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ANSC 301L Domestic Animal Anatomy Laboratory (1)

Laboratory to accompany 301, with an emphasis on teaching scientific and technical writing. Dissection and identification of anatomical arrangements of tissues and organ systems of domestic animals. A-F only. Pre: 200 (or concurrent) with a minimum grade of C. Corequisite: 301. (Fall only)

ANSC 454L Meat Science and Muscle Biology Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Livestock and poultry slaughter, carcass evaluation, meat chemistry, muscle physiology and biochemistry, meat microbiology, and meat processing. Pre: 454 (or concurrent).

ANTH 215L Introduction to Biological Anthropology Laboratory (1)

Laboratory to accompany 215. Co-requisite: 215.

ANTH 384L Skeletal Biology Laboratory (1)

Laboratory to accompany 384. Co-requisite: 384.

ASTR 110L Survey of Astronomy Laboratory (1)

Observations of constellations and the night sky, the sun and moon, planets, stars, and deep-sky objects; laboratory and observational experiments illustrating basic concepts in astronomy. Offered in the evening. Pre: 110 (or concurrent), or consent.

ASTR 300L Observational Astronomy Laboratory (2)

Optical and near-infrared astronomy laboratory. Error analysis, properties of light, data, and image processing. Astrometric, photometric, and spectroscopic measurement. A-F only. Pre: 300 (or concurrent); PHYS 152 or 274; PHYS 152L or 274L; MATH 216, 242, or 252A. (Fall only)

ASTR 301 Observational Astronomy Projects (3)

Astronomical observational research projects. Students use astronomical data and process telescopic observations to produce scientific results, and present these orally and in writing. Students prepare for independent research projects and present research plans orally. A-F only. Pre: 300 and 300L. (Spring only)

ATMO 101L Introduction to Weather and Climate Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Exercises with meteorological data and measurement systems. Characteristics of Hawaiian winds, temperatures, and rainfall

BE 150 Introduction to Biological Engineering (2)

Discussion and experimental investigation of physical and chemical principles underlying representative biological processes and systems. Bioproduction, energy conversion processes, physiological systems, biological treatment, biosensors, biomechanics, and related natural and engineered systems. A-F only. Pre: MATH 140X or consent. (Once a year)

BE 350L Dynamic Systems Modeling Laboratory (1)

Industry field trips and lab experiences to illustrate behavior of representative dynamic systems in biological engineering. Data acquisition and model validation. A-F only. Co-requisite: 350.

BIOL 101L Biology & Society Laboratory (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Explores connections between biological principles and everyday life with a focus on the environment. Topics include environmental health and sustainability with examples from Hawai‘i. Not a BIOL major elective. Pre: BIOL 101 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as SUST 111L) DY

BIOL 171L Introduction to Biology I Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 171. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction, and requires a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. Pre: CHEM (131, 151, 161, 171, or 181A) or concurrent, and BIOL 171 (or concurrent) or consent.

BIOL 172L Introduction to Biology II Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 172. Pre: CHEM (131, 151, 161, 171, or 181A) or concurrent, and BIOL 172 (or concurrent) or consent.

BIOL 265L Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 265. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction, and requires a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 265 (or concurrent).

BIOL 275L Cell and Molecular Biology Lab (2)

(1 4-hr Lab) Laboratory for Cell and Molecular Biology. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 275 (or concurrent) and CHEM 272.

BIOL 301L Marine Ecology and Evolution Lab (2)

(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 301. MBIO majors only. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 301 (or concurrent).

BIOL 306L Ethology Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Application of methods in the study of animal behavior by demonstrations, labs and projects. Pre: 306 (or concurrent).

BIOL 325L Biology of the Vertebrates Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 325. Pre: 172 and 172L. Co-requisite: 325.

BIOL 375L Genetics Laboratory (2)

(1 4-hr Lab) Experiments with a variety of organisms to illustrate principles discussed in BIOL 375. Pre: 275/275L, 375 (or concurrent) or consent.

