ELP Hosts Net@Work Open House

On April 5, 2017, ELP hosted current law students for a Net@Work Open House, an informal talk-story session with ELP Director David Forman and current ELP RA.  The event focused on bringing together law students interested in the Environmental Law Program and working in the environmental law field in general.  ELP Director David Forman spoke with students about the International and National Environmental Law Moot Court Teams.  ELP RA Kaily Wakefield, Alana Song, and Leimomi Morgan Fisher helped advise others about the different course and writing requirements needed to obtain an Environmental Law Certificate.  Other topics of conversation involved different areas of environmental law work during and after graduation, including externships, fellowships, clerking, public, and private practice.  Overall, the event was very positive, leaving students with a wide-array of ideas and options for getting their environmental law careers started in HawaiĘ»i.  Mahalo nui to all the student attendees!