Lamley, Harry J. 藍厚理

Professor, History
Sakamaki A405, 956-7150
Department: 956-7687; Fax: 956-9600

BA 1953, Reed College
MA 1960, University of Washington
PhD 1964, University of Washington

China-related Courses Taught
HST 411 Local History of Late Imperial China
HST 412 Local History of 20th Century China
HST 661D Seminar in Chinese History: Modern

Professor Lamley’s teaching and research cover the Ming, Qing, Republican and early Communist periods of China, with emphasis on local history from provincial to village levels. His areas of specialization include southeastern China, Taiwan, and the Chinese overseas; current research topics are Chinese communal feuding, summary execution policies in Qing China, the Chinese in Hawai‘i, and Taiwan under Qing and early Japanese rule. He served as a coordinator of the Chinese in Hawai‘i Bicentennial Conference (East-West Center, 1988) and is Editor of the SUNY Series in Chinese Local Studies.

Recent China-related Publications
“Lineage and Surname Feuds in Southern Fukien and Eastern Kwangtung under the Ch’ing.” Orthodoxy in Late Imperial China. Ed. Kwang-Ching Liu. Berkeley: U California Press, 1990.

“Lineage Feuding in Southern Fujian and Eastern Guangdong under Qing Rule.” Violence in China: Essays in Culture and Counterculture. Ed. Jonathan N. Lipman and Steven Harrell. Albany: SUNY Press, 1990.

“The Chinese in Hawai‘i: An Historical Overview.” Myriad Worlds: 200 Years of the Chinese in Hawai‘i. Honolulu: Hawai‘i Heritage Center, 1989.

“Becoming a Province under Late Qing Rue: The Case of Taiwan.” Taiwan shiji yuanliu yanjiu hui qibanian huiyou nianhui shilu [Proceedings of the 1989 Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Sources of Historical Evidence in Taiwan]. Chinese translation followed by original English text. Taipei: Historical Commission of the Taipei City Government, 1989.

“Shie-dou Violence: Manifestations of the Chinese Communal Feud During the Ch’ing Dynasty.” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Sinology. Taipei: Academia Sinica, 1989.