Designed to provide students with basic knowledge of Modern Standard Arabic. Focuses on developing proficiency in the standard written Arabic language, as well as formal spoken Arabic.
Focuses on developing proficiency in the standard written Arabic language as well as formal spoken Arabic. It introduces a wide range of situation-based texts and topics that build vocabulary, grammar, and general communicative competence. Pre: 101.
Designed for students who have successfully completed a year of Elementary Arabic. Focus is on acquisition of more complex grammatical structures, expanding vocabulary, and developing competence in a wide range of communicative situations. Pre: 102 or exam or consent. (Fall only)
Designed for students who have successfully completed three semesters of Arabic. Focus is on intensive practice of interactive functional skills such as listening comprehension and fundamental conversation strategies. Pre: 201 or exam or consent. (Spring only)
Development of basic receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language; linguistic structure introduced inductively through mix of lectures and discussion; includes discussion of history and culture of Deaf community in the U.S.
Continued development of basic receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language; linguistic structure introduced inductively through mix of lectures and discussion; discussion of history and culture of Deaf community in the U.S. Pre: 101 (or equivalent).
Continued development of receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language; linguistic structure introduced inductively through mix of lectures and discussion; includes discussion of history and culture of Deaf community in the U.S. Pre: 102 (or equivalent).
Continued development of receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language; linguistic structure introduced inductively through mix of lectures and discussion; includes discussion of history and culture of Deaf community in the U.S. Pre: 201.
Face to face course aims to develop students’ proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Khmer at the introductory level, with structural points introduced inductively. Meets five hours weekly.
Continuation of 101. Face to face course continues to develop students’ proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Khmer at the introductory level, with structural points introduced inductively. Meets five hours weekly. Pre: 101 or exam or consent
Online course aims to develop students’ proficiency in speaking and listening to Khmer at the introductory level for the purpose of communication, travel, and for enjoyment.
Continuation of 103. Online course continues to develop students’ proficiency in speaking and listening to Khmer at the introductory level for the purpose of communication, travel, and for enjoyment. Pre: 101 or 103, or consent.
Online course aims to develop proficiency in reading and writing Khmer at the introductory level. Uses interactive multimedia web-based content and textbook to complement online instruction.
Continuation of 105. Online course continues to develop proficiency in reading and writing Khmer at the introductory level. Uses interactive multimedia web-based content and textbook to complement online instruction. Pre: 101 or 105, or consent.
Online course provides opportunities for learners to enhance their
linguistic, discourse, and sociolinguistic competencies in Khmer at the intermediate level. Uses interactive multimedia web-based content and textbook to complement the online instruction. Pre: 102, 106, or 112; or consent. (Fall only) HSL
Continuation of 201. Online course provides opportunities for learners to enhance their linguistic, discourse and sociolinguistic competencies in Khmer at the intermediate level. Uses interactive multimedia web-based content and textbook to complement the online instruction. Pre: 201 or 203, or consent. (Spring only) HSL
Intermediate level online course familiarizes students with basic language, culture and customs through study of classical Cambodian folktales of the Hare, “Judge Rabbit,” one of the most famous figures in oral folktale stories. Pre: 102, 106, or 112; or consent.
Continuation of 203. Intermediate level online course familiarizes students with basic language, cultures and customs through study of classical Cambodian folktales of the Hare, “Judge Rabbit,” one of the most famous figures in oral folktale stories. Pre: 201 or 203, or consent. (Spring only)
Introduction to Chamorro, emphasis on listening and speaking, language structure. Meets three hours weekly.
Listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills; emphasis on oral and reading proficiency. Meets five hours weekly. Pre: 101 (or equivalent), or consent.
Continuation of 102. Emphasis on comprehension and language production (speaking). Meets five hours weekly. Pre: 102 (or equivalent), or consent.
Continuation of 201. Emphasis on comprehension and language production. Pre: 201 (or equivalent), or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar. Meets one hour, four times a week. Pre: placement test.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Content of 101 and 102 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, four times a week. Pre: placement test.
Accelerated, intensive elementary course focusing on everyday listening, speaking, reading, and writing communicative needs of business professionals in the Chinese business context. Pre: consent. (Fall only)
Development of basic skills (listening, speaking and grammar) of spoken Mandarin with application to some familiar everyday topics.
Continuation of 111. Pre: 101 or 111 or consent.
Continuation of 101 and 102. Meets one hour a day, four times a week. Pre: 102 or 103 or 105; or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Content of 201 and 202 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, four times a week. Pre: placement test and 102 or 103 or 105; or consent.
Accelerated, intensive intermediate course focusing on everyday listening, speaking, reading, and writing communicative needs of business professionals in the Chinese business context. Pre: 105 (or equivalent) or consent.
Further development of listening and speaking skills in Mandarin. The student is expected to be able to comprehend and produce speech at the paragraph level. Pre: 102 or 103 or 112, or consent.
