

4-H is a place where youth are given many opportunities to build confidence, learn responsibility, and develop skills that will last them a lifetime. It’s a place where youth make friends and share interests, ranging from building robots to raising rabbits , from designing gardens to protecting the environment. It’s a place where youth work together to make a positive difference in their community, and adult volunteers make a powerful difference in the lives of young people.  4-H fosters an innovative, “learn by doing”.

Youth on Oahu are involved in the 4-H youth development in various ways – through traditional 4-H clubs, SPIN (Special interest), Garden Center, and through school enrichment programs.  If you are interested in participating your child in a 4-H club or program, volunteering as a club or resource leader, or having a 4-H club or program at your school/organization/agency, please fill out the Oahu County 4-H Interest Form.  Complete the interest form and either scan or take a picture of it and send it to chanakaw@hawaii.edu.

Please Look Around and Enjoy Our Website!

Check out our Facebook page too!

Instagram:  @oahu4h

Current News

Oahu 4-H Shooting Sports

Archery Level 1 Instructor Certificate Training

Interested in becoming a 4-H Volunteer and teaching youth about archery safety and skills?

We are looking to train adult volunteers to instruct archery to our 9-19 year olds!

Go to the Oahu 4-H Shooting Sports page for information about signing up and forms!

Happy Holidays!!

2024 went by quickly!  Here are some of the highlighted photos starting from the top left and moving clockwise:

  • Oahu County 4-H Livestock Show
  • Cooking Video Challenge’s People Choice Award at the Eastern Fun Day held at Moanalua High School
  • Camp Kau Kau at UH Manoa’s Ag Sci Food Lab
  • Oahu County 4-H Volunteers and Club Leaders at the Achievement and Recognition Ceremony at Dave and Busters
  • Oahu County 4-H Horse Show
  • Manawalea 4-H Club planting seedings at the Urban Garden Center (UGC) in Pearl City
  • Archers 4-H Club (Oahu 4-H Shooting Sports) setting up painted rocks for a bean bag target activity in the 4-H Project Garden at UGC
  • Oahu 4-H Organization Leadership–Executive Board (teens–President Kairi H., Vice-President Tyree E., Secretary Rylie H., and Treasurer Benjamin F.) and Leaders Federation Officers (President Jolanda Kahele, Vice-President Verna Eguires, Secretary Joan Hashizume, and Treasurer Becky Kanenaka)

Newsletter coming soon…

Email Christine at chanakaw@hawaii.edu for any questions.

Visit our Instagram at @oahu4h


4-H Logo

Oahu 4-H Calendar
