UH Mānoa’s Rare and Historic Maps of Asia

From UH News: “The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library has been actively acquiring rare and historic maps of Asia, creating a valuable resource for students, faculty and researchers. The recent additions to the collection was inspired with the purchase of a 1926 map of Manchuria in 2018, which is now on permanent display in the Asia reading room of Hamilton Library.”

To read more about the archive from UH News: https://www.hawaii.edu/news/2024/01/04/library-northeast-asia-rare-maps/

From UH Manoa Library: “Google maps was launched for desktops in 2005 and now the app is on our mobile devices bringing the wayfinding tool to our palms and in our cars – it works at home or abroad. There have been other wayfinding tools over the years, but the one constant that carries over are maps – the kind we saw in atlases, folded out when traveling, and essential to shipping and all forms of travel. In 2018 librarians for Japan, China, Korea and Russia in Asia jointly purchased a map of Manchuria printed in 1926.  It was framed and is on permanent display in the Asia reading room.”

(Map of Calcutta, 1840. UH Manoa Collection)

For more information from UH Manoa Library and to see some of these rare historical maps visit: https://manoa.hawaii.edu/library/news/rare-maps/