BIOL 401L Molecular Biotechnology Lab-Gene Editing by CRISPR/Cas9 (2)

(1-hr Lec, 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 401. Students learn advanced gene editing techniques, including CRISPR/Cas9 to engineer prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Repeatable one time. Pre: 275L, or 375L, or MBBE 304, or MBBE 375; or consent. Co-requisite: 401. (Cross-listed as MBBE 401L)

BIOL 408L Advanced Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) A laboratory to accompany 407 and 408. Pre: 407 (or concurrent) or 408 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as MCB 408L)

BIOL 430L The Biology of Fungi Lab (1)

Will introduce the diversity, ecology, evolution, and biology of the Kingdom Fungi. Focus on our current understanding of fungal evolution and diversity and how fungi interact with environments and hosts. Pre: (430 (or concurrent)) with a minimum grade of C, or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as BOT 430L and TPSS 432L)

BIOL 465L Fish Diversity Laboratory (1)

(2 2-hr Lab) Overview of the major orders and families of fishes of the world; introduction to local Hawaiian fishes; coverage of basic fish anatomy; introduction to field and laboratory techniques in fish research. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 171, 172, and 465 (or concurrent). (Alt. years: spring)

BIOL 480L Life in the Soil Environment Lab (1)

Laboratory to accompany 480. Technical examination of bacteria, fungi, protists, nematodes, arthropods, and other invertebrate, and the essential functional roles these organisms contribute to sustainability of the planet. Repeatable one time. Pre: 171L and 172L, or MICR 351L, or consent. Co-requisite: 480. (Crosslisted as TPSS 480L)

BIOL 485L Biology of the Invertebrates Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Pre: 172 and CHEM 161, or consent. Corequisite: 485.

BOT 101L General Botany Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Lab observations and experiments illustrating basic principles of plant biology. Pre: 101 (or concurrent).

BOT 130L Hawaiian Plants-Their Ecology and Cultural Significance Lab (1)

The exploration of concepts and the process of science through hands-on experience in studying Hawaiian and introduced plants, their ecology, and cultural significance. Pre: 130 (or concurrent).

BOT 201L Plant Evolutionary Diversity Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Lab exercises in the morphology and systematics of land plants, fungi, and algae. Corequisite: 201.

BOT 301L Plant Conservation Biology Lab (1)

Introduction to approaches, methods, and analyses used in the study and practice of plant conservation, with an emphasis on experimental design and problem-solving. Includes both laboratory and field components. A-F only. Pre: 305 or consent. Corequisite: 301. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as SUST 313L)

BOT 310 Field Botany (5)

Combined lecturelaboratory with intensive field experience for observational and experimental field work in native/impacted Hawaiian ecosystems. Field experience typically held during spring break. Terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats considered. A-F only. Pre: 305 and consent. (Once a year)

BOT 430L The Biology of Fungi Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to the morphology and life cycles of
organisms in the Kingdom Fungi. Focus on learning how to identify a diversity of fungi based on macro- and microscopic features. Field trips to collect specimens. Pre: (430 (or concurrent)) with a minimum grade of C. or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as BIOL 430L and TPSS 432L)

BOT 461 Systematics of Vascular Plants (4)

(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) “Hands-on” experience with Hawai‘i’s unique tropical flora; emphasis on recognition and identification of vascular plant families and the principles and methodologies that define them; evolution of biodiversity. Pre: 101 or college general biology.

BOT 475 Plant Ecology (4)

(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Ecological principles and process that determine patterns of plant distribution and abundance. Lectures cover theory and examples from primary literature. Labs cover study design, descriptive and experimental techniques, field skills, and data analysis and interpretation. A-F only. Pre: 305 or BIOL 305.

BOT 480 Algal Diversity and Evolution (4)

(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of algal diversity, structure, and evolution. Identification of common Hawaiian algae. Develops written communication skills with significant attention paid to developing writing skills and emphasis on writing instruction. Pre: one of 101, BIOL 172, MICR 351, ZOOL 101; or consent.

