Hawaii Kuu Aloha Summit on January 16, 2024

On January 16, 2024, Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) participated in the Hawai’i Ku’u Home Aloha Summit organized by Native Hawaiian Place of Learning Advancement Office at UH. It was a well-organized event with a great turnout, and CCS would like to thank CCS faculty Shana Brown and Dongyun NI (librarian) for their kind assistance for helping at the CCS table by offering their expertise and displaying library resources!

In response to the Summit’s focus on racial healing, CCS (courtesy of CCS Associate Director Dr. Ni ZHANG) prepared an educational online interactive slideshow: Voices of Resilience, sharing the stories of early Chinese immigrants in Hawai’i Labor Movement. By answering some simple quizzes and clicking on the interactive elements embedded in the slideshow, students & visitors had the opportunity to learn Hawai’i labor history, experience the challenges and struggles of early Chinese immigrants, feel their resilience and empowerment, and reflect on solidarity, unity, and social justice. We had the slideshow displayed on two laptops for on-site try-out, but we also printed two posters that provided a QR code, which turned out to be a fantastic idea in terms of encouraging participation!

CCS would thank and like to acknowledge the John & Susan Chun Endowment Funds for supporting this event.

If you are interested in the slideshow, you can access it below. You can also click on this link or scan the QR code below to view it full-screen.