Community Living
Your on-campus residential experience is a great opportunity to learn about yourself, others, and how to truly be a part of a diverse community. Involvement in this unique environment can significantly enhance your overall collegiate experience academically, socially and developmentally.
All students who live in on-campus residential communities should feel welcome, valued and safe, and deserve to be treated with respect. Behavior that strays from the goals and mission of the University and Student Housing Services (SHS) will not be accepted. Any form of bigotry, threats, intimidation, violence, or other forms of harassment or oppression against any member of our community is not welcome and will be addressed by SHS staff.
The University is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment, as well as other benefits, programs, and activities, that is free from discrimination on the basis of sex. The Office of Title IX has the specific responsibility for providing prompt and effective responses to all complaints of Title IX sex-based harassment. For detailed information, access the website of the Office of Title IX at:
Roommate Relationships
- Living Agreements: Residents are expected to participate in good faith in the creation of a roommate/suitemate/apartment-mate living agreement with all roommates at the start of the semester or when there is a change in occupants. All parties are expected to abide by the agreement or to advocate for modifications to the agreement as necessary. Open and honest communication is encouraged.
- Roommate Conflicts: When conflicts arise, residents are encouraged to engage in open discussion of issues. RAs are available to assist with mediating disagreements so that residents grow in their ability to communicate, resolve differences, and compromise. Residents requesting room changes based on interpersonal conflicts will participate in a conflict resolution discussion with an RA, Assistant Residence Director, and/or Residence Director prior to the consideration of any room change request. If safety concerns are present, residents should notify hall staff immediately.
- Health and Safety: All residents are expected to contribute to an environment that promotes the health and well-being of all roommates, including attention to personal hygiene. Residents are encouraged to have discussions with their roommates on how they will manage any communicable illnesses among roommates should they arise. Some options for illness management include the wearing of face masks, extra sanitization/cleaning efforts, or isolation from roommates. Residents can also seek the guidance of the University Health Services office or their own Personal Care Physician (PCP) when illnesses arise. If safety concerns exist, residents should notify hall staff immediately.
Community Standards 2024 - 2025
The Community Standards are established to help students be part of communities that are inclusive, respectful and conducive to academic pursuits. Disciplinary action may be taken against any member of the residential community for any misconduct or violation of University and/or SHS policies and regulations including, but not limited to, the following types of conduct:
- Violation of rules and regulations as contained in the current Student Housing Services application forms, Residence Hall or Apartment Contract, Community Standards, and specific hall regulations.
- Violation of standards of conduct and/or regulations contained in the current University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Handbook, catalog, and UHM Student Conduct Code. The UHM Student Conduct Code can be found on-line at
- All residents are expected to know and comply with all applicable Federal, State and local laws and guidelines.
1. Alcohol
All residents are expected to know and comply with all State laws and guidelines regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages on University premises as outlined in the University policies (EP 11.201 and EP 11.202) and the Community Standards. University policies can be found at: The legal drinking age in the State of Hawaiʻi is 21 years of age.
A. Residents who are not of legal drinking age may not possess, be in presence of, consume, or be under the influence of alcohol. Possession of an open or empty alcohol container shall be interpreted as being consumed. If alcohol can be seen, smelled or otherwise determined to be present, it can be assumed that a policy violation has occurred.
B. Residents of legal drinking age may be in the presence of, possess, or consume alcohol within the privacy of their room or apartment, so long as ALL occupants of the room/apartment are of legal drinking age. If a roommate who is not of legal age is not present, residents of legal age may be in the presence of, possess, or consume alcohol with others of legal drinking age. University or Student Housing Services staff, acting in their official capacity, may request a government-issued picture identification to verify resident(s) ages.
C. Alcohol must be consumed within the confines of the resident’s room/apartment. Any and all alcohol outside the room/apartment is strictly prohibited, including, but not limited to, hallways, in parking lots, courtyards, and BBQ areas. Containers of alcohol that are transported through common areas must remain unopened. If the room/apartment door is open, the room/apartment is considered a common area.
D. Misuse of or abuse of alcohol, regardless of where it is consumed, which results in disruptive or destructive behavior, is prohibited.
E. Anyone who is 21 years of age or older is prohibited from distributing alcohol to anyone below the legal drinking age. The State of Hawaiʻi’s Social Host Liability Law makes it illegal to host underage drinking in a residence. Adults can be prosecuted for giving alcohol to minors. Resident hosts will be held responsible for distributing alcohol to anyone under the age of 21.