CEE 370L Mechanics of Materials Lab (1)

Tension, compression, and torsion of bars, and bending of beams. CEE and CNST majors only. A-F only. Pre: 370 (or concurrent).

CHEM 100L Chemistry and Society Laboratory (1)

Laboratory to accompany CHEM 100, 110, or SUST 120. Lab introduces fundamental applications of chemistry, with special emphasis on relevant topics and how chemistry relates to the real world. (For students in non-science fields.) A-F only. Pre: 100 (or concurrent), 110 (or concurrent), or SUST 120 (or concurrent).

CHEM 151L Elementary Survey of Chemistry Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Experiments introducing laboratory techniques and illustrating chemical principles. Pre: 151 (or concurrent).

CHEM 152L Survey of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Techniques of preparation, purification, identification of organic compounds. Pre: 151L, 162L, or 171L; and 152 (or concurrent).

CHEM 161L General Chemistry Lab I (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory experiments introducing techniques and fundamental principles of chemistry. Students who successfully completed 171 or 181A with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 161 without instructor override. Students who successfully complete 161 with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 171 or 181A without instructor override. Pre: 161 (or concurrent).

CHEM 162L General Chemistry Lab II (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory experiments introducing techniques and fundamental principles of chemistry. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 161L and 162 (or concurrent).

CHEM 171L Principles of Chemistry Lab (1)

(1 3.5- hr Lab) Laboratory experiments illustrating fundamental principles of chemistry. Students who successfully completed 161L or 181A with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 171 without instructor override. Students who successfully complete 171L with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 161L or 181A without instructor override. Co-requisite: 171. (Fall only)

CHEM 181L Honors General Chemistry Laboratory (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory experiments illustrating chemical principles involving advanced techniques and modern instrumentation. A-F only. Students who successfully completed 161L or 171L with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 181L without instructor override. Students who successfully complete 181L with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 161L or 171L without instructor override. Corequisite: 181A.

CHEM 272L Organic Chemistry I Lab (2)

(1 4-hr Lab) Techniques, synthesis and qualitative analysis, applications of spectroscopy. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 162L, 171L, or 181L; and C (not C-) or better in 272 (or concurrent).

CHEM 273L Organic Chemistry II Lab (2)

(1 4-hr Lab) Techniques, synthesis and qualitative analysis, applications of spectroscopy. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 272L and 273 (or concurrent).

CHEM 274L Principles of Analytical Chemistry Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Phase separations, chromatography, titrimetry, spectrophotometry, etc. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 162L or 171L or 181L; and 274 (or concurrent).

CHEM 352L Physico-Chemical Measurements (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Laboratory on instrumentation, measurements, and data analysis in thermodynamics, spectroscopy, and other areas of physical chemistry. Emphasis on instruction in scientific reporting writing. Pre: 274L, 351, and 352 (or concurrent).

CHEM 425L Preparation and Analysis of Inoraganic Compounds Laboratory (2)

Laboratory on preparative methods and analytical techniques and instruments in inorganic chemistry. A-F only. Pre: 425 (or concurrent). (Fall only)

CHEM 445L Preparation and Analysis of Organic Compounds Laboratory (2)

Laboratory on the preparation of organic compounds and physical methods for their characterization. Includes optical methods (UV-vis, IR), chromatography (HPLC, GC), mass spectrometry (GCMS and LCMS) and NMR. A-F only. Pre: 273L with a grade of C (not C-) or better, or departmental approval. Co-requisite: 445. (Spring only)

DH 231L Oral Anatomy and Tooth Morphology Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Application of DH 231 didactic concepts to laboratory activities and practices. A-F only. Pre: PHYL 141, PHYL 141L, PHYL 142, PHYL 142L, and either BIOC 141 or CHEM 161. Co-requisite: 231.

DH 238L Basic Dental Hygiene I Lab (2)

Application of preliminary dental hygiene clinical and support procedures including instrumentation, vital signs, and team concepts in dentistry. A-F only. Co-requisite: 238.