Continuation of 211. Pre: 201 or 211, or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing skills. Structural points introduced inductively. Meets four hours weekly, includes one hour out-of-class field experience (Co-curricular cultural activities) weekly.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Continuation of 102. Meets four hours weekly, includes one hour out-of-class field experience (Co-curricular cultural activities) weekly. Pre: 102 or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Continuation of 102. Lessons focus on various aspects of Philippine culture and specialized topics that cater to the needs of teachers intending to teach Filipino immigrant students or teach Filipino as a second language. Meets five hours a week; daily lab work. Pre: 102.
Continuation of 202 or 224.
Conversation, grammar, and reading.
Conversation, grammar, and reading. Pre: 101 or consent.
Content of 101-102 covered in one semester.
Reading, conversation, laboratory drill, composition. Pre: 102 or 110 or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.
Content of 201-202 covered in one semester. Pre: 102 or 110 or consent.
Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the second-year level in French language and culture in a French-speaking country. Pre: 102 or 110 or consent.
Continuation of 258.
Conversation, grammar and reading.
Conversation, grammar and reading. Pre: 101.
Combined content of 101 and 102 covered in one intensive course. (Summer only)
Conversation, grammar, reading and writing. Pre: 102.
Conversation, grammar, reading and writing. Pre: 201.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the second-year level in German language and culture in Germany. Pre: 102.
Grammar and vocabulary, with reading of simple Greek.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101.
Development of reading and translation skills. Emphasis on prose. Pre: 102 or equivalent.
Continuation of 201: emphasis on poetry. Pre: 201.
Introductory course in Hawaiian language focused on the foundational skills of language acquisition: speaking, listening, comprehension, reading, writing, and cultural understanding.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or exam or consent.
Content of 101 and 102 (Elementary Hawaiian I & II) covered in one semester.
Accelerated lecture/lab to bridge fluent speakers mainly from Kula Kaiapuni into Kawaihuelani’s system of Hawaiian that reflects a Hawaiian worldview, including HAW 101-201 content, grammar, writing, and spelling conventions. Students matriculate into HAW 202. Pre: instructor consent required. (Spring only)
Continuation of 102 with continued development in the foundational skills of language acquisition: speaking, listening, comprehension, reading, writing, and cultural understanding. Increased emphasis on reading or traditional texts. Pre: 102 or 105 or exam or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or exam, or consent.
Content of 201 and 202 covered in one semester. Meets two hours daily, plus lab work. Pre: 102 or 105, or exam.
Learn to express yourself in Hindi-a language that comes with a beautiful script, ancient philosophy, spicy food, and Bollywood! The course is communicative, creative, flexibly personalized for student interests. No textbook to buy.
Build on your 101 skills. Content includes Bollywood Film Festival at Honolulu Museum of Art. Create your own audiovisual projects–make movie trailers, write children’s books, or perform at South Asian events.
Improve your communicative and cultural proficiency. Make Bollywood your language coach. Talk about cross-cultural values and practices of food, family, and friendship. Project-based course that builds bridges to your majors, minors, and other interests. Pre: 102.
Prepare your proficiency for traveling to India. Create audio-visual presentations, documentaries, movie parodies, poetry, plays, dance, or projects from your majors/minors. Develop critical, cross-cultural, and creative skills. Bollywood built into course content. Pre: 201.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing. Structural points introduced inductively. Meets four hours weekly.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Continuation of 102. Meets four hours weekly; three of four hours devoted to drill and practice. Pre: 102 or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
First semester of elementary Indonesian. Emphasis on the development of communicative competence in both oral and written language and exposes students to the culture of Indonesia.
Second semester of elementary Indonesian. Emphasis on the continued development of communicative competence in both oral and written language. Pre: 101.
The first semester of intermediate Indonesian. Emphasis on the continued development of competence in both oral and written language for more advanced communication and travel. Pre: 102 or equivalent.
Second semester of intermediate Indonesian. Emphasis on the continued development of competence in both oral and written language for more advanced communication, travel, and further study. Pre: 201.
Conversation, grammar, and reading.
Conversation, grammar, and reading. Pre: 101 or consent.
Combined content of 101 and 102 covered in one summer session. (Summer only)
Intensive course of formal instruction on the first-year level in Italian language and culture in Italy.
Reading, conversation, composition. Pre: 102 or 110.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.
Intensive course of full-time formal instruction in Italy on the second-year level in Italian language and culture. Pre: 102 or 110 or 160.
Continuation of 258.
Same material as 101, covered more quickly for students with some language background. Pre: placement test.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar. Meets one hour, four times a week, plus lab work.
Continuation of 100 or 101. Pre: 100 or 101, or consent.
Content of 101 and 102 covered in one semester. Meets two hours, four times a week. Pre: consent.
