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Exploratory (X4X)

UNIV 140 Introduction to Majors and UH Mānoa (1)

Major exploration providing incoming students with an understanding of the tools to navigate UH Mānoa and explore the programs of study available. Introduction to career development, goal setting, and action planning. Freshmen only. Exploratory majors only. A-F only.

UNIV 240 Your Academic Journey (1)

Provides exploratory students with the knowledge/skills to thrive in college and beyond. Utilizes writing as a tool for research, analysis, exploration, and reflection. Topics include major and career exploration, personal interests, and goal-setting. May not be taken concurrently or after UNIV 340. Freshmen and sophomores only. Exploratory designations only. A-F only.

UNIV 340 Academic Exploration Through Advising (3)

Major exploration designed to assist exploratory students in the process of researching personal, career, and educational goals through writing and the impact of these goals on the decision-making process. Emphasis on written self-reflection and identity. Sophomore standing. A-F only.