ECE 323L Microelectronic Circuits I Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Experiments on linear and logic properties of diodes and transistor networks. Pre: 213. Co-requisite: 323.

ECE 326L Microelectronic Circuits II Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory for 326, experiments on linear and analog electronics. Includes an emphasis on writing laboratory reports. Pre: 323L. Co-requisite: 326.

ECE 328L Microcircuit Fabrication Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Hands-on laboratory where students make various electronic and electromechanical micro-devices using IC technology. Devices are also tested and analyzed. Pre: 324 or consent. Co-requisite: 328.

ECE 422 Sensors and Instrumentation for Biological Systems (3)

Design course focused on fundamentals of electronic interfacing, control and automation, including biological processes. Topics include sensor physics, basic instrumentation, digital communication, and programming of microcontrollers and other portable computer systems. Pre: (160, 211, and BE 350 or MATH 302 or MATH 307 or ECE 326) with a minimum grade of C; or consent. (Cross-listed as BE 420 and MBBE 422)

ECE 422L Instrumentation Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory for 422. Co-requisite: 422.

ERTH 101L Dynamic Earth Laboratory (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Hands-on study of minerals, rocks, and topographic maps. Examine volcanism, hydrology, coastal processes and hazards, geologic time and earthquakes. Field trips to investigate landslides, beaches and O‘ahu geology. A-F only.

ERTH 107 Solar System Studio (4)

Explore the wonders of the Solar System through hands-on experience of science. Will study satellite images, evaluate planetary surface observations, analyze data of objects in our Solar System, conduct experiments, and communicate their findings. Repeatable one time. A-F only.

ERTH 170 Physical Geology (4)

(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Structure, composition and evolution of Earth; processes responsible for formation, deformation and transformation of rocks; plate tectonics. Emphasis on quantitative methods, problem solving and critical thinking to geology. Laboratory and field trips required.

ERTH 200 Geological Inquiry (4)

(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Origin and age of the solar system and earth: interior of the earth; plate tectonics and records of biological evolution and past environments. Development of critical thinking and writing skills. Pre: 101L and one of 101, 103, 104, 106, or 130; or consent. 101L may be taken concurrently. ERTH and GEOL majors only. Consent required for all non-majors.

ERTH 301 Mineralogy (4)

(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to the chemistry, crystalline structure, geologic occurrence, and physical properties of minerals. Development of critical thinking and writing skills. Pre: 200 or 201 and (CHEM 162/162L or CHEM 171/171L). or consent.

ERTH 306 Work of Water (3)

Physical properties of water, geological aspects of surface water and ground water occurrence, surface water and groundwater resources, use, and problems. Pre: 200 or 201, or consent. (Spring only)

ERTH 309 Sedimentary Processes and Environments (4)

(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Modern and past terrestrial and oceanic processes and environments that form sediments and sedimentary rocks, and their interpretation in Earth history. Incorporates properties, principles and applications of sedimentology, sedimentary petrology, geochemistry and stratigraphy.  Repeatable one time. Pre: 200 or 201 or consent, and 333 or consent. (Spring only)

ERTH 323 Physics of Earth and Planets (4)

(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Essentials of geophysics: application of physics understanding Earth, planetary, and solar dynamics. Topics include heat flow, gravity, geodesy, electromagnetism, seismology. Applications to core and mantle dynamics, plate tectonics, volcanoes, hydrology, environmental concerns, and archaeology. Pre: 250, 303, 313, MATH 242, and PHYS 272, PHYS 272L; or consent.

ERTH 333 Earth Materials and Structures (4)

(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Lecture and lab that covers formation, occurrence, and identification of common minerals, rocks, and geologic structures. Lab work will include study of hand-samples, thin-sections, and field experiences. A-F only. Pre: 200 or 201. (Fall only)

FDM 321L Textiles Quality Assurance Laboratory (1)

Examination of textile properties through standardized textiles testing laboratory equipment. FDM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 221 or consent. Co-requisite: 321. (Spring only)

FSHN 181L Food Preparation Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Experiments in foods emphasizing ingredient function and standard preparation methods for food groups. Co-requisite: 181.

