The Center for South Asian Studies (CSAS) invites applications to bring scholars to UHM with expertise on India or India-related topics as part of the Rama Watumull Collaborative Lecture Series (RWCLS) in AY 2024-25. The RWCLS award is aimed at creating and supporting a thriving intellectual exchange around topics regarding India and South Asian Studies in departments across the UHM campus. It is a collaborative award, with the expectation that the proposing department will also contribute funds. This year, we especially encourage, and wish to prioritize, applications from faculty who have never applied for a RWCLS grant before.
The invited speaker should hold two events, for example:
- Deliver a lecture on India-related research/material for a departmental colloquium series, or screen a film followed by a brief talk and Q&A session, and
- Participate in a workshop with faculty and graduate students on the relationship between India and/or South Asian Studies and the specific concerns of the discipline.
Departments and programs interested in making use of this opportunity should submit:
1) The name of the prospective invitee.
2) A brief rationale for choosing the speaker and possibilities of co-sponsorship (include dates for the visit, and an abstract for the proposed talk and workshop).
3) A CV or other biographical information.
4) A budget clearly itemizing funds between RWCLS and supplementary funds (please see below for budgeting details).
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. First review of applications took place early in Fall 2024. We are now accepting applications for Spring semester 2025.
More Details
The RWCLS awards will not exceed $2500. Since this grant is “collaborative,” it requires that the hosting department put in supporting funds in addition to the $2500. This grant may be combined with other awards, if necessary. The funds provided by CSAS can only be used to cover reasonable costs of travel, lodging and honorarium for invited speakers. Any changes made to the budget once approved must be re-approved by CSAS and processed by the hosting department.
Hosting Department Responsibilities: The responsibility for organizing and making arrangements for the visit and associated events, as well as for hosting the visiting scholar(s), will be that of the faculty/department receiving funds. Please note: The hosting department is required to:
1) Do and manage all the paperwork required for bringing the scholar and reimbursing any costs to the scholar.
2) Bring the scholar and reimburse any costs to the scholar.
CSAS will only be responsible to deliver the promised amount to the hosting department.
We recommend that the administrative or fiscal staff of the hosting department be in touch with CSAS as early as possible to clarify the procedure and avoid delays.
Please submit application materials to Mari Martinez, CSAS coordinator, at