F. Drinking games (such as water pong) or any activity that promotes excessive consumption, whether or not alcohol is involved, are strictly prohibited.
G. Common source containers are strictly prohibited and will be confiscated and/or disposed of. Common source containers include, but are not limited to, kegs, party balls, water jugs, and beer bongs.
H. The sale of alcohol for a form of payment, donation, or other benefit is prohibited. The advertisement of parties/gatherings where alcohol will be consumed is not allowed.
2. Appliances
Appliances that are not provided by Student Housing Services are prohibited except for those covered by this policy.
A. Use of cooking appliances such as air fryers, Instapots, electric grills, coffee makers, and toasters/toaster ovens is strictly prohibited in residence hall rooms, but may be stored in residence hall rooms for use in community kitchen areas only. When possible, appliances should have an “auto shut off” feature and be energy star compliant. When such appliances are used, they must be plugged directly into a wall outlet and then immediately disconnected after use.
B. Personal appliances such as irons and hair dryers must be used for their intended purpose and never left on and unattended. When in use, they must be plugged directly into a wall outlet and then immediately disconnected after use.
C. MicroFridges are provided in residence hall spaces. Aside from these, personal microwaves are NOT allowed in the residence halls. For the Hale Wainani apartment complex, only one microwave is allowed per apartment, but must not exceed a stated FCC rating of 700 watts, and the FCC rating placard must be intact. Microwaves must also be plugged directly into a wall outlet and must be energy star compliant.
D. MicroFridges are provided in residence hall spaces and full-size refrigerators are provided in the Hale Wainani Apartment complex. Aside from these, personal refrigerators are NOT allowed in the residence halls or apartments. Please note that all residence halls are also equipped with a community kitchen with a full-size refrigerator.
E. Air Conditioners are prohibited. If an air conditioner is required due to a verifiable health-related condition, residents must notify the Student Housing Services Office, provide supporting medical documentation and otherwise complete the approval process through KOKUA. Officially approved air conditioner units must be installed by the Student Housing Services staff. The presence of an unapproved air conditioner will result in the resident(s) being charged for the presence of and for the duration of the presence of the unapproved unit. Refer to “Administrative and Damage Fee Sheet”.
F. Any appliance with an open heating element not covered in these policies is prohibited for use or storage in residence hall rooms. Student Housing Services reserves the right to confiscate and/or require the removal of any appliance that exceeds wattage or space requirements, or that is otherwise deemed to be a safety hazard.
3. Arson/Fire Safety
A. Arson: Any willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft, personal property of another, etc. is strictly prohibited.
B. Fire: Any instance of open flame or other burning in a place not intended to contain the burning or in an uncontrolled manner is prohibited.
C. Activating false fire alarms or other false reporting of emergencies is prohibited.
D. Tampering with or impeding the operation of fire or safety equipment is prohibited. This includes hanging anything on or covering smoke detectors and sprinkler systems, impeding visual sight or audio of fire alarm systems, and the tampering with fire pull stations or fire extinguishers. Residents may be charged for replacement and/or repair costs incurred as the result of such behavior.
E. Fire Evacuation: All persons must evacuate at the sound of an alarm regardless of whether they believe it to be false, and remain in the designated evacuation areas until given permission to return by hall staff. Doors, exits, and access areas must not be blocked, and egress from any location within the buildings must not be impeded at any time.
F. Extension cords are not permitted for use in residence halls and apartment facilities.
G. Surge protectors (multi-outlet power strips) with an integral circuit breaker or fuse are permitted provided they are 15 amps maximum, have a cord no longer than 10 feet, bear the UL approval rating, and are plugged directly into a wall outlet. Surge protectors cannot be “piggy-backed” (one surge protector plugged into another surge protector).
H. Temporary Lighting: Temporary light installations, such as string/strip lights or decorative holiday lighting (even battery-operated), are not permitted.
I. Use of any incendiary device, such as candles, incense, or any device that utilizes an open flame is prohibited.
J. Storage of any flammable liquid, chemical, motor vehicle batteries or acid, or other dangerous substances are prohibited.
K. Halogen lights/halogen lamps and lava lamps are prohibited.
L. Barbecue Grills: Residents must barbecue within the designated barbecue areas only. See the Community Desk for reservations and instructions concerning community barbecue grills.
