Kilauea School had their annual STEM night, on the 16th of January! They invited the Kauai 4-H Federation to come and teach the students some of the enrichment programs that we have been offering in some schools. We decided to have to kids plant some potted plants. They got to decorate the pot, fill the pot with soil, plant their own seed and take it home to take care of them. We can’t wait to see what these kids plants turn into.

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Gardening 101

These kids wrote for some plant starter donations to one of our nurseries here on Kauai. Kauai Nursery and Landscaping were kind enough to donate 31 starters. These kids learned how to replant them, take them home for the plant challenge we are starting.   These kids had so much fun & we can’t wait to see their plants in the upcoming months.   

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