FSHN 381L Experimental Foods Laboratory (1)

Experimental approach to study food preparation, food formulation, and sensory evaluation with laboratory exercises in a certified kitchen environment. Applying basic food science research design to conduct experiments, interpret data and write reports. A-F only. Pre: (181/181L, CHEM 161/161L) with a minimum grade of D. Co-requisite: 381.

FSHN 430L Food Chemistry Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Application of different chemical methods in the study of food constituents—proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, pigments, enzymes, etc. Pre: 430 (or concurrent).

FSHN 477L Food Analysis Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Application of different chemical and physical methods for the identification and quantitation of food components. Co-requisite: 477.

GEO 101L The Natural Environment Lab (1)

A survey of field and laboratory methods commonly used by physical geographers. Pre: 101 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as SUST 102L)

GEO 370 UAV and Aerial Photography (3)

(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle systems) and the measurement, interpretation, analysis, and use of photography acquired by UAV and other aerial systems.

GEO 471 3D Mapping and Analysis (3)

Environmental mapping and analysis using 3-dimensional geographical data acquired from high resolution remote sensing systems. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Spring only)

GES 102L Introduction to the Environment and Sustainability Lab (1)

Introduction to a variety of quantitative and qualitative approaches and methodologies to describe and assess key components to the environment. A-F only. Pre: 102 (or concurrent) or OCN 102 (or concurrent) or SUST 112 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as OCN 102L and SUST 112L)

GES 454L Earth’s Microbiome Lab(3)

Lab on the diversity and function of the Earth’s microbiomes, inclusive of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, symbiotic and free living microorganisms with a focus on the microbial underpinnings of the Earth’s biogeochemistry. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: OCN 102 or OCN 201 or BOT 305 or BIOL 305, or BIOL 171 and BIOL 172. (Alt years: Fall) (Cross-listed as OCN 454L)

MBBE 401L Molecular Biotechnology Lab-Gene Editing by CRISPR/Cas9 (2)

(1-hr Lec, 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 401. Students learn advanced gene editing techniques, including CRISPR/Cas9 to engineer prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Repeatable one time. Pre: 304, or 375, or BIOL 275L, or BIOL 375L; or consent. Co-requisite: 401. (Cross-listed as BIOL 401L)

MBBE 402L Principles of Biochemistry Lab (2)

(1 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles and techniques of biochemical laboratory. Teaches biochemistry laboratory methods as well as technical writing in the form of experimental reports. A-F only. Pre: (402 (or concurrent), BIOL 402 (or concurrent)) with a minimum grade of C. 

MBBE 422 Sensors and Instrumentation for Biological Systems (3)

Design course focused on fundamentals of electronic interfacing, control and automation, including biological processes. Topics include sensor physics, basic instrumentation, digital communication, and programming of microcontrollers and other portable computer systems. Pre: (160, 211, and BE 350 or MATH 302 or MATH 307 or ECE 326) with a minimum grade of C; or consent. (Cross-listed as BE 420 and ECE 422)

MCB 408L Advanced Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) A laboratory to accompany 407 and 408. Pre: BIOL 407 (or concurrent) or BIOL 408 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as BIOL 408L)

MCB 461L Immunology Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Basic exercises and experiments in immunology, immunochemistry, immuno-biology to illustrate principles of 461. Pre: 461 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as MICR 461L)

MCB 475L Bacterial Genetics Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Techniques for study of transfer and expression of prokaryotic genes: transformation, conjugation, transposon mutagenesis, preparation and analysis of plasmid and chromosomal DNA. Pre: 475 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as MICR 475L)

ME 342 Manufacturing Processes Lab (2)

(1 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Manufacturing laboratory: tension/ compression tests, cold rolling, welding, casting, statistical process control, programming and milling using a CNC machine. A-F only. Pre: 341 (or concurrent) or consent.