4. Sex Discrimination
The University of Hawaiʻi is committed to maintaining and promoting safe and respectful campus environments that are free from sex discrimination and gender-based violence.
If you have any questions or concerns about sex discrimination or gender-based violence or if you would like to make a report, you can contact:
Jennifer Rose
Interim Title IX Coordinator
Hawaiʻi Hall #124
2500 Campus Road
Honolulu, HI 96822
Telephone: (808) 956-2299
Kenny Lopez
Interim Deputy Title IX Coordinator, SHS
Residential Life Office, Johnson Hall A
2555 Dole Street
Honolulu, HI 96822
Telephone: (808) 956-8300
Interim Executive Policy EP 1.204, Interim Policy on Sex Discrimination covers sex discrimination, sex-based harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, sex-based stalking, sexual exploitation, and retaliation (Title IX). The Administrative Procedure for EP 1.204 complaints is Interim AP 1.204, Interim Administrative Procedures Regarding Sex Discrimination.
More information about Title IX can be found on the Title IX website:
A brochure with information about Title IX may be viewed by visiting the following link:
5. Behavioral Misconduct/Complicity
A. Behavior that threatens, intimidates, harms, or places others in danger, or conduct which is disorderly is prohibited.
B. If a resident is present during a policy violation, the resident may be held responsible for alleged policy violation(s).
6. Bicycles, Coasting Devices, Skates, Skateboards, Scooters, Mopeds
Residents are responsible for knowing the appropriate locations to secure electric bicycles, bicycles, electric scooters, or mopeds. Residents should also utilize proper methods to secure their property. Safety tips can be found at the UHM Department of Public Safety website:
A. Electric bicycles, electric scooters, or mopeds may not be brought into residence halls and apartments.
B. Collapsible bicycles can be stored without blocking any exits to the room/apartment and that do not infringe on roommates’ space in the room/apartment.
C. Motorized equipment containing fuel may not be stored within buildings at any time.
D. Skateboards, skates, electric bicycles, bicycles, electric scooters, or mopeds are not to be parked or ridden in public pedestrian areas (including hallways, walkways, and courtyards) or in any area marked as “no riding” or “no parking” zones. Student Housing Services reserves the right to immediately remove such items locked to poles, railings, or other places not specifically designated for parking or securing of those items. Any bicycles, skates, skateboard, scooter, or mopeds that are left or abandoned after checkouts will be disposed of at Student Housing Service’s discretion. A storage fee can be assessed for abandoned bikes. Refer to “Administrative and Damage Fee Sheet”.
E. Self-balancing scooters, hoverboards, electric bicycles, electric scooters, gas-powered bicycles, motorbikes, or scooters cannot be used or stored in on-campus housing property, including student rooms, common areas, exterior walkways, and courtyards.
7. Cleaning Responsibilities
A. Individual living spaces: To ensure a safe, healthy environment, a reasonable level of cleanliness is expected in individual living spaces and community areas within units (suite bathrooms, apartment living rooms, etc.). If the environment in an individual living space is deemed unhealthy by Student Housing Services staff, the resident(s) responsible for that space will be required to clean or be billed for the cost to return the space to a healthy level. Refer to “Administrative and Damage Fee Sheet”.
B. Common (Community) Areas: To ensure a safe, healthy environment, a reasonable level of cleanliness is expected in common areas such as community restrooms, hallways, lanais, lounges, and lobbies. While Student Housing Services provides regular cleaning services, a community that fails to keep common spaces reasonably clean may lose privileges to that space or receive a community bill for costs associated with pest treatment, repairs, and/or cleaning. Trash left in common areas may result in community billing. Refer to “Administrative and Damage Fee Sheet”.
8. Common Area Guidelines/Loitering
Common area guidelines are those that govern any area other than a residence hall room or apartment.
A. Loitering: If at any time Student Housing Services staff or their designees, such as Department of Public Safety officers, determine that a common area needs to be cleared of individuals or determines that an activity does not comply with Community Standards, residents must comply with staff requests.
B. Gatherings: Student Housing Services staff reserves the right to ask residents to discontinue any gathering that does not comply with the Community Standards and/or is not in accordance with health and safety concerns.
C. Common Area Activities: The playing of outdoor-type sports and games is prohibited in interior and exterior common areas (such as hallways, lounges, lanais, walkways, courtyards) in order to prevent disruption to the community and/or damage to University property.
