cinderella (Berkner/Kriger/Underwood)
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (Fassbinder/Tushingham)
Hawai’i Nō Ka ‘Oi: a Sakamoto Celebration (Sakamoto)
Co-Motion, Footholds Dance Concert (Fisher/Perillo)

Late Night Theatre

We Emerge (devised)*+
The Human Pavilion (Seishin)*+
House Rules (Sarangay)*+
Keep it Brief: a festival of short works*+


(The Fall semster shows begain as limited live in-person audiences and during the spring semester all spacing restrictions had been lifted).


Form within a Form: Echoes and Reverberations (Miller)
20,000 Leagues Deep #Hawaii_ascending (Chan)*+

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Chinee, Japanee, All Mix Up (devised/Ho)*+
Memorial Day (Donnelly)
Dance Dance Dance (Murakami/Ivanova)*+
Spring Footholds: Merge (Kao)

Late Night Theatre

Unspecified (Drackett)*+
Almost Theatre (Rowe/Morris, III)*+
Ordinary Days (Mahar/Drackett)



Are We There Yet, Baby? (Kao)
The Maiden Benten and the Bandits of the White Waves [Kabuki in English] (Mokuami/Iezzi)+

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

Kaisara [Hana Keaka] (Kaper)*+
The Water Station (Shōgo)
Glitter in the Paʻakai [Hana Keaka] (Tavares)*+
BFA/MFA Dance Concert

Late Night Theatre

Haku Wale (Tavares)
Eva Hamok (Mante)



Puana [Hana Keaka] (Baker)*+
RENT (Larson)

Prime Time Series (Earle Ernst Lab Theatre)

4.48 Psychosis (Kane)
Metamorphosis [Dance Concert] (Kao/Miller)
MFA/BFA Dance Concert
CLOCKS (Pitt)*+

Late Night Theatre

Gothmass (Massengill)*+
Mapping Living Histories: Performance as Embodied Archive (Crellin)*+

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