MICR 140A Microbiology Laboratory (2)

(2 2-hr Lab) Primarily for students in nursing and dental hygiene. Pre: 130 (or concurrent).

MICR 140L Microbiology Laboratory (2)

(2 2-hr Lab) Primarily for students in nursing and dental hygiene. Pre: 130 (or concurrent).

MICR 351L Biology of Microorganisms Lab (2

(2 3-hr Lab) Laboratory exercises to accompany 351. Pre: CHEM 272/272L, and BIOL 171, or equivalent. Co-requisite: 351.

MICR 401L Marine Microbiology Laboratory (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 401. Pre: BIOL 275/275L and BIOL 301 (or concurrent)/301L (or concurrent) and OCN 201; or 351/351L; and 401 (or concurrent); or consent.

MICR 431L Microbial Physiology Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Components and metabolism of the bacterial cell; emphasis on techniques of analysis of metabolism and molecular structure. Co-requisite: 431.

MICR 461L Immunology Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Basic exercises and experiments in immunology, immunochemistry, immuno-biology to illustrate principles of 461. Pre: 461 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as MCB 461L)

MICR 463L Microbiology of Pathogens Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Characterization of bacterial pathogens. Isolation, identification, and diagnosis. Pre: 351L. Co-requisite: 463 or consent.

MICR 470L Bacterial Molecular Pathogenesis Laboratory (2)

Modern techniques to study infectious diseases. Covers tissue culture and animal models to study virulence of extracellular and intracellular infecting bacteria, bacterial resistance mechanisms toward antibacterial drugs, and virulence factor assays. A-F only. Pre: 351 and 351L, 470 (or concurrent). (Fall only)

MICR 475L Bacterial Genetics Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Techniques for study of transfer and expression of prokaryotic genes: transformation, conjugation, transposon mutagenesis, preparation and analysis of plasmid and chromosomal DNA. Pre: 475 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as MCB 475L)

MICR 485L Microbes and Their Environment Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Techniques for study of interaction of microorganisms with and within their natural habitats; symbiosis between microorganisms and plants and animals; role of microorganisms in element cycling; food fermentation by bacteria. Pre: 485 (or concurrent) or consent.

MICR 490L Virology Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) General laboratory techniques and related theories in virology; including isolation, cell culture, assay, purification, and identification of viruses. Pre: 351/351L or BIOL 275/275L and 490 (or concurrent); or consent.

NREM 301L Natural Resources Management Lab (1)

(1 4-hr Lab) Laboratory and field methods covering biological and physical principles and concepts in natural resource management. Emphasis on basic field measurement techniques, computer skills commonly used in managing natural resources and writing scientific lab reports. A-F only. Co-requisite: 301. (Spring only)

NREM 304L Fundamentals of Soil Science Laboratory (1)

Field and analytical methods for exploring the origin, development, properties, and management of soils, with an emphasis on tropical and Hawaiian soils. A-F only. Pre: (CHEM 161 and CHEM 161L) with a minimum grade of C. Co-requisite: 304. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as TPSS 304L)

OCN 102L Introduction to the Environment and Sustainability Lab (1)

Introduction to a variety of quantitative and qualitative approaches and methodologies to describe and assess key components to the environment. A-F only. Pre: 102 (or concurrent) or GES 102 or (or concurrent) SUST 112 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as GES 102L and SUST 112L)

OCN 201L Science of the Sea Laboratory (1)

Experiments, computer exercises, and field trips demonstrating the geological, physical, chemical, and biological principles of earth and ocean sciences. A-F only. Pre: 201 (or concurrent).