D. Personal Items/Common Area Furnishing: The placement of unattended personal belongings and the set up and placement of any furnishings in common areas without formal approval by hall staff is prohibited.
E. Drones: Unmanned aircraft and/or recreational model aircraft cannot be flown on Student Housing Services property in order to prevent disruption to the community and/or damage to University property.
9. Failure to Comply
All individuals must comply with a University or Student Housing Services official’s request when such official is working within the performance of their duties. This policy is in place in the interior of all residential and dining facilities as well as in the surrounding areas including, but not limited to, parking lots, courtyards, grounds, and walkways.
A. Residents are required to carry their UH ID card, or other official identification, with them at all times while on campus. When requested by a University or Student Housing Services official, all individuals must present proper identification and provide accurate information about their identity. Anyone who does not provide this information will be required to leave the housing premises immediately and may be banned from future visitations.
B. Failing to provide necessary information, or providing false or misleading information about self, others, or situations to a University or Student Housing Services official is prohibited.
C. Failure to follow instructions during an incident or any other action that prevents or attempts to prevent a University or Student Housing Services official from successfully completing their responsibilities is prohibited.
D. Failure to complete an assigned conduct sanction within the timeframe assigned is considered a violation of policy and will result in further conduct action. UHM academic integrity policies must be met when completing sanctions (refer to the Student Conduct Code, Acts of Dishonesty at
E. Residents must comply with all University and Student Housing Services policies and procedures, and all posted signs and placards (i.e., no smoking signs, restroom gender designation, etc.).
10. Firearms, Weapons, Explosives
A. Violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture, sale, purchase, transportation, possession, concealment, or use of firearms, cutting instruments, explosives, incendiary devices, or other deadly weapons is prohibited. These include, but are not limited to, firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, and tasers.
B. Possession of any type of dangerous object or hazardous material is not allowed in or around the on-campus housing communities. This policy incorporates “toy” weapons, including but not limited to, those that shoot a projectile, such as an airsoft gun, paintball gun, BB gun, pellet gun, water gun, or a slingshot. Also included are knives that have blades longer than 3 inches and/or are not intended for cooking or use as a tool. Other prohibited items include, but are not limited to, laser pointers, bows and arrows, axes, spears, machetes, crossbows, crossbow bolts, nunchucks, kendo sticks, and throwing stars. Student Housing Services reserves the right to confiscate or require the removal of any item deemed dangerous in a community living environment.
11. Guests and Visitation Policy
Any individual (resident or non-resident) who enters SHS buildings where they do not live must be escorted/hosted at all times by a registered resident of that building/community. SHS and UHM staff who are acting within the scope of their responsibilities are excluded from this policy. All conduct matters concerning a non-resident student of the University can be forwarded to the Office of Student Conduct. Student Housing Services reserves the right to require any non-resident who causes a community disruption to immediately leave on-campus housing premises.
A. Host Responsibility: When hosting guests, the host must escort the guests at all times while the guests are in the building. Hosts are responsible and accountable for the behavior of their guests including activities of their guests and any damages caused by their guests. Within individual rooms/suites/apartments, residents are allowed to host guests so long as they have the permission of their roommate(s), and provided that all individuals abide by all policies. Violating a roommate’s right of entry or hindering a roommate’s ability to study and/or sleep within their room is considered a violation of guest privileges. All residents of a room/suite/apartment can be held accountable for violations in their living space and/or the behavior of guests if a specific host is not identified.
B. Overnight Guests: Residents are permitted to have guests in rooms overnight as long as the roommate has given permission. The maximum guest stay in all facilities, including in rooms designated for one person, is 72 hours (3 consecutive nights) and a resident may have guests a maximum of ten (10) nights per semester whether or not there is a vacant bed space in the room/apartment. Residents can be charged a prorated room rate and relevant penalty fees for any illegal guest(s).
C. Cohabitation: Cohabitation is not allowed in the residence halls and apartments. Cohabitation is defined as a person using a room or apartment as if that person were living in the room, but not actually being officially assigned as a resident of that room. Examples of this may include, but are not limited to, keeping clothing and other personal belongings in the room, sleeping overnight in the room on a regular basis and using the bathroom and shower facilities as if they were living in that room. Residents can be charged a prorated room rate and relevant penalty fees for violating this policy.
