November 10, 2021: “Stories of China’s First Premier, Zhou Enlai — reflecting back, and looking forward to China in the 21st Century.”

Community Voices
Co-sponsored by the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute
Understanding China Series Event 5

The panel will discuss Zhou Enlai, the first Premier of modern China, and how to connect his extraordinary life story with our challenging times. What lessons can be learned from this student and leader of the Chinese Revolution that will help us to understand the China of 2021? Four speakers will present key stories about Zhou’s family; life as a student-writer during pre-Revolutionary days; role in the Xi’an Incident; pivotal events during the liberation wars; writing and promotion of the Five Principles of Peace and the Non-Aligned Movement; and his moral leadership as premier and foreign minister, seeking the middle way of peace. Each story will feature audio-visual elements and historic recordings.

Zhou Xiaofang is a grand-niece of the former Premier, co-founder of the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute in America, and President of Asia-Pacific Group in China. She is also a documentary filmmaker and has completed on-location production in more than 20 cities for the production of the documentary “In the Footsteps of Zhou Enlai.”

Michael North is co-founder of the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute and original founder of North Communications, a leader in multimedia touchscreen networks. An entrepreneur and private investor, he has extensive relationships across mainland China and helped create and host a syndicated television series, “Understanding China.”

Elisabet Sahtouris is a European-American evolutionary biologist and one of the first American students to visit Beijing in the early 1970s. She was Professor in Residence at Chaminade University, teaching in the School of Business & Communication MBA Program.

Ma Mengjia is a Chinese engineer, project manager and public speaker. She is China’s Ambassador to World Speech Day and runs the international TED franchise in the heart of Shanghai.