Call for Papers: School of Pacific & Asian Studies Graduate Conference

Deadline: January 25, 2023, 11:59 pm HST

The School of Pacific and Asian Studies and the Department of Asian Studies at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa invites proposals for papers, performances, and panels that seek to move beyond the ‘traditional’ regions of Asia for the 34th annual Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference. Beyond the constructed and narrow boundaries of South, Southeast, West, Central, and East Asia, this conference invites participants to think particularly about the movements of peoples, ideas, forms, and technologies across space and time through the perspective of Inter-Asia. How can historical and/or contemporary understandings of Asia(s) be enriched when one moves beyond established geographical and regional limits? How can networks be established, thickened, broken, and re-established again? Why might such networks be important?


We welcome submissions from across different disciplines that can either be rooted in one specific region of Asia or be focused on Inter-Asia from the outset, but all papers should engage in some way with the wider implications of mobility across space and time. We take the definition of Asia to be as expansive as possible, with a stress on connections and networks rather than clearly defined boundaries. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: borderline studies that move beyond the nation-state and established regions; cultural and religious flows; the transmission and movement of literary texts, music, dance, and other art forms; diasporas and migrations; climate change and environmental challenges; health and disease; linguistic analyses; and political economy and international relations.

Why Apply?

The Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference gives graduate students an opportunity to present their research to a friendly group of peers and professors. As many students from across the U.S., Europe, and Asia attend the conference, there are ample opportunities to network with fellow academics with a passion for the study of Asia. Additionally, there will be several “Best Paper” prizes funded by the area centers at UH Mānoa: 

  • Best Korea paper ($300)
  • Edward Seidensticker Best Japan paper ($500)
  • Best China paper ($500)
  • Best Southeast Asia paper ($500)
  • Best South Asia paper ($200)
  • Best Inter-Asia paper ($500)



January 25, 2023 | Deadline to apply

April 27-28, 2023 | SPAS Conference


How to Apply:

Please submit a 250-300 word abstract through this link, together with your contact details.