D. Subletting: Per housing assignment policies and contracts, subletting is strictly prohibited.
12. Illegal Drugs/Controlled Substances
All residents are expected to know and comply with all State laws and guidelines regarding illegal drugs and controlled substances on University premises as outlined in the University Policy (EP11.201) and the Community Standards. University policies can be found at:
A. Consumption of illegal drugs, or illegal use of controlled substances, is prohibited. Residents may not possess, be in presence of, consume, or be under the influence of illegal drugs and/or illegally use controlled substances. If illegal drugs are seen, smelled or otherwise determined to be present, it can be assumed that a policy violation has occurred.
B. Possession of illegal drugs or improperly obtained controlled substances is prohibited. Items received through the mail or through shipping services that do not adhere to postal or shipping regulations will be given to the appropriate authorities, and will result in conduct action for the resident.
C. Possession of drug paraphernalia is prohibited (i.e., bongs, rolling paper used for drugs, etc.).
D. Disrupting the community while under the influence of illegal drugs, regardless of where it was consumed, is prohibited.
E. The possession of a medical marijuana card does not allow for the possession or consumption of marijuana, or for the possession of drug paraphernalia, within on-campus housing premises.
F. Sale, distribution, and gift of illegal drugs or controlled substances is prohibited.
13. Occupancy/Furniture/Furnishings
A. The creation of an unwelcome environment is prohibited. Attempts to deter another person from occupancy or attempts to intimidate or harass, whether directly or indirectly, will not be tolerated.
B. All room or space changes must be officially authorized by Student Housing Services. Unauthorized changes will result in the resident being moved back to their assigned space and/or the assessment of relevant penalty fee(s). Refer to “Administrative and Damage Fee Sheet”.
C. Residents must be aware that vacant spaces within a room or apartment are subject to assignment at any time. Vacant spaces must be left clear and clean, contain the appropriate furnishings at all times, and must otherwise be ready for immediate occupancy. Residents can be charged a prorated room rate and any relevant penalty fees for use of a vacant space. Refer to “Administrative and Damage Fee Sheet”.
D. Room or Apartment Furniture/Furnishings: All furniture must remain in the designated locations, and may not be dismantled or altered without authorization from a housing staff member. Missing or damaged furniture, and damages to walls, floor or other furnishings due to movement of furniture, will be the responsibility of the resident(s) of that room or apartment. Personal lofts, bed risers, or other structures are prohibited. Barbells in excess of 25 lbs. each are prohibited. Unless an exception is approved by the Residence Director extra furniture is not permitted. Student Housing Services reserves the right to require removal of any item deemed unsafe for a group living environment. Residents can be assessed for any relevant usage, cleaning, replacement and/or repair costs.
E. Common Area Furniture: Lounge and other common area furniture cannot be brought into resident’s rooms or apartments. All furniture must remain in the designated locations. Residents can be charged for removal of common area furniture. Refer to “Administrative and Damage Fee Sheet”.
14. Pets, Service Animals, and Assistance (Comfort) Animals
All residents are expected to know and comply with Hawaiʻi law and University policy, EP 1.207, “Executive Policy on Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals,” and the Community Standards. The University policy can be found at:
A. Pets: Fish are allowed in residence halls and apartments. They must be housed in properly equipped aquariums, 20 gallons or smaller, limit one tank per room (one tank per bedroom) in the apartments. No other animals are allowed, even for brief visitation. Residents can be charged for housing an unapproved animal and must also immediately remove the unapproved animal. Refer to “Administrative and Damage Fee Sheet”. Residents can also be charged for any damages or cleaning charges necessary as a result of an unapproved animal including, but not limited to, cleaning costs and pest control treatment.
B. Service Animal (Dog or miniature horse): A service animal is a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability. Examples of such work include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, and pulling a wheelchair. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal or other effective controls. Residents with service animals should notify the Student Housing Services (SHS) Assignment staff in advance of their arrival to on campus housing so that it can be noted in the system and appropriate accommodations can be provided. Note that Hawaiʻi law and the University prohibit knowingly misrepresenting an animal as a Service Animal, and individuals are subject to discipline for such misrepresentation.