OCN 319L Global Environmental Change Laboratory (2)

(2-hr Lab) Laboratory to supplement GES 311. Quantitative aspects of global environmental change will be addressed through problem-solving and computer modeling. GES majors only. A-F only. Pre: GES 311, MATH 242, PHYS 170/170L, and CHEM 161/161L; or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as GES 319L)

OCN 454L Earth’s Microbiome Lab(3)

Lab on the diversity and function of the Earth’s microbiomes, inclusive of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, symbiotic and free living microorganisms with a focus on the microbial underpinnings of the Earth’s biogeochemistry. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: 102 or 201 or BOT 305 or BIOL 305, or BIOL 171 and BIOL 172. (Alt years: Fall) (Cross-listed as OCN 454L)

ORE 203L Surf Science and Culture Lab (1)

Practical laboratory dedicated to wave science covering generation, propagation, transformation, and coastal processes related to surfing and the ocean environment through technology. A-F only.

PEPS 363L General Entomology Laboratory (1)

Laboratory in the biology and classification to family level of Hawai‘i’s insects and arthropods. A-F only. Pre: (363 (or concurrent)) with a minimum grade of C, or consent. DY

PHYL 103L Physiology and Anatomy Lab (1)

Laboratory to complement 103. Co-requisite: 103.

PHYL 141L Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab (1)

Anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics of human organ systems presented in integrated anatomy-physiology format. Priority to students in nursing. Pre: 141 (or concurrent) or consent.

PHYL 142L Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab (1)

Anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics of human organ systems presented in integrated anatomy-physiology format. Priority to students in nursing. Pre: 142 (or concurrent) or consent.

PHYL 301L Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab (1)

Laboratory study of human anatomy and physiology by means of models, histology slides, experiments, and demonstrations. Co-requisite: 301 or consent.

PHYL 302L Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab (1)

Continuation of 301L. Pre: 301/301L, or consent. Co-requisite: 302.

PHYS 100L Survey of Physics Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Hooke’s law, falling bodies, collisions, Boyle’s law, electric and magnetic fields, induction, waves, optics. Pre: 100 (or concurrent).

PHYS 151L College Physics Lab I (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to experimental analysis, physical observation and measurement, experiments on conservation laws, fluid friction, oscillations. Pre: 151 (or concurrent).

PHYS 152L College Physics Lab II (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Optics, electric and magnetic fields, DC and AC circuitry. Pre: 151L or 170L, and 152 (or concurrent).

PHYS 170L General Physics I Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Similar to 151L but at 170 level. Pre: 170 (or concurrent) or 170A (or concurrent).

PHYS 272L General Physics II Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Similar to 152L but at 272 level. Pre: 151L or 170L, and 272 (or concurrent) or 272A (or concurrent).

PHYS 274L General Physics III Lab (2)

(1 4-hr Lab) Experiments illustrating selected concepts of 274, including diffraction and interference of light, wave nature of matter, photoelectric effect, atomic spectra, and semiconductors. Pre: 152L or 272L, and 274 (or concurrent).

PHYS 480L Advanced Physics Laboratory I (2)

Advanced experiments involving nuclear spectroscopy, angular correlations in positronium annihilation, optical polarization, chaos, measurement of speed of light, numerical simulations. Development of professional writing skills; preparation of formal reports in style of scientific journal articles. Pre: 274L and 480 (or concurrent), or consent. 

PHYS 481L Advanced Physics Laboratory II (2)

Advanced experiments involving measurement of the muon lifetime, crystal x-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance, the Mössbauer effect, and numerical simulations. Development of professional writing skills; preparation of formal reports in style of scientific journal articles. Pre: 274L, 480, and 480L; or consent. 

