Cookies and Coffee with ELP

On October 10, 2017, ELP hosted “Cookies and Coffee with ELP” — an informal talk story session for all students interested in environmental law and ELP. ELP Director David Forman, Associate Dean Denise Antolini, Professor Richard Wallsgrove, Professor Maxine Burkett, and ELP RA Alicia Fung helped to facilitate the discussion.

Students from the 1L, 2L, and 3L classes came out to ask various questions about the requirements of the environmental law certificate, linkages between the environmental law certificate with other certificates available at WSRSL, volunteer and career opportunities in environmental law, and general advice for law school. It was a great chance for students to meet each other and ELP faculty. ELP aims to keep the dialogue going between students and program directors and assistants in order to continuously improve the program and provide an enriching and valuable experience for all.

ELP Director Professor Forman starts off the informal talk story session by introducing himself to students

Associate Dean Denise Antolini describes the wide variety of opportunities for students in environmental law

Professor Burkett shares her advice with students

Thank you to all who came out!