C. Assistance (Comfort) Animals: While assistance, comfort or emotional support animals are often used as part of a medical treatment plan as therapy animals, they are not considered to be service animals under ADA. These support animals provide companionship, relieve loneliness, and sometimes help with depression, anxiety, and certain phobias but do not have special training to perform tasks that assist people with disabilities. Assistance animals require KOKUA Program approval prior to the presence of the animal on campus/in residence. Residents must meet with a KOKUA Program counselor to review the steps for approval and to provide the appropriate documentation. Upon receiving approval from the KOKUA Program to have an assistance animal, the resident must meet with an SHS Assignment staff member to review and sign the “Service and Assistance Animal Agreement” form. Assistance animals cannot be brought onto SHS property until official approval is obtained and all relevant documents signed. Residents with KOKUA/SHS approved assistance animals must adhere to the terms of the Service and Assistance Animal Agreement form (i.e. terms include but are not limited to sole responsibility for care of the animal, ensuring the animal does not pose a threat to others, be restrained by a leash or carrier when out of the room). For information pertaining to the approval process, please work with the KOKUA Program, 808-956-7511, Note that while approved assistance, comfort or emotional support animals are permitted in on-campus housing (in the facility to which the student is assigned), by University policy, they are not permitted in other facilities on campus such as academic or dining facilities.
15. Posting of Signage in Common Areas and Outside of Individual Student Rooms
Materials shall not be attached to any structure or natural feature in Student Housing, including, but not limited to, walls, windows, floors, ceilings, or doors of buildings, the surface of walkways, posts, waste/recycling receptacles, benches, and trees, except as set forth below. Improperly posted materials will be removed.
General Bulletin Boards
- Materials in both printed and electronic forms
- May be posted on general bulletin boards on a first-come, first serve basis.
- Shall indicate event title, time, date(s), location(s), sponsoring organization, and point of contact name, phone and email address.
- Shall be posted no more than two (2) weeks before an event and shall be removed within twenty-four (24) hours after the event.
- For print materials, the recommended size is 8.5” x 11”. No materials shall exceed 14” x 22”.
- Materials are limited to one per bulletin board. Duplicate materials are not permitted.
- All general bulletin board materials shall be removed at the end of the month.
- Materials in violation of a state or federal law, city ordinance, or university guidelines or policies shall be removed by authorized University personnel. Materials may not be removed by non-authorized personnel.
Distribution, Posting and/or Display of UH Mānoa Sponsored Informational Materials
- Materials in both printed and electronic forms
- May be posted on approved bulletin boards by authorized personnel on a first-come, first-serve basis or by coordination with Student Housing Services.
- Shall indicate event title, time, date(s), location(s), sponsoring organization, and point of contact name, phone and email address.
- Shall be posted two (2) weeks before an event and shall be removed within twenty-four (24) hours after the event.
- All bulletin board materials shall be reviewed at the end of the semester for applicability for the next semester. UH Mānoa sponsored general information may remain posted. Non-university-related information will be moved after each academic year.
- Student Housing Services is responsible for the approval of material and maintenance of the board. Student Housing Services’ contact information will be posted on the bulletin board.
- Materials may be removed by authorized personnel if displayed beyond the event date. Materials may not be removed by non-authorized personnel.
16. Quiet Hours, Noise, and Courtesy Hours
A. Quiet Hours: Quiet hours (the absence of loud noise or distractions) are in effect every evening, from 9:00pm to 8:00am Sunday through Thursday and Midnight to 8:00 am on Friday and Saturday, and on nights before state holidays in each hall, apartment, and common area.
B. Courtesy Hours: At times other than “quiet hours,” residents are expected to exercise good judgment with respect to making excessive noise that intrudes on the privacy and the needs of others to sleep and study. Noise may be deemed disruptive if it can be heard through a closed door or window. Noise which is disruptive to other residents is prohibited, both inside and outside of residence halls, and courtesy and consideration for others is expected at all times. Residents are expected to respond positively to requests to reduce noise, and to respectfully approach others with requests for noise reduction.
C. Special 24-Hour Quiet Hours: Special quiet hours will be in effect during the finals period, including any associated “Study Days” noted in the academic calendar. The special quiet hours will also reflect the schedules for professional schools whose calendars are different from the undergraduate calendar. Flyers will be posted with specific dates.
