New Oahu Livestock Agent

Yunuen Bustamante

Welcome Yunuen Bustamante, the new Oahu Livestock Agent!! Aloha everyone! My name is Yunuen Bustamante, and I am excited to share that I recently accepted the position of Assistant Livestock Extension Agent for Oahu County. I was born and raised in Puebla, Mexico; where I earned a B.S. in Agronomy and Livestock Management and a M.S. in Agroforestry. In 2017 I moved to Oahu, Hawaii where I gained experience working as a Veterinary Technician. In 2021 I started working as a Livestock Specialist at Kualoa Ranch where I oversaw Korean…

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Mahalo Creeks 4-H Club!!

Activities for youth impacted by Maui wildfire

The volunteers, leaders, members, and faculty of the Maui County 4-H program greatly appreciate the extremely generous donations from the Creeks 4-H club. Youth members from the clubs voted to donate proceeds from their fundraising projects to support the youth displaced by the wildfire disasters on Maui in August 2023. The Maui County 4-H Leaders Organization is currently planning on how to use the funds for the greatest impact. BUT THAT’S NOT ALL! The clubs also created button to support and cheer the youth. They also donated tic tac toe…

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