SUST 102L The Natural Environment Lab (1)

A survey of field and laboratory methods commonly used by physical geographers. Pre: GEO 101 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as GEO 101L)

SUST 111L Biology & Society Laboratory (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Explores connections between biological principles and everyday life with a focus on the environment. Topics include environmental health and sustainability with examples from Hawai‘i. Not a BIOL major elective. (Cross-listed as BIOL 101L)

SUST 112L Introduction to the Environment and Sustainability Lab (1)

Introduction to a variety of quantitative and qualitative approaches and methodologies to describe and assess key components to the environment. A-F only. Pre: 112 (or concurrent) or GES 102 (or concurrent) or OCN 102 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as GES 102L and OCN 102L)

SUST 221 Organic Food Crop Production (2)

Combined lecture/lab on the theory and practice of certified organic food production. Field visits to organic farms/markets included. Open to nonmajors. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as TPSS 220)

SUST 313L Plant Conservation Biology Lab (1)

Introduction to approaches, methods, and analyses used in the study and practice of plant conservation, with an emphasis on experimental design and problem-solving. Includes both laboratory and field components. A-F only. Pre: BOT/BIOL 305 or consent. Co-requisite: BOT 301. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as BOT 301L)

TPSS 156L Natural History Field Trips on Hawai‘i Island (1)

Field trips for Natural history and Conservation of the Hawaiian Islands. A-F only. Co-requisite: 156. (Summer only)

TPSS 210 Aquaponics (3)

Basic online course integrates aquaculture (raising fish and prawns) with hydroponics plant cultivation in water. Includes the basic design and construction of an aquaponics feed system. Repeatable one time. (Summer only)

TPSS 220 Organic Food Crop Production (2)

Combined lecture/lab on the theory and practice of certified organic food production. Field visits to organic farms/markets included. Open to nonmajors. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as SUST 221)

TPSS 304L Fundamentals of Soil Science Laboratory (1)

Field and analytical methods for exploring the origin, development, properties, and management of soils, with an emphasis on tropical and Hawaiian soils. A-F only. Pre: (CHEM 161 and CHEM 161L) with a minimum grade of C. Co-requisite: 304. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as NREM 304L)

TPSS 364 Horticulture: Theory and Practice (3)

Techniques of culture and management of horticulture crops. Pre: consent.

TPSS 421 Tropical Seed Science (3)

(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of seed science, seed physiology, seed production, and genetic modification. Hawai‘i’s seed industry and biotechnology. A-F only. Pre: 364 (recommended) and 420 (recommended), or consent.

TPSS 432L The Biology of Fungi Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to the morphology and life cycles of
organisms in the Kingdom Fungi. Focus on learning how to identify a diversity of fungi based on macro- and microscopic features. Field trips to collect specimens. Pre: (BOT 430 (or concurrent)) with a minimum grade of C. or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as BIOL 430L and BOT 430L)

TPSS 470L Principles of Plant Physiology Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Principles of experimentation in plant physiology, includes individual investigations. A-F only. Pre: consent.

TPSS 480L Life in the Soil Environment Lab (1)

Laboratory to accompany 480. Technical examination of bacteria, fungi, protists, nematodes, arthropods, and other invertebrate, and the essential functional roles these organisms contribute to sustainability of the planet. Repeatable one time. Pre: BIOL 171L and 172L, or MICR 351L, or consent. Co-requisite: 480. (Crosslisted as BIOL 480L)

ZOOL 101L Principles of Zoology Laboratory (1)

Laboratory to accompany 101. Pre: 101 (or concurrent).

ZOOL 200L Marine Biology Lab (1)

(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory, field trips to accompany 200. Pre: 200 (or concurrent).

ZOOL 340L Parasitology Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 340. Pre: 340 (or concurrent) and BIOL 275.

ZOOL 420L Developmental Biology Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Labs) Analysis of animal development by experimental methods, using local organisms. Pre: 420 (or concurrent) and BIOL 275, or consent. Recommended: BIOL 407.

ZOOL 430 Animal Physiology (5)

Lecture/laboratory introduction to animal physiology, especially vetebrates. Topics include nerve and muscle physiology, metabolism, circulation, respiration, excretion, thermoregulation in a project-driven format. Labs develop skills in experimental biology, morphology, data analysis, and scientific writing. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 275.

ZOOL 475L Biology of the Invertebrates Lab (2)

(2 3-hr Lab) Pre: BIOL 172 and CHEM 161, or consent. Co-requisite: 475.