17. ResNet Policy
Student Housing Services encourages responsible computing. Responsible computing is ethical, reflects academic honesty, and shows restraint in the consumption of shared resources. It demonstrates respect for intellectual property, ownership of data, system security mechanisms, and an individual’s right to privacy and freedom from intimidation, harassment and unwarranted annoyance. The ResNet policy has been established to provide a set of rules and guidelines for the proper and responsible use of the University of Hawai’i and Student Housing Services computing and network resources, effective protection of individual users, equitable access, and proper management of these resources. These guidelines are intended to supplement, not replace, existing laws, regulations, agreements, policies, and contracts, which currently apply to these services. Users of the Student Housing Services ResNet are bound by the University of Hawai’i Executive Policy concerning the Management of Information Technology Resources. The policy can be found at:
ResNet users are additionally bound by the following rules and regulations intended to preserve the integrity and accessibility of all computing resources:
A. Residents are responsible for ensuring that their computers are virus-free and secure before connecting to ResNet. Unintentional violations of ResNet policy due to a compromised computer may still result in sanctions.
B. The residential network may only be used for legal purposes and to access only those systems, software, and data for which the user is authorized. Accessing or providing access to copyrighted material including but not limited to music, movies, and software is prohibited.
C. The residential network is a shared resource. Network uses or applications that inhibit or interfere with the use of the network by others are prohibited. Examples include file sharing applications, e-mail spamming, unauthorized servers, or any other activity that consumes an excessive amount of bandwidth.
D. The residential network is provided for uses consistent with the academic mission of the institution. The network may not be used for commercial purposes or for unsolicited advertising.
E. Data jacks may not be used to provide network access to anyone other than the resident assigned to the data jack. Residents will be held responsible for all traffic passing or originating from their assigned connection. Hardware devices which extend the network such as routers must be secured and properly configured.
F. Servers of any kind are prohibited without authorization from the ResNet personnel. Examples include Web, FTP, Game, and SMTP servers. In addition, many hardware devices such as wireless routers include software components that act as servers and it is the responsibility of the resident to properly configure any such devices before they are connected to the network.
G. The network automatically provides network address information via DHCP. Individuals may use only the IP address assigned to them by Student Housing Services. Unauthorized use of a “fixed” or “static” IP address is prohibited.
H. Any malicious or hostile activities such as port scans, spamming, DOS attacks, or attempts to gain unauthorized access via the network are prohibited.
I. Forgery or other misrepresentation of one’s identity via electronic or any other form of communication is prohibited. This includes the use of an IP address not specifically assigned to the individual using it, impersonating another user with the intent to slander in public areas, and the use of a forged or false identity in e-mail communications.
J. Respecting the rights of other users is required at all times on the network. These rights include, but are not limited to, privacy, freedom of expression, and freedom from harassment.
K. Administrators of the residential network have the authority to control or refuse access to the network to anyone who violates these policies or who threatens the rights of other users. Administrators have the authority to restrict or suspend network access without notice for a user or computer that is believed to have been the source of an alleged violation pending investigation of the violation and satisfactory resolution of the complaint.
L. Student Housing Services assumes the responsibility for the maintenance of computing resources provided within Student Housing Services facilities. In the event of a loss of service, all reasonable attempts will be made to restore the connection as quickly as possible. Student Housing Services is not responsible for any damages or losses incurred due to the use of the network or from loss of service.
Use of the ResNet constitutes FULL agreement and understanding of this Acceptable Use Policy and any future modifications there to. Violations of this policy may result in termination of connection, disciplinary sanctions, as well as possible legal ramifications. Student Housing Services reserves the right to modify, change, and reformat this document, as it deems necessary without permission or consent of its network users.
18. Robbery/Burglary/Theft
A. Theft of Property: Theft of personal property or of University property, including computer files, programs, and data, and the possession of stolen property is prohibited.
B. Theft of Service: Unauthorized borrowing or unauthorized use of any service, including, but not limited to Internet, Cable TV, telephone, telephone calling cards, tampering with telephone and/or cable lines, food service cards, washing/drying machines, food vending machines, etc. is prohibited.
C. Burglary: Unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or a theft is prohibited. This includes forcible entry, attempted forcible entry and non-forcible entry such as use of an unlocked door or window.
D. Robbery: Taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence is prohibited.
19. Safety and Security
A. Locks and Doors: Use of the deadbolt to keep the door open or tampering with or damaging lock mechanisms is prohibited. Additional locks may not be added to doors or other University property or equipment. For the security of everyone, building doors should not be propped open at any time. Room/suite/apartment doors must be closed securely whenever the resident(s) is not in the space.
