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American Sign Language (ASL)

ASL 101 Elementary American Sign Language I (3)

Development of basic receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language; linguistic structure introduced inductively through mix of lectures and discussion; includes discussion of history and culture of Deaf community in the U.S.

ASL 102 Elementary American Sign Language II (3)

Continued development of basic receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language; linguistic structure introduced inductively through mix of lectures and discussion; discussion of history and culture of Deaf community in the U.S. Pre: 101 (or equivalent).

ASL 201 Intermediate American Sign Language I (3)

Continued development of receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language; linguistic structure introduced inductively through mix of lectures and discussion; includes discussion of history and culture of Deaf community in the U.S. Pre: 102 (or equivalent).

ASL 202 Intermediate American Sign Language II (3)

Continued development of receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language; linguistic structure introduced inductively through mix of lectures and discussion; includes discussion of history and culture of Deaf community in the U.S. Pre: 201.

ASL 301 Advanced American Sign Language I (3)

Development of advanced receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language (ASL). Pre: 202. (Fall only)

ASL 302 Advanced American Sign Language II (3)

Development of advanced receptive and expressive conversational skills in American Sign Language (ASL). Pre: 301. (Spring only)