Zhou, Xiao (Kate) 周曉

CCS Faculty
Associate Professor, Political Science
Social Sciences Bldg. 634A: 956-8777
Department: 956-8357
Fax: 956-6877
Email: katezhou@hawaii.edu

BA 1982, Wuhan University, China
MS 1989, Texas A & M University
PhD 1994, Princeton University

Professor Zhou is interested in comparative politics, Chinese politics, Asian politics, and women and development. Her main research interests include the dynamics of transition from central planning to markets, Chinese economic development and Chinese women. She has published articles on politics and women’s studies, and a book titled How the Farmers Changed China: Power of the People. Her book is unusual for its “farmer’s eye view” approach, which includes folk rhymes and sayings along with interviews of government officials. Her thesis about the roots of the Chinese reform process has generated considerable controversy in the field of Chinese studies. She is also interested in globalization and the knowledge based economy in China. In the past two years, Professor Zhou has been involved in helping rural schools in West Hunan. In the Spring of 2004, she helped Qianling Arts Elementary School and Baojing Minority School in Hunan set up a Hawaii Culture Program with an Ukulele Club and a Western Music Choir Group.

China-Related Courses

POLS 484 Society and Politics in the PRC POLS 680 Regional Politics: China POLS 780 Industrialization and Reform in the PRC


“Family Revolutions in Contemporary China: 1979–1995” (w/Marion J. Levy Jr.) in Gordon L. Anderson (Ed.)The Family in Global Transition. St. Paul, Minnesota: Paragon House Publishers, forthcoming.

“The Blessing and the Curse of China’s Transitional Economy: A Rural and Urban Women’s Comparison.” The Harvard International Review (Winter 1997/8).

How the Farmers Changed China: Power of the People. Boulder: Westview Press, 1996.

“Quiet Politics and Rural Enterprise in Reform China” (w/Lynn White III). The Journal of Developing Areas 29 (July 1995): 461–490.

“Chinese Farmers and Economic Reforms,” Journal of Contemporary China (Fall 1994): 29–43.