B. Unauthorized Entry/Restricted Areas: No person shall enter or attempt to enter any residence hall or apartment facility (including rooms/suites/apartments) without proper authorization. Climbing in or out of residence hall windows at any level is prohibited. No person shall enter or attempt to enter, without authorization, any area that is normally accessible only to staff or university officials, such as gated areas, offices, and storage spaces. Individuals are not permitted on residence hall roofs, ledges, on railings, or overhangs.
C. Misuse of Keys: The possession of keys by anyone other than the person they were issued to is prohibited. Residents are prohibited from “lending” any keys assigned to them to any other person, including their roommate(s). Residents are also prohibited from making or duplicating any key.
D. Lock-outs and Key Replacements: Residents are responsible for carrying their key(s) at all times. Excessive lock-outs (contacting the hall staff for room/apartment entry) and/or replacement keys may result in conduct sanctions and fines. Refer to “Administrative and Damage Fee Sheet”.
E. If a resident student has not been seen on campus for more than 24 hours and acquaintances do not know where the resident may be, please notify the Department of Public Safety at 808-956-6911. Residents under the age of 18 will have their parents notified if they are determined missing for more than 24 hours and law enforcement may be notified for any resident missing for more than 24 hours. If a resident over 18 years of age is deemed to be missing, the University will, at its discretion, contact the Confidential Contact and/or the Emergency Contact on file. If a resident has been seen in the company of an individual(s) indicating that he/she may be in danger, Department of Public Safety and/or the Honolulu Police Department (call 911), should be notified immediately.
20. Smoking, Smoking Devices, Tobacco
All residents are expected to know and comply with all State laws and guidelines regarding the possession and consumption of tobacco products and smoking devices (Hawaii Revised Statutes 328J, effective January 1, 2016 and SB134 CD1, effective July 2018).
A. University of Hawaiʻi campuses are tobacco free. The use of any form of tobacco products is prohibited on University property. Tobacco products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco and electronic smoking devices.
B. Residents under twenty-one years of age may not possess any tobacco products within on-campus housing property. Tobacco products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, and electronic smoking devices. Tobacco products also include any product made or derived from tobacco that contains nicotine or other substances and is intended for human consumption or is likely to be consumed whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled or ingested.
C. Tobacco products in any shape or form or electronic smoking devices may not be sold to or furnished to a person under twenty-one years of age.
21. Solicitation and Sales
Solicitation and sales are not permitted in any Student Housing Services facility by residents or non-residents except by authorization from the Director of Student Housing Services or a designee. Such authorization may be made only for items which are of service to the residents and only after a written request has been submitted and reviewed. Residents may not act as agents for business firms which entail solicitations or receiving of business offers or goods on University property. University or Student Housing Services communication systems may not be used for selling or offers to sell merchandise, services, etc. Student residences may not be used for business purposes of any nature. Examples of violations include, but are not limited to: posting of materials/advertising in any format without prior approval; using the residence hall/apartment address for business purposes; using the room/apartment for storage and/or distribution of goods or collection of monies; receipt and distribution of business-related materials via the community desk/mailroom; the use of University or Student Housing Services technology resources for business purposes. Residents must also comply with all University policies.
22. Vandalism and Damage
Residents may be assessed restitution for any damages incurred to university property. Damage assessments are based on the cost (materials and labor) to restore to the original state through repair/replacement of the damaged item or area.
A. Vandalism is willful or malicious behavior aimed at destroying, altering, or defacing public or private property.
B. Residents must not damage any university property, or property owned by other residents. This includes any unauthorized repairs or alterations to rooms and furnishings or to common areas and furnishings.
C. Group Assessment: Group assessments may be charged for any vandalism damages to unit/common areas. In situations where the individual(s) does not come forward to claim responsibility, a group assessment may be levied. The group assessment fee (minimum $5.00) will include the cost of repairing/replacing the damaged item(s) and the cost of labor (if applicable). When possible, residents will be notified of damage costs and possible group assessments through public notices.
23. Windows, Balconies/Lanais, Ledges and Building Exteriors
A. Throwing/discarding of items of any type from windows, balconies/lanais, and ledges is strictly prohibited.
B. Windows and screens may not be removed. Residents may be assessed charges for the replacement/repair of windows and screens. Sliding screens must be closed at all times.
C. Erecting of antennas/aerials/satellite dishes or any other objects on the exterior of buildings or grounds is prohibited.
D. Placing, hanging, or storing items outside of a window or on window ledges is prohibited.
Updated 8/19/24