The first of a series of courses focusing on speaking and listening skills necessary to performing in common situations in Hawai‘i and Japan. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 111. Pre: 100 or 101 or 111, or consent.
Continuation of 101 and 102. Meets one hour, four times a week, plus lab work. Pre: 102, 105, or placement test; or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or placement test; or consent.
Content of 201 and 202 covered in one semester. Emphasis on practical Japanese used in professional contexts. Meets two hours, four times a week. Pre: 102, 105; or consent.
Continuation of 111-112. Pre: 102 or 105 or 112; or consent.
Continuation of 211. Pre: 201 or 211, or consent.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the second-year level in Japanese language and culture in Japan. Pre: 102 or 105.
Continuation of 258. Pre: 201 or 258, or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar. Meets one hour, four times a week, plus lab work. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Content of KOR 101 and 102 covered in one intensive course. Four 2-hour sessions per week, Monday-Thursday, plus daily lab work. Pre: placement test or consent. (Fall only)
Development of basic skills (listening, speaking and grammar) of spoken Korean, with application to some familiar everyday topics. Pre: consent.
Continuation of 111. Pre: 101 or 111, or consent.
Continuation of 101 and 102. Meets one hour, four times a week, plus lab work. Pre: 102 or placement test; or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or placement test; or consent.
Content of KOR 201 and 202 covered in one intensive course. Four 2-hour sessions per week, Monday-Thursday, plus daily lab work. Pre: 102, 105, 112, placement test; or consent. (Spring only)
Further development of listening and speaking skills. The student is expected to be able to comprehend and produce speech at the paragraph level. Pre: 102 or 112, or consent
Continuation of 211. Pre: 201 or 211, or consent.
Grammar and vocabulary, with reading of simple Latin.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101.
Development of reading and translation skills. Emphasis on prose. Pre: 102 or equivalent.
Continuation of 201: emphasis on poetry. Pre: 201.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar. Meets three hours weekly.
Continuation of 101. Meets three hours weekly. Pre: 101.
Continuation of 102. Meets three hours weekly. Pre: 102.
Continuation of 201. Meets three hours weekly. Pre: 201.
Conversation, grammar and reading.
Conversation, grammar and reading. Continuation of 101. Pre: 101.
Reading, conversation, writing, laboratory drill. Pre: 102 or 103.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.
Intensive Intermediate Portuguese course covers content of 201 and 202 combined. Hybrid format combines 3 credits online and 3 credits face to face. Pre: 102 or 103. (Spring only)
Conversation, reading, writing, grammar.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Reading, conversation, grammar, composition. Pre: 102 or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Intensive course of formal instruction on the second-year level in Russian language and culture in Russia. Pre: 102.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing skills. Structural points introduced inductively. History and culture. Meets four hours weekly.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Continuation of 102. Meets four hours weekly. Intermediate-level reading, writing, and conversation practice. Pre: 102.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Introduction to basic Sanskrit grammar; reading and analysis of progressively difficult classical texts.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101.
Continuation of 102. Reading and analysis of classical texts with review of grammar. Pre: 102.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201.
Conversation, grammar, reading.
Conversation, grammar, reading. Pre: 101.
Course content of SPAN 101 and 102 covered in one semester. Three two-hour sessions per week.
Continuation of oral practice and grammar study; increasing emphasis on reading and written composition. Pre: 102 or 103.
Continuation of 201. Oral practice and grammar study; increasing emphasis on reading and written composition. Pre: 201 or 258.
SPAN 201 and 202 content combined, oriented to business Spanish. Three 50-minute sessions per week plus online work. Pre: 102 or 103.
Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the second-year level in Spanish language and culture in a Spanish-speaking country. Pre: 102 or 103.
Continuation of 258.
Basic core skills of listening, speaking and grammar of spoken Tahitian in a condensed format. Meets three 50-minute sessions weekly.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Intermediate core skills of listening, speaking and knowledge of grammar for spoken Tahitian in a condensed format. Meets three 50-minute sessions weekly. Pre: 102.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
First semester of elementary Thai. Emphasis on the development of communicative competence in both oral and written language and exposes students to the culture of Thailand.
Continuation of 101. Emphasizes reading, writing, listening, and speaking modern standard Thai. Structural points are introduced inductively. Regular on-line lab work and review of audiovisual materials. Pre: 101, or 103 and 105, or consent.
Continuation of 102. Integrated development of skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Thai script. Pre: 104 and 106, or 102.
Continuation of 201. Integrated development of skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in Thai script. Pre: 201 or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Structural points introduced inductively. History and culture. Meets four (4) hours weekly.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. History and culture. Meets four (4) hours weekly. Pre: 102 or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing. Structural points introduced inductively. Meets one hour, three times a week.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Continuation of 102. After completion, most students should be able to use all major sentence patterns to produce sounds, combinations of sounds, tones, and intonation and have some understanding of Vietnamese culture. Pre